How to Sell off Excess Alcohol

Hi all,

A relative of mine has left the country a while ago due to his business not working out. He left some stuff at my place, and it looks like he is unlikely to be coming back to Australia. Most of the stuff he left has no value, ie. some old tools, but he did leave behind 2 boxes of alcohol, mostly whiskey. I can't bring the alcohol to him, as he is in a country where the tax on the alcohol would exceed the value of the alcohol. I was thinking of selling them off and wiring him the money as the boxes are taking up space in my house and I am moving soon.

However, I can't seem to find a place where I could sell them off. Gumtree doesn't allow alcohol sales.

Any ideas?


  • Ask friends or people at work if they're interested?

    I have a go to friend to sell my alcohol. He's a heavy drinker

    • +3

      Lol.. hmm… unfortunately, my friends are not heavy drinkers.. and even when we get together, we just have beer or wine. The last time I had whiskey is very very much behind me in my uni days. Don't get me wrong, I can still probably drink like a 19 year old.. just can't recover like a 19 year old.

  • Sell it 50% off Dan Murphys price to your friends

    • -6

      Hmmm… it is annoying how cheap alcohol is in Australia, which makes his 2 boxes of alcohol worth about $200, alcohol is worth a lot more where he lives because of the alcohol tax.

      • +10

        Alcohol isn't cheap in Australia.

      • -1

        Alcohol is very expensive in Australia .. actually everything is expensive in Australia compared to the rest of the world.

      • +5

        Alcohol is an absolute rip off in Australia, it is really unbelievable the cost of a 700ml bottom shelf spirit (approx $30) or case of domestic beer ($40-50). And to have a few drinks in a pub now really empties the wallet fast. Dont know how the bogans afford to constantly have a drink in their hand.

        • +2

          Not to mention it is all tax.
          Take off gst and the alcohol tax and that $30 bottle becomes an $8 bottle of vodka


          Where spirits are $1/std alcohol tax
          Wine is 29% of the wholesales value, so the cheaper the goon the lower the tax…
          And mid strength beer from a bottle is taxed higher than full stregth from tap.

      • +1

        What rock are you living under, alcohol cheap in Australia?

      • +1

        Sorry, didn't expect to get such a big reaction. What I meant is that it is cheap compared to some other countries, where the cheapest bottle of wine can cost around an equivalent of AUD60, whereas I could get a good bottle of wine for $5.50 from the Coles/Liquorland deal the other day.

        I must confess, I don't take notice of alcohol prices when I go travelling.

        • And what made up country is this?

      • +1

        When I was in Rome a few years ago, a bottle of Absolute vodka was €4.50, I would die (and quickly) a happy man.

  • Facebook Beer Economy page? Swap it for an item of interest that you either want, or on-sell that item?

    • Sounds good.. how to attract just local people?

      • +1

        Search your Facebook for Beer Economy, should find something :)

        Perths group is 80,000 members strong!

        • +1

          Gotcha… thanks man… found the Brisbane version.. will give it ago

        • A quick google and the site doesn't exist anymore - it is illegal apparently

        • @downero:

          It's a private group, you won't find it from 'a quick google'. And it's still 80k members strong ;)

  • -1

    Try hanging outside a TAB - punters love to drink hard liquor and always need to make back a few bucks - youll get 1/2 - 2/3 retail value i reckon

  • bit hard to navigate though, but good for this type of thing.

  • What do you have?

  • Send me a msg with what you have, pending that and if you're willing to pack and ship to Sydney I could be interested.


    • Sorry minty, I wouldn't want to take the risk of broken bottles while in transit. Also, postage would make it not worth your while. I could also say that postage prices in Australia is really expensive, but I didn't want to risk getting flamed for making the wrong comment. :) Again..

      • Fair enough mate thought I'd ask anyway, may I suggest taking up drinking then :)

        • I should thank you and 2jzzzz for trying to help me out instead. :) I am not a big drinker kinda guy, more of a social drinker. Also, the doctor said that I have a fatty liver, so I should keep an eye on it. Probably from all the kfc deals on OzB. Lol.

  • MSG me if you still wish to off load.
    I'm in Briabane and might have a gathering every week of some school buddies that would be interested.

  • I offloaded all my booze to my friends. They were stoked they got top shelf liquor for 30% off RRP.

  • Facebook a local buy and sell group.. So much shonky stuff goes through the ones I'm on..

  • Put it up for trade/swap on gumtree with a list of items you are interested in.

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