If You Were Moving to Paradise Island ...

what is the one thing that you got off ozbargain that you just couldn't leave behind?

Wiki is planning to pack as many unopened packs of eneloops as she can fit in her carry-on luggage. Yes, the ozbargain force is strong in that one O.O

I, on the other hand, am taking my life-size The Stig inflatable erm-doll, which I (ok, my dog) won from a competition posted on Ozb. I thought it might keep me company while the Mrs is at work and the kids are at school. Inflatable Stig will be my one and only day-time companion until I befriend other beach-bums.

So, you wouldn't leave the country without your …?


P.s: A belated happy World Nudie-Rudie Gardening Day, everyone! I hope that you've remembered to slather yourself in sunscreen. I didn't ..and I am now having to type this standing up :(

closed Comments

  • +1

    Mobile phone. It makes a world of difference to be able to check things on the go when travelling. (I know you are going to be away for a while, but same principle, you still need to look up maps, schedules, info.) Of course this assumes you get a SIM on arrival.

    • No phones, only conch shells…

      • +2

        As long as it's a 4G shell. :)

    • +1

      I wonder if our oneplus ones will work in Mauritius?

  • +3

    a Wilson Basketball…

    • Wouldn't a volleyball be more appropriate?
      I mean it is an Island, and a basketball just doesn't have the same demeanour/emotional capacity as a volleyball, amirite Chuck?

      • If you missed the film Castaway you won't get it…

        • +1

          Wilson is a volleyball, not a basketball!

        • @callum9999:

          Wilson also make Basketballs.

  • +3

    Hasn't this thread been done before?

    • +1

      Can we merge it with the other?

      • Agreed, also have no clue how to translate the rest of the paragraphs.

    • +1

      Do you know what he is saying after the first paragraph?

  • +1

    My ozbargain t shirt. Now stop rubbing it in already

    • +2

      I don't really want to go… I haven't even booked the flights yet. But shhh! Don't tell the Mrs or the twins, they've already given away half of their stuff. My house has become a French-creole speaking zone only. They are that excited! :(

  • Doesn't Wiki do yoga?
    At the very least I imagine that you'll also be doing yoga - at the beach. Given that you can't sit still anywhere for even 5 minutes.

    Required equipment, likely available on Mauritius -

    Also, some company for you, if beach bums dislike your residual smell of The Real Paradise Island…

    • +1

      She does. She taught me or rather uses me as her yoga mat/ supporting pole ( no idea what the technical word is) sometimes. Can't say it helps me relax.If anything, it might have the opposite effect …

      If she's not there, it'll just be me, lying on my back, with my legs and arms up in the air. Wouldn't that be an odd sight to behold? :(

      Btw, I don't mean to be Nazi grammar, but well , someone has to be :P So here goes: there's no way that the preposition "on" is the correct one to use with the proper noun "Mauritius". You wouldn't say "on" Australia ; so why "on" Mauritius? I wouldn't want to insult the entire Mauritian population before I've even set foot on the island. The plan is for them to like me, remember? :)

      • There are comical versions of the video you linked, in YouTube. Search 'yoga challenge' if you're keen.

        You are absolutely right, but as in this comment, 'in' was in-preview, but changed it (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't :) because I preferred how 'on' looked on the page. I do a lot of that sort of thing. I thought that you may have noticed. I bet that greenpossum has.

        The Internet 'journey' is an interesting one, maybe especially for me. Do you remember the comment I made in the poopy-pine thread, about 'a solecism in every sentence'. That.

        I was also reminded by something just a few days ago, in one of your other threads - once written in reply to a question asked a couple of years ago by a once-bargain-loving li'l turnip.
        Maybe another time, in relation to that particular aspect of the language.

        You didn't mention the cute baby goat, you Bloody Shithead. That was the important thing.

        I'll null the neg someone gave you for being a Grammar Nazi. Just this once…

        Btw, you did spell favourite as 'favorite', yesterday. You know how that particular one offends me.
        Go to your room!


        • +1

          I'm already in my room, getting ready for acro-yoga…

        • @Jar Jar Binks: Go to the laundry, then. Probably too small to do yoga, in.

