Smoking in Shopping Centre Car Park is Legal ? - Share Your Thoughts

The minute people step out of the shopping centre gate into the car park area, they start to smoke and all their smell following them into their car.

I am wondering if it is legal to smoke while they are still in the car park area (multi story car parks - like Westfield in Parramatta).

So many time I have asking people to stop smoking as kids and babies are around that can cause harm to them. The smell will not be gone for a long time as it is as a mostly enclosed area.

If it is illegal who should I contact?

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  • 30
    Yes it is legal
  • 6
    No it is illegal


  • +10

    Who gives a shit what people do in the car park. There's exhaust fumes anyway. I personally would never smoke in a shopping centre car park but I'll light up once I'm inside my car.

    • +6

      I thank you for all your excise tax donations to the government and hope you don't die.

    • Thanks for caring

  • +2

    Anything beyond four metres from an entrance or exit to public buildings are fair game.

    • +1

      It should be more since it gets sucked back into the building when the door is opened.

  • +2

    Obviously you have internet access - just shop online!

    • I wish I could buy everything online and avoid going into the shopping center. But this is not practical.

      • In this day and age it certainly is….or do you live atop Uluru or something similar?

        Tell me something that you cannot get delivered these days - you never have to smell the smoke again

        • You could but will you spend $$ on delivery everyday or will you wait for delivery if you need something immediately?

          If you have lots of money to pay for delivery (you may say sometime it is free but normally you will have to spend over certain amount )and don't mind waiting you can do that.

          I think over 99% of people can not just stick with online and not going to any shopping center.

        • @LoveBargain15: well im out of ideas….maybe just buy a space helmet and oxygen tank….could probably get one delivered

        • +2

          @pointless comment: User name checks out.

        • @Kazzilla: been said many times before sorry- you wasted your 3rd ever comment on that?

        • +1

          @pointless comment: user name checks out again and a creepy stalker to boot!

        • -2

          @Kazzilla: no, FYI you just hit any user name and it shows what sort of contribution they make to this site - no stalking involved.

          Your controbution is laughable - after your last effort, 50% of all your posts involve derogatory comments aimed at me.

          And many on this site would agree,im just not worth responding too.

          Hang your head in shame

        • -1

          @pointless comment: Over-explaining how a forum works? Yup, user name checks out.

        • @Kazzilla: now 60% of your contributions to this forum are aimed at me.

          You are a real asset to this site, the internet, and humanity in general

        • @pointless comment: Incoherent rambling in an attempt to get the last word? User name checks out.

        • @Kazzilla: cmox man, what are you doing…you are on a two week old thead that was a throwaway topic to begin with.

          If the "rambling" is "incoherent" i suggest you get some udemy courses on english
          Language and comprehension

        • but what if the delivery driver smells of ciggies? lololol

        • @pointless comment: Hmm, spelling errors and a chronic lack of capitalisation or punctuation? User name checks out.

  • +5

    It is annoying to have to go through the gauntlet of smokers who hang around near the entrance to buildings etc, however, it is not as bad as when I was growing up when people could smoke in Offices, Restaurants, etc. It is funny how everytime the smokers were "forced" to take other people into consideration it was going to be a complete disaster for the businesses, e.g. restaurants, pubs etc - but the sky hasn't fallen in yet and it is a much better experience for the average patron. My parents were both smokers and they always smoked around us when we were kids; even though my oldest brother was an asthmatic. My mother died of lung cancer and my father of heart trouble; the doctors considered smoking contributed to both diseases. Whenever you see someone smoking just think of them dying a horrible death and then get past them as quickly as possible.

    • -2

      Something I've found interesting is that people who suffer from smoking-related cancers appear to be looked down on by society in a way other cancer sufferers aren't. The question "What sort of cancer?", being answered "Lung", gets a look of "Ah you brought it on yourself then". There's a sort of sad irony in that as they thought they were cool to be smokers, only to die slowly, judged and pitied.

      • Stopping smoking is the single best way to minimise the chance of getting a number of cancers. I try not to judge but having lost both my parents to diseases that were most likely smoking related it is hard not to be angry with them. They knew the risks but they still thought smoking was more important than spending more time with us. I hope there is a special place in hell for the people who peddle these death sticks.

  • +3

    Your in a car park mate. Cigarette smoke should be the least of your worries with car fumes all around you.

  • -6

    Just take up smoking yourself, hey presto, problem solved!

