PS4 or Xbone Controller for a New Gaming PC

Hi all..

Just wanted some suggestions - I just build a new modest gaming pc - i7 4790 + r9 390 + 16 gigs Ram.
Now considering buying controllers to play games (I prefer keyboard + mouse, but for some games I might use them & misus wants controllers.. so.. )

Preference is wireless gameplay, would be better if battery is rechargeable. Please state reasons as well if you can.

Also - can multi controller work on pc at the same time? (for example 1 ps4 1 xbone controller in same game, same time)


Thanks all, based on poll and feedback- I have ordered Xbox 360 controllers as they were wireless, plug n play, cheap and not much worse from xbone. I need to find eneloop deal now :)

Poll Options

  • 0
    PS4 Controller
  • 1
    PS3 controller
  • 12
    Xbone controller
  • 7
    XB360 controller
  • 1


  • Isn't MS going to have the XB one wireless controller supported by Windows 10 or something like that?

    • O that's good. I have read online that Xbox controller are better supported as MS have made them almost plug n play. For sony's, the work around is to have couple of application installed which, I guess, mimicks the Sony controller to Xbox controller.

      • I am currently using a Xbox 360 controller (Wired one). If you can grab Wired one from EB Games (preowned ones), you can get them as cheap as $12 (I think I got one for $6, as a part of 50% off preowned stuff deal).

      • +2

        The thing with mimicking an Xbox controller with a Playstation one is the games still show the buttons for the Xbox controller as you could imagine.

        • This is the only reason why I bought an Xbox one controller. I got really annoyed at having to look at my xbox 360 controller every time I saw a button prompt while using my ds3 and ds4.

        • @ChillBro:agreed, that would be annoying.

        • @ChillBro: How different in XBone as compared to 360? Worth giving up on wireless & paying extra?

        • @superm86:
          Well here's the thing. I wanted to say this in my original comment but it seemed off topic.

          I actually prefer this order of controllers: ds4, ds3, Xbox one, Xbox 360.
          The main reason is the analog sticks are more sensitive on PlayStation controllers whereas the Xbox ones need a bit of tilting before it actually registers.

          To actually answer your question though, I got the Xbox one controller quite cheap as it was bundled with two games for $74 but I'd definitely pay over twice the price of a 360 controller to upgrade. Again this is assuming I can't get a ds4.

  • X1 elite controller!
    edit: specs way too good (luxury) for gaming!

    • lol pricey as hell tho….

  • The Xbox controllers are more officially supported as far as I know. So either get a 360 controller or an Xbox One controller. I don't know which is better.
    May be worth noting the Steam controller is coming this year.

    • Yeah - Am leaning towards 360.
      I had a look at Steam controller that's way too unique design & I don't like it using track pad kind of control.

  • I didn't know that xbone controller was wireless with windows.

    Get a 360 controller. I'm yet to find a game that doesn't support them out of the box, they'll have the little colored button prompts in game, its exactly like playing on Xbox. Plus, if you have a 360 you can use the controllers on both. That's why I got 360 instead of PS3 back in the day.

  • I'd get an Xbox One controller since it's officially supported.ā€¦

    A wireless adapter for Windows is due out soon as well.

  • If you can get a 360 controller for a significantly lower price, then that would be fine. I'm using it on nearly every game I play on PC. When it eventually breaks, though, I'll replace it with an Xbox One controller as they're more comfortable, have better D-pads, etc.

    • Also 360 takes AA batteries I guess.. What's the battery life on them?

      • +1

        15 hours or so? Maybe longer? I play a fair bit but only change the batteries every month or something.

        • +1

          umm…we ARE on ozbargain….. Eneloops are the way to go with the 360 controller :P

        • @Forfiet: I know it's odd, but I haven't yet gotten around to buying any eneloops.. may be time has come..

        • @superm86: the end is nigh, the time is now….. onward brave soldier! may luck shine down upon ye ;) But seriously they are a good idea is you have/use plenty of batteries and controllers are a prime example of this (I have used both the ps4 and xbox 360 controllers on pc… But the xbox controller is simple plug n play)

        • @Forfiet: So 360 being cheap & wireless and not much different from One, that's preferable - yea?

        • @superm86: If the Microsoft wireless adapter(pc) for the Xbox one controller would hurry up and come out I would possibly recommend that(I've heard good things about the shape and ergonomics in general). But my personal preference at the moment is the 360 controller.

  • +1

    I use all with my pc, the 360 controllers just feel really old compared the ps4/x1, i prefer ps4 controller for certain games but support for it can be finnicky, and using the ds4 tool isn't too reliable either. X1 controller just plug in and play so i'd say go with that. Having said that I hate my xbox one console and never touch it haha.

    • Given that you have both controller. Can you use both at the same time?

      • Sometimes yes sometimes no. That's the main reason why I'm recommending the xbox one controller. I play a lot of 4 player rocket league and using ps4 and xbox one controllers at the same time is near impossible, either one works or the other and then 1/10 times they will both work. Very random and annoying so I just stick to xbox one controllers for the most part

        • Okie. Thanks. Actually have friends with ps4 controllers, and am leaning towards Xbox's, so wondering if they can work together when having game get together..

        • @superm86: some games seem to work fine then some don't irrelevant of whether they officially support them or not, just have to hope you are lucky when your friends come over

        • @jumpo: lolz… guess Murphy's law would not agree :) !

  • I'd avoid PS3 controllers for PC stuff. Maybe someone can correct me if I'm mistaken, but I seem to recall you have to do some pretty hacky stuff to your Bluetooth stack to get it to work. Plus, the main software used to control it now is only shipping with some malware as well.

    The XBox One Elite controller mrgeckoz mentioned does look pretty nice though :)

    • By 'hacky stuff' you mean just a few clicks of drivers menu and copy 'n paste the Bluetooth stack details into the notepad of the DS3 tool install, not very complicated. Other than that you can just plug in the USB cable.

      A lot of people have said the software is malware, but really it's just the guys way of auto-updating the thing so he can get ad revenue. Besides DS3 tool is old school, there are now new offline clone alternatives.

      • If the hack is one time.. Am alright with that. But would not like it if it's everytime when I want to play..

        • +1

          It's a one time install, unless you change bluetooth device. Then turning the controller off and on are done through the software.

  • +1

    Definitely not the PS3, the drivers using motionjoy are total pain.

    Xbox 360 one for me. It not only works perfectly under any Windows, including Windows 10, it is actively supported in almost any game, in the sense that it works straight out of the box and the game will tell you "press A", "press X" etc, as the game developers designed the game for that controller.

    • Bought 360 :) hoping it would arrive today. Thanks.

  • For those interested. You can use Xbox One controller on PC unfortunately it has to be wired via USB cable as no wireless adapter is currently available. If you want wireless controller for PC get the Xbox 360.

    Currently using Xbox 360 controller with cheap 3rd party clone USB receiver and it works perfectly.

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