Forfiet » user profile

Member Since 28/05/2013
Last Seen 20 hours 8 min
Badges 6 3
Location SA

Recent Activities

Was wondering why you were negged...... until I found out what a Anker x600 was.... Maybe they imagine encountering you on public transport…
18/09/2024 - 03:19
As a warning for anyone: Don't buy this expecting bluetooth as I have yet to find the info/review stating this secret mode for the…
18/09/2024 - 01:08
Have you downloaded all current updates?
11/09/2024 - 05:29
Comments in that thread had someone from Germany and Argentina too.....
11/09/2024 - 05:28
my second hand lenovo is fine, but I think only the thinkpad line is the most reliable.... Other lenovos are meh.
04/09/2024 - 14:10
mine developed a green line on the screen that I can ignore, but yeah my 17R SE is still kicking...
04/09/2024 - 14:07
That's how I remembered my local VC being with its emphasis on wine front and centre and the RTDs, spirits and beer in the periphery..... A…
04/09/2024 - 13:49
Do these have DRM compared to the normal one? I doubt it, but I'll ask anyway and I don't believe the cartridges have changed to make that…
01/09/2024 - 10:18
Not exactly the same motorola though, the company split and its mobile division has passed through a few hands since then..... Lenovo is…
29/08/2024 - 02:11
Not exactly fair to purely blame the AI crowd with this one, prices have been shit for years especially second hand.... Always some market…
29/08/2024 - 01:41
For the sake of your wallet and sanity the RSPCA route may prove to be more reliable solution..... I sympathise with your reasons and the…
26/08/2024 - 23:52
That's what I was looking for..... What did the vet actually say? "She examined Luna and asked what I’d been feeding her. I told her…
26/08/2024 - 23:25
nah, just a **medical** condition called Hyperpigmentation.....
15/08/2024 - 02:57
Now tell me the story of corn flakes and Kellog's sanitarium....... ;P
14/08/2024 - 00:54
Thank you for your service! Do the yanks proud, Marine!!!
10/08/2024 - 14:35
I feel I've seen alot of younger women and teens wearing basically PJ's.... I thought it was just being bogan or not giving a rats about…
09/08/2024 - 22:53
metro fees aren't going to be 'magically' cheaper now tho....... :(
08/08/2024 - 19:40
nah, bet they have the overhead pic and its a fair cop...
07/08/2024 - 07:12
Different state and I have heavily heard of this and the tracking of mobile phone use..... They show its usually taken from above so they…
07/08/2024 - 07:10
Being a velcro wrap instead of adhesive has my vote, too bad price and my lack of xbox dissuades my purchase.....
06/08/2024 - 15:43
05/08/2024 - 10:25
mmm, I only pass gas in enclosed spaces with other people for the same reason......
04/08/2024 - 16:18
Fit for purpose then!
03/08/2024 - 15:19
I'm picturing the escalation as follows Bikies > Mafia > Yakuza > Triad or a variation of such... like the "There Was an Old Lady Who…
03/08/2024 - 07:41
Have the same phone on kogan, you will be fine.... don't worry....
03/08/2024 - 04:36
I've had to swear off my closest maccas, always f-the order up and the reviews seem to reflect it.... Seems strange for a location to be…
30/07/2024 - 02:21
Never been to a Carl's Jr because I live south of the CBD and they are 30+ km away as the crow flies...... and getting closer to ~50 with…
30/07/2024 - 02:15