  • Here get this for your car (stops smokers very quickly) ;)

  • In Southland SC, there are now signs banning smoking in and around entrances and walkways, etc. It's not clear how far that extends, but leper colonies are now a rare sight, for which many are grateful. It is probably enforced by local government, since shopping centre car parks are often managed by local government parking officials. It sure sucks to be a smoker, especially in rainy weather.

    • +2

      As someone who was inflicted with second hand smoke throughout my childhood I have very little sympathy for smokers and even less for the industry that is helping them committ suicide. Not only is the cigarette smoke obnoxious to those around them but I don't think they realise how much they stink from the smell of the smoke in their hair and clothes. Personally, I think the anti smoking advertising would be better targetted showing how much money they are burning through rather than the health message. Nobody thinks they will be the person who gets lung cancer, or heart trouble - until they do. Everyone understands that there are things they can't do purely because the money has gone up in smoke. Seeing advertising that shows a new dress, or a video game console going up in flames might give them reason to pause.

      • I feel sorry for you losing both your parents, it's very sad and I can relate as I lost my Dad to cancer. But as a kind of ex smoker I must say that money was never an incentive to me to quit. I started smoking at the tender age of 11 and both cost and health were never an issue. I was a child! We pooled our pocket money to buy a cheap packet or snitched cigarettes from relatives. Last thing you think about as a kid is cancer. 30 years later it's the health aspect that got me off cigarettes, albeit I now smoke an e-cig (hence saying I'm a kind of ex-smoker) but I never want to smoke a real cigarette again. I don't kid myself that I may not pay the price some day but for me seeing a dress go up in flames is no incentive to quit. On the flip side my husband finds the cost of smoking a massive incentive not to smoke. So like anything, there's different reasons for different people to give something up.

        • +1

          Congratulations on getting this far and I hope you finally kick the e-cigarettes as well; there is a growing body of evidence they are also a cancer risk. I still think emphasising the cost might persuade young people to not take up smoking, in a similar manner to your husband; particularly if the emphasis was put on the greed of the faceless corporations that are stealing the money from you, and your family's, pockets. Look at the average smoker and imagine how many more payments could've been made on the family home, on foregone holidays, or towards things for the children. My parents were never neglectful but they could've made it so much easier on themselves. I wish you the best in your endeavours to be free of the smoking scourge, I know it is highly addictive given the crap that is in them but a life free of them is so much better. Watching my mother hunched in a chair desperately trying to breathe was just horrific; it is terrible to say but we were grateful she died relatively quickly to stop her continual suffering.

  • +2

    Talk about smoking in a car park a well known Supermarket starting with rymes with folds
    I complained about staff smoking outside the entrence the smell was foul
    I complained to their head office their reply was we don't care
    What about passive smoking Perhaps If someone sues them
    they may change their minds.

  • It might be legal in some places, but it's definitely not moral! All people know that smoking is very likely to kill them and what inhaling second hand smoke does to non-smokers, (unless they're deaf, dumb and blind) and peoples' health should not be put at risk because of thoughtless and uncaring idiots.

  • -4

    I's an inconvenience, 5 seconds of stink not a health risk.
    Get over it.

    BTW ex smoker.

  • At Chullora Market Place NSW, despite the new no smoking laws, the cafĂ© in front of the shopping centre got a smoking permit. So now they've got two sections outside: One where you can eat and not smoke, and another where you can smoke but not eat.

    They've got the smoking permit displayed!

    • Is the smoking section a sealed section? If so then that is the only way they can get a permit.

      Or forge one.

      Im pretty sure its a federal law, so if its council stamped, its probably forged or invalid

      • No sealed section
        Nice and exposed to the general public!

        • I am avoid walking pass that shopping center. I hate people smoking there.

        • You can ring the council with the shop name with this info and they will send a ranger out, all anonymous if you like.

          At the least they will get a warning breaching their DA. If they have some sort of altered permit i would expect a fine.

  • illegal or not the law is not going to stop them.

  • +1

    Not banned yet but I think it's just a matter of time.

    NSW Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 bans smoking in the following outdoor public places:

    Within 10 metres of children’s play equipment in outdoor public places;
    Public swimming pools;
    Spectator areas at sports grounds or other recreational areas used for organised sporting events;
    Public transport stops and platforms , including ferry wharves and taxi ranks;
    Within 4 metres of a pedestrian access point to a public building.
    Commercial outdoor dining areas.

  • +2

    Smokers don't give a toss about 'no smoking within these limits' signs. If they did they would not be throwing away the butts into the gutter for it to be washed out as rubbish.

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