$450, for Wisdom Tooth Removal... Good price??

Hi guys,

Went to a dentist… should get my wisdom tooth (4 of them) removed, at $450 per tooth. 0_o are you for real??

Just wondering, is this a good price?

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  • 6
    Yes, it's a good price. Proceed.
  • 24
    No, look elsewhere.


  • +1

    Ha, I'm almost 21 and I haven't taken them out.
    Wouldn't know price wise, but it's the OzB way to look around anyway.

  • +1

    For reals. I paid $3000 to get them all 4 removed in Westmead hospital. That was including general anesthesia though.

  • $450 is what I was quoted (and thought quite reasonable) but after HBF rebates I think I paid about $100 per tooth

  • Recently had my wisdom tooth removed. set me back by $550 for the tooth (surgeon fees), excluding theatre fees and fees for the anaesthesiologist.

    • +2

      you only had one wisdom tooth?

      • +3

        Not the wisest of the lot, I am.

        But in all seriousness, I had only one that'd cracked- and that needed to be out.

  • Fairly sure i paid 150/tooth at an oral surgeon. This was a while ago now.

  • wouldn't even get them removed until they started to cause problems. I think alot of extractions are unnecessary and just to line pockets. One of mine is impacted and has been for years but with good hygiene it will hopefully be OK.

  • It depends on which tooth. I had the top two removed in the dentist chair. It cost me $8 a pop, 'cause it was a long time ago and I had it done through CIT. Apparently the lower 2 need an operation. Getting the top two done in the chair was pretty brutal. A number of injections per side. I could feel it being removed, just no pain. The stitches in the mouth are pretty gross as well. Best of Luck.

  • -1
  • +3

    Is $450 a tooth the price for having them extracted in the chair by the dentist? Are the teeth impacted/under gum or fully erupted?
    $450 a tooth seems reasonable to me if they're difficult to extract and require a maxillofacial surgeon to remove them in hospital. If they're erupted and it's just a regular dentist pulling them out in the chair, it seems very pricey to me.

    I paid $450 a tooth for my two unerupted/impacted lower wisdom teeth and around $350 each for my erupted upper wisdom teeth to be extracted by a great maxillofacial surgeon in Brisbane under general anesthetic in a private hospital in 2013. Paid 35% of these amounts, 65% was covered by my health insurance. Add in anesthetist fees and theatre/hospital fees (or private health insurance excess instead if you have it) and I think it was about $1500 I paid out of pocket for all four teeth to be removed.

    Edited to add - I know my experience may not have been the cheapest but I am so glad I went the way I did, I had no post operative problems and almost no pain even with my tricky to extract bottom teeth. Compared to some of the horror stories I've heard from other people, I am very glad I went with a talented surgeon and was unconscious for the actual extraction.

  • +1

    Go to Thailand. Great doctors over there and you get a holiday out of it.

  • Hi
    In Hamilton there's a Dental clinic , they charge $350.

  • Don't put off having problematic wisdom teeth removed - I did and I also thought the 'good hygiene! Thing would make extracting them unnecessary. But they got worse and worse over the years and by the time I had to have them taken out it ended up a huge op as the roots had fused with the bone. 😣

    • :( THat's probably my case atm.

      The mentioned $350 is my brother's, who hasn't got it fused…

      What was your problem?

      • They kept trying to come up under the bone which was extremely painful and swollen and made eating difficult - every few mths.

  • I just had 4 x severely impacted wisdom teeth removed in dentist chair, with IV sedation. Total cost was approx $1800. I got three quotes - they ranged from $1800 up to $3200 with the sedation included. Have they quoted for sedation? I can't imagine anyone willing to have 4 x impacted teeth removed fully awake!

    • Yep will be awake, but with dental anaesthesia, which is free.

  • Yep will be awake, but with dental anaesthesia.

  • Yep will be awake, but with dental anaesthesia, which is free.

    • What kind of dental anaesthesia? Local? Local + gas? Most dentists charge any kind of pain relief as a line item, so surprising there is no extra cost for this. Either way, It's a pretty awful procedure to undertake awake…

      • local

        I think it would be a 'weird' experience, as opposed to 'awful'… Someone yanking your jaw, struggling to get a tooth out. It would be sooo weird and kinda scary, but painless (and an experience not to miss?)

  • Hamilton Dental and Specialist suites.

  • Mine was approx $250/tooth + $900 for IV dentist sedation (called "Twilight Sleep" or something). I had to get all four teeth out, and two were impacting on others.

    Worst pain ever for the next week. My cheeks were like golf balls.

    That said, I know of others who said they barely felt a thing, so who knows.

    Good luck!

  • No I would ask around. I had a top left wisdom removed for $143 in 2013. Bottom right molar a few weeks ago cost around 300. That was a private dentist here in Brisbane so I'm sure you can find better than quoted in Sydney

  • I got mine pulled in hospital three months ago on the central coast of NSW - $1350 for the dental surgeon, $850 private hospital fee, $612 for the anesthetist. I don't have private health insurance, and I only got $195 back from medicare (for the anesthetist), so all up I paid $2617 out of pocket. I saw three different dentists about it, and for in the chair $400-$500 per tooth was the average for me, I had three badly impacted teeth and one just poking out. Two of the dentists I saw said they would do it if I really wanted to have it done in the chair, but recommended that I would be better off with surgery, the third really wanted me to get it done by him in the chair, I think he was just after my money…

    Shop around but it really depends on how badly your teeth are impacted, ask your dentist what kind of extraction you need (in terms of item numbers), that will give you an idea what cost you will looking at plus any refund you might get from insurance. I just did a quick google and found this guide to pricing, you might find it useful. It seems pretty thorough and it doesn't seem to be advertising for a particular dentist…

  • Go to India ( only metro cities) . Good Doctor with good facilities and hygiene concerned…will charge you max $50 per tooth and you can have holiday as well with rest of the money…

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