Use within 4 Days of Opening - Coles


I recently purchased a pre-packaged uncut pepperoni from Coles.

To my surprise, the label stated "Use within 4 days of opening". My understanding is that these sorts of cured meats are usually good for 2-3 weeks once opened.

I'm familiar with this labelling on other Coles products such as ham and bacon, but am forced to question this on something as robust as pepperoni. According to Coles, I'm going to have to eat a lot of pepperoni in the next 4 days!

Is this Coles playing it safe to avoid a law suite? Are they trying to fatten me up while boosting their sales? Or is this genuine and the product really isn't safe after four days?

Additionally, I own a food saver, so assume if I vacuum seal this it should be good for far longer than four days. However, not everyone owns one.

Interested to hear your thoughts.


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  • +2

    Same with sour cream, says to eat within a few days, I eat it two weeks later and I'm still alive

    • -1

      Wow I didn't notice that. We go by the use by date!

      • +4

        the use by date is only if the package is not open.

  • +8

    they are definitely playing it safe (as with all food producers)

  • +2

    My ozbargain nature will kill me oneday, if there is mould I just eat around it, hasn't failed me yet. .

  • -2

    I opened a bottle of pasta sauce, left it in the fridge and totally forgot about it. Three weeks later, it still taste good despite the warning to use within a week.

  • Long life milk and fruit juice are similar. They say use within 5 days (milk) or 5-7 days (juice) of opening. I regularly use them after being open twice that long (refrigerated of course).

  • So pepperoni is often stored at room temperature for months. I can't comment on this particular product, but the reason pepperoni was invented was to add salt and nitrates into the sausage so it would store a long time in the days before refrigeration.
    These days, manufacturers take shortcuts so the product doesn't necessarily last as long (bacon, I'm looking at you!) but 4 days seems absurdly short.
    We routinely eat salami etc. that has been in the fridge for weeks.

  • Use by dates/expiration dates and best by dates are only something put on the packages by companies to forecast how long something should be at its "optimum" taste. They aren't required by any food laws, nor are they regulated and they aren't an indication of when a food will go off. Some people swear by them as law and that's simply not the case.

    Disregard the dates and use your senses to tell when something is off, sight, smell and taste :) will save you some money!

    • Best before, sure. But use by? What about "Use with xxx after opening". Food born bacteria is not always visible and sometimes cannot be smelt. However four days for pepperoni is ridiculous!

    • Use by dates/expiration dates and best by dates .. aren't required by any food laws, nor are they regulated and they aren't an indication of when a food will go off. Some people swear by them as law and that's simply not the case.

      Both use by and best before are part of the Food Standards Code - a legislative instrument under the Legislative Instruments Act enforced by the food authority in your state.

      'Use within' could fall under 'directions for use and storage',although is not specifically mentioned.

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