Telstra ADSL2+ connection issues

Im having issues with my Telstra ADSL+2 connection.
I seem to get speed and Ping issues every late afternoon and occasionally in the morning. If I turn the router off and on again it usually fixes it for a while but not always.
I rang Telstra last night as my ping was over 1000 and downloads below 4mbps . the guy checked my line and while doing so my connection fixed itself and i was back to pings of 20 and downloads above 15mbps.
He said my line is all good and to just to disconnect router for 10 seconds when it happens as this will fix it. (He did say he refreshed my line.)
bugger doing this all the time.
Ive tried another router and its the same issue.
heres an example of what I'm getting.

Any ideas on how to get a stable connection?i don't use much data but id like to be able to stream radio of an afternoon and this problem is stopping me do this.
I've been tempted to just cancel it and go wireless as I get great 4g speeds from all providers but I worked out we use up to 50gb a month which would cost me too much on wireless.
My plan is $80 per month for 500gb


  • Have they applied a "stability profile" to your line?

    What are your sync rates when you login to your modem?

    Have you tried an isolation test by removing all other devices from the line?

    Have you tried using the phone line for a voice call? Is it crackly?

    • They haven't mentioned a stability profile. Should I request it?
      I'm not sure how to find the sync rates sorry.
      I haven't tried an isolation test. I have the router running to a powerline and ath the other powerline is a Ethernet hub which splits to my PC, TiVo, Apple TV.
      I could just run wifi for it all for a while to test?

      Phone never gets used. It sounds fine when I pick it up though. And just tested it and it's all good.

      • You need to try an isolation test as first port of call. Disconnect everything except the modem.

        What modem/router are you using?

        No harm requesting a stability profile (other than slightly lower speeds), but don't be surprised if the low-level call centre guys don't know what it is.

        • I called them again this afternoon as I was getting 2250 ping and nearly no download and upload.
          The lady said she logged me for a stability profile without me asking.
          I've also disconnected router so it's wifi only.
          Will see how that goes for a few days.
          The lady did say that turning off the router wouldn't fix it as they needed to refresh from their end to fix.

        • @dan76n:
          note that the stability profile just means it handles noise better and you may get more stable connections but it also means slower speeds.

          keep calling and say you have an intermittent problem.

        • @PVA:

          I don't mind sacrificing a little speed if it means the speed I have is consistent.
          I get 18-19 Mbps download most of the day. My worst case is around 10mbps (when it's not playing up).
          I really only need to stream some radio and maybe some Netfix of free presto every once in a while. As long as my speed caters for that I'm happy.

  • I've had similar issues with my ADSL connection.
    So far nothing they have done has solved my problem.

    They applied a stability profile to my line and all that has done is make my connection even slower.
    Last night i was dropping out every 5 minutes and my max speed is 1.92 mbps down from 5mpss when i first connected to Telstra.
    I'm waiting for a call this evening from their next level support staff whom hung up on me two weeks ago when i complained about the same issue.

    If Telstra don't solve my issues I'm looking to cancel through the ombudsman and try out vividwireless.

    I'm not sure if they'll be any good but i currently get 19mbps on my 3g connection through optus so I'm hopeful vividwireless will allow me to get above 5mbps.

    You can see if vivid is in your area.

  • Not really a helpful comment here, but just an FYI one. I used to get the same initial speeds you got with TPG. Ran them up like you did, and my speed stayed at 18mps download for the past year.

  • They are upgrading my Modem from the TG797v3 to the latest model as they think thats the issue. I don't think it will be but ill take a new modem.

  • This seems odd but is it possible that when my mobile phone connects to the router via Wifi that it is causing my router these issues?
    Ive just been doing some tests and this seems to happen.

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