Anyone know of any current/upcoming PS4 deals or when price drop/cut will happen?

just want to know for any current/upcoming PS4 deals or when the price cut/drop will occur since i'm looking to buy a PS4 soon


  • +6

    There's are rumors of a 4k ps4.5 dropping so wait it out. Otherwise wait for the 20% eBay sales and buy from Target/Big W

    • +2

      Wow. The only person to respond and they get negged twice with no reason. Pathetic.

  • With the announcement of Sony bringing out a PS4 with higher specs for VR at the end of this year, I would suggest you wait. This is likely to release at $600, and the PS4 as it currently is will drop as low as $299, likely bundled with a game like the new Uncharted.

    Other than that, it might be worth it to just buy the PS4.5, just in case they pull a New3DS on you and release some exclusive games on it. And even if the PS4.5 turns out to be a bunch of baloney, waiting until E3 is always a brilliant idea because consoles drop to insane prices to get a piece of that hype train action.

    I mean, is there really anything coming right now that you can't wait til the middle of the year for?

    Yes. The answer is yes. Dark Soul 3 next month :D

  • Considering PS4 Is still selling like hot cakes I see no price drop any time soon, I think there is more likely to be better bundles rather than price drop by Sony

  • there is this one
    which is a pretty good bundle

    • Out of princible, I refuse to buy any bundles that come with a BluRay movie. I am going to use a videogame console for videogames, not for netflix or effin' BluRays. You can play BluRays on alarm clocks and microwaves these days, so I'm not buying a flagship console for it, so assuming as such is an insult.

      (Disclaimer; you can't watch Blurays on microwaves, this was an exaggeration. But it's not an exaggeration to assume you have something in your house already that plays BluRays.)

      Second to that, offering me a game I already have on a previous generation is equally as insulting. I'll be waiting for a much better bundle, thankyou very much, hopefully one that actually prioritizes videogames.

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