Looking to Buy a Flute and Clarinet

Don't see many bargains for musical instruments but I'm in need of a student flute and possibly a student clarinet too. Would like Yamaha, Pearl or Trevor James brand. Does anyone know of any vouchers or discounts?


  • +1

    You can buy this Wagner flute for $140 and get the $50 eBay voucher if you click & collect at your local Woolworths:

    Or this one is $210 with a $100 voucher:

    Here's where you can get more info about the $50/$100 voucher promo:

    Also, is this Clarinet what you're looking for?

    • thanks for the links.
      My son has a Wagner right now, he's been playing for 10 months. It's a cheap instrument and we're lucky it's lasted this long. The problem with it is it makes it a lot harder to play than it has to be, e.g. you have to press the keys harder to get a clear note whereas a quality instrument you just press the key gently. He doesn't know this because this is the only flute he's played, but it's not doing him any favours because he's learning bad habit/techniques on it.

      I had no idea about any of this before but I just knew that I wasn't going to spend $500-$1000 to get a brand name "beginners" instrument, not knowing whether he'd be playing it for 1 month or 10 years. Now that he's proven himself and wants to continue, we're looking at spending a bit more for something that will last a few years. The brands I mentioned are reportedly the top brands.

      P.S. I am in SA so that deal doesn't work for me :(

  • If they are for your kids, and they are just picking up the instrument now, it might be better to hire them first.

    • +3

      I used to be thinking hiring was useful, but I have changed my mind.

      I have a few kids, 2 pursuing musical stuff and my own experiences. The absolute cheapest junk instruments are no good - they often not only fail to work properly, but teach poor form (e.g. non-weighted keyboards, guitars that flex etc.). Do not buy instruments from Daily Deals Direct or any variation! (I tell a lie, as I got a really sweet classical guitar for $26 delivered in a sale, and it is great after I re-glued the split neck!)

      But right above this is a beginner grade instrument that is adequate. The best analogy I can make is with motorbikes - there are a ton of 250cc bikes for sale all the time as people move on from their early licences to unrestricted. And there are a ton of beginner instruments available 2nd hand as people move to better grades.
      This makes the sweet spot for both bikes and instruments the lightly used beginner item.
      Fine quality instruments and bikes keep high prices on the 2nd hand market, because they are in demand. Beginner instruments and bikes get sold regularly new, because lots of people buy everything new.
      The result is a glut of beginner bikes and instruments in the 2nd hand market. Cheap as chips, but also able to be resold for about what you paid, making it a substantially better deal than renting.

      And there is nothing better than buying the kid who has practiced regularly for a few years a sh*t hot instrument that they have learned to covet and wish for and practice towards. If you buy them the good stuff day one they don't appreciate it!

      • Agree with mskeggs. I won't go with a sh*t hot instrument at the beginning, but don't buy no brand cheaply made junk either. Hard on learn on something that's never in tune and difficult to play.

        For us I ended up getting a good 2nd hand Yamaha student clarinet on Gumtree and spend a bit of money servicing and replacing the pads — good as new but cheaper.

        • Thanks scotty. Yes, I don't want my son to stay on the cheapie for too long…he's already complaining of some notes that are difficult to play, I'm sure if he had an expensive brand it wouldn't have that problem.

          I would buy from gumtree or something but since I don't have much knowledge in this area, I'm likely to get ripped off! Also takes more time to search for the right one.

      • Good tip mskeggs. We tend to spoil our kids, it doesn't help them in the long run, they don't appreciate what they got! I am going to take him in to test drive a few expensive instruments, that will make him realise what's possible and also make him appreciate it more when he does get one :)

    • Yes, hiring is an option, especially hire to buy. But you end up paying 50% more for the convenience. You do get free servicing when you hire, which is no small fee, minimum $200.

  • This is going to sound weird but stay with me. I'm looking where to buy a really clapped out clarinet; it doesn't need to function. There is a place near us that has turned an old clarinet into a light stand and it looks really cool; I would like to do something similar. Does anyone know where old instruments go to die?

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