Do You Use Your Microwave's Setting/Menu Options? Like Popcorn, Pie, Rice, Curry etc

I hardly use the microwave setting for heating. I usually use just the timer. Wondering do other find the menu options useful?


  • I only use mine to reheat my kebab …lunch and a show.

  • +3

    The only other button I press is defrost.

  • +1

    2 settings defrost and nuke.

    Even the timer buttons are not used evenly. If something requires 15 minutes in the microwave, i'll enter 20 (2*10), saving precious button presses and take it out early.

    • Hah at least you're one better than my partner - she will put it in for 20m when it only needs 15m and then take it out once things start smoking.

  • Use timer only too. My tip for microwave popcorn is to put a microwaveable plate upside down underneath the pack. Open door with hear the popcorn slowing down - not when finished.

    This is for the kids visiting. Now tends to use popcorn machine instead, a dollar a pack of corn for popcorn. Makes plenty and butter optional.

    I am keen to know other tips from you guys.

  • +1

    Never used any other settings except High Power.

  • I just set up the time and press start, I don't even know what default setting my food is being heated on. I guess I'll keep an eye out on this thread to see what people are using all the other buttons for, I'd like to be a microwave power-user!

  • I've found that cooking eggs on a lower wattage, e.g. 'fish/meat' setting stops them from exploding all over the walls within a minute.

    • Yep. Me too. 300w on 1 minute. Then take it out, stir the eggs whites as the outer egg whites are cooked. Put it back in for another 1 minute 10 seconds at 300w. Could be longer if you like your eggs cooked through. I like my eggs runny. Put in some soya sauce and it's a healthy breakfast. + Coffee. :)

  • I found I use the microwave at low wattage for a variety of things. I use it to defrost my frozen pie, while my oven preheats. Cuts down pie cooking time by 20 mins. Usually you need to preheat the oven and then baked for about 30 mins. I turn on the oven to preheat, usually takes 10 mins, then put my pie in the microwave for 10 mins at 300w. Then put it in the oven after the preheating is done. Takes only 10 mins in the oven this way.

  • my smeg does not have options like that.
    I use time, power, defrost and quick cook.

    • +1

      Thats what I call quality

  • The only button I use is the 1 minute (quick heat) to reheat my dinner. Sometimes I use it to defrost but I just press the 1 minute button a couple of times.

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