Do You Make Shopping List for Your Grocery Shopping?

Hello everyone,

Just wondering if you make shopping list for your weekly/fortnightly/monthly grocery shopping? Do you use paper list or use some app to create the list? If you use or used any app then pls share the app name and pros/cons of using that app. Also, what's your experience like using an app based shopping list at supermarket?


Poll Options

  • 23
    I prefer paper based shopping list
  • 4
    I prefer app based shopping list
  • 1
    I prefer circling in weekly Coles/Woolworths/IGA/Aldi catalogue
  • 14
    I just got to supermarket and pick the stuff I need


  • No, i always just end up with a trolley full of coco pops and powdered milk :(

  • +1

    Excel spreadsheet. Keep receipts, enter purchased items into the spreadsheet. Do it for a couple of months or so to reveal regular purchaes. Then group into categories. (Dry Goods, Canned, Frozen, Bathroom & Cleaning, etc.) You'll soon have a list of what you use the most often, at least.

    I voted paper above. But paper or phone, not much difference. Print it out, use a pencil and rub it out if you want to reuse the page two or three times. The extra paper around the edges is handy for writing something you see, but want to check in the other stores first. Now I have a phone, I'd probably use it instead, if I had a reason to buy food (long story).

    Instead of getting there and forgetting, or, arriving home and realising you're about to run out of something… You just check the list before going shopping. Dish detergent half empty, shampoo only one full bottle left… Put a 1/2/etc. in the box next to the item.

    It removes so much stress. Before using a list, my wife & I would buy random things just to have food in the cupboards. Mostly junk or dessert stuff too. Because we had no idea what we already had, nor what we'd be eating the next week or two. So even right after shopping we never had all the ingredients to make anything we thought of. We'd often get home from shopping, fill the cupboards up, then buy a pizza because we didn't have all the ingredients to make anything. Then we'd either go shopping again for those items we needed, or, leave it till next time and forget again - just ridiculous!

    • Do you have time to do that for all of this ?

  • +2

    I find I shop most economically when I prepare a list based around specific meals. I have one or two 'cupboard ready' meals that require no fresh ingredients, or can use up leftovers/scraps from other meals (like pizza, pasta, curries) then buy the fresh ingredients for the next 2 or 3 nights. Later in the week do a quick shop for fresh ingredients for another few meals.
    Even with a list, if I shop otherwise I end up buying fragments of meals (e.g. mince, tacos & cheese but no lettuce) and end up needing a return trip.

  • +1

    No list. I start at one end and work my way up and down all the aisles, relaying on the memory being jogged by what I see.

    As a result I usually end up with 3x as much stuff as I need when factoring in impulse buys

  • I always write a list (on paper) and then forget to bring it to the shops with me…

  • I use OneNote, create a checklist of the items i need, open my phone up when I get there and check them off as I go.

    I group the items by where I want to buy them (because I try to avoid Coles/Woolies - except when they have an awesome deal on something) so chinese supermarket, fruit and veg shop, bakery, butcher. It works for me.

    Also now using an app (iMoney on Windows Phone) to track my costs.

  • +1

    Thanks guys :) this is really interesting. Hope other members will also share their thoughts on this topic.

  • I have two lists - one is a list of the meals I'm going to have that week and second - the actual shopping list I take to the store.

    If I don't take a shopping list I always end up buying things I already have or things I don't need.

    I've tried using my notes app before but I am much better with a paper list I can cross off.

  • I use a paper shopping list every week and it works really well for me. During the week I stick a piece of paper on my fridge and just write down what I am running out of

  • I always have a list. Otherwise, I go to the shops and come back with yoghurt and washing up gloves, and nothing else.

  • The Woolworth app is a great way to organise shopping list. I just fire up the app and add to things to the shopping list.

    Interesting I ordered home delivery a few times and saved heaps, online shopping really reduces the opportunity to impulse buy, which I'm often guilty of.

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