New Nintendo Club

Any thoughts on the new nintento club rewards system? Also has anyone tried the miitomo app yet??

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  • -1

    /gif nerd alert

  • +1

    they are both alright. no real physical rewards, but the app is kinda fun.
    /gif nintendo

  • +2

    Who would've thought that a genuine question ended up with people acting immature… sigh

    Is it because everyone here hates Nintendo by any chance???

    • Most people haven't had the chance to really try it out, and your asking impressions on a rewards program that will take months until we know whether it's any good.

      Laughable to suggest everyone here hates nintendo when most nintendo posts here get higher positive votes.

      • Asking people on their first impression doesnt sound wrong to me.. Also you're assuming people havent had the chance to try because????

        Well based on the comments which got deleted was it wrong for me to think so? I've read them before they got deleted and was quite offensive despite me asking a genuine question..

        How should i put in a blunt way, if you dont know or not gonna say anything nice, dont be a F!@# D!@#… :)

        All i was asking is people opinion or impression for those who tried them…

        • Never said it was wrong to ask.

          It has been out for less than a day. I don't really need to assume that not many people have tried it based on that.

          Granted the first comment was offensive, but the rest were just gifs and not intended to cause harm.

          And I gave you an opinion.

  • +1

    I used to like it better when you could actually get merchandise

  • No more gifs :(

    • +1


      • :(

  • +5

    I've been waiting impatiently for it for a while now and I must say it's waaaaay better than club nintendo. Also downloaded miitomo already and that's not too shabby as well. the voice function is a bit creepy though….

    • I haven't tried it, in fact, I've done my best to not hear about it at all, because its very existence upsets the 10 year old kid in me that believed Nintendo was the best whilst I was playing Metroid Prime. But it just sounds like Tomodachi Life, but social, and for phones… Stop me if that sounds weird lol. I worry about the rest of Nintendo's phone apps coming between now and 2017, by which point we were promised several (I think it was between 6 and 10), not because there's actively anything wrong with it, but… Nintendo is a GAME company. They always are, and always have been, and that's why they've always been more endearing than competitors, even when they pull casual tricks like the Wii. But this is… I dunno. Not actually a game?

      My point is, people's reaction to the Wii-U has sent Nintendo off the deep end, and I am worried for their sake. As it stood in 2014 they were the only major console company actually pushing very decent software (See; Games that are actually fun and exclusive), but the very concept of losing money forced them to bring out Amiibos… Then they realized they could make an entire ET-dump-site worth of money off Amiibos alone, so pushed software into the background.

      If we get a "Zelda: Tap Legends", "Clash of Pikmin" or "Candy Metroid" then I QUIT.

      …..Crossy Fox.

  • +1

    My 2c:

    My Nintendo - some decent rewards in there, & can get a hefty chunk simply by visiting eShop weekly, linking accts etc. Has a decent % rebate/bonus (eg. can get $13 N64 Wii U game for about $100 of eligible purchases). Only downside is only digital eShop purchases count for gold coins - and we all know how competitively their eShop is priced compared to retail. :-(

    Miitomo - nice little social app. Bit of a battery drainer but there's a setting to minimise that (will see how well it works). Big negative is you can only "friend" face-to-face or via social media accts (the QR code is for Mii appearance only), & it's boring playing alone.

    So if anyone wants to add me, Twitter acct is Linkwick_ :-)

    • Agree with above.
      Made my account today, rewards seem better then club Nintendo.
      Like the fact I can get free games with no purchases.
      Also like the fact I can get games for fairly decent prices when compared to club Nintendo not having any games until the end.
      Only downside was only eshop, however there is a few of the virtual console games I am eyeing off, at least now I can get an award.
      The app was ok, pretty basic so far, only used it to get some my Nintendo points.

      Hopefully the reward options increase in the next few months as quite limited if you only own 1 console which in my case is the 3DS.

    • Only downside is only digital eShop purchases count for gold coins - and we all know how competitively their eShop is priced compared to retail. :-(

      On the flip side, gold coin rewards are based on the original price, not the sale price

    • Added you on Twitter. Finally got one friend face-to-face the other day. So much more entertaining with even one extra person! haha.
      Twitter: OfficialSalem

      • Added both of you on Twitter. Mine's PinchieMcPinch

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