        • +1

          @Tas: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=laundry

          Wiki says that you need to get your mind out of the gutter, Tas. Go to your room!

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks: That one I haven't heard! Acro-yoga or otherwise, enjoy.

          Indeed. Goodnight, you two.

      • +1

        *a grammar Nazi

        Bloody autocorrect or evidence of my inner turmoil? o.O

        • +1

          Correction posted at 4.30 on a Sunday morning. Even earlier, "Are you awake, too?", 'yoga-laundry', or defs inner turmoil…

          Distraction of a sort for you, Jar Jar Binks: Spare a thought for your fur child, Ewok-in-a-Bucket. I assume that he's facing some sort of quarantine time on PI, while you're happily on the beach.

          Cheer-up and maybe let your 'inner turmoil' go.

          Oh + Happy Mother's Day, Wiki.
          Enjoy your non-Mauritian weather, today :)

        • +2


          Even earlier, "Are you awake, too?", 'yoga-laundry', or defs inner turmoil…

          All of the above. Then got dragged out of bed by my only remaining "fur child", under the direction of the twins, in their overeagerness to get started on Mother's Day breakfast.We made oundé with freshly shredded coconut. They looked like little protein balls but were surprisingly tasty.

          The twins' musical production was a great success (did I mention that they've written a musical for their mother as a MD present? They did !) I thought they were hilarious. Their mother cried. The other "fur child" was greatly missed.

          P.s: How many JJBs does it take to make a bouillabaise?

        • @Jar Jar Binks: Sorry, I didn't notice this comment earlier-on.

          As long as a whole one isn't falling on your head, I love most things coconut.


          I'm guessing just one and also yum.

          You are forgoing your chance to appear on Masterchef Australia, with the move, Jar Jar Binks. I'm not going to google, but pretty sure - no Masterchef Mauritius

          Have a good night. Maybe avoid any further conflict, elsewhere on OzBargain.

        • +1

          @Tas: I would wish you a good night but Adam might get the wrong impression :P

      • +2

        Like most prepositions, this one is highly dependent on context. Therefore employing "on" is appropriate when referring to an island as a geologic or geographic feature. We hardly ever refer to Australia as an island, and "on France" doesn't work mainly because France is not an island.

        • +1

          ..about 'a solecism in every sentence'?* That.

          A correction, of mine, for you, JJB.

          Also a function of ICM (Internet Contraction Mindset). For me, anyway.
          Sentence would likely otherwise have ended 'likely available on the Paradise Island of Mauritius'.

          Maybe not a paradise without baby goats? Probably some other compensation for him, there.

          Assuming that this 'Mauritius' place even exists. Am skeptical.

        • +1
        • @Jar Jar Binks: Those photos could be from anywhere.

          Mark Twain also, supposedly, visited Australia.

          I don't believe that, either.

        • +2

          @Tas: I would invite you to come join us for a, no doubt, well-deserved holiday "on" Mauritius but people might mistake you for my Dad and that would be AWK-WARRRRRRRRRRRD!

      • Jar Jar Binks, Is your wife Indian by any chance? Got an email from one of my gym instructors blog telling that she was moving to Mauritius. She is a Yoga teacher too

        • +1

          Nope, she's Mauritian. She has tanned skin and often gets asked if she's Brazilian.

          She used to teach yoga when we got married and needed the money. She doesn't do it anymore. She's a social worker now.

  • +1

    "until I befriend other beach-bums"
    This sounds interesting…you may not need the "life-size The Stiginflatable erm-doll" after all ;-))

    • +1


  • +1

    what is the one thing that you got off ozbargain that you just couldn't leave behind?

    I couldn't leave behind my American Tourister spinner case. It was only $20.07 from COTD and I still grin whenever I pass a branch of Strandbags. Many say it is above the ideal weight for flights, though.

  • I'd obviously want Linda Carter along with me…

    • +1


  • are you taking your dog?

    • +2


      • that's all you need!

        • +1


  • Can we get a pic of said inflatable Stig with the dog? Just a bit curious as to what it looks like…

    • +1

      I've posted pics of the dog getting ready to go to the post office to pick up his parcel before. It's somewhere on Ozbargain.

      I've stopped posting pics since someone (looking at you, Tas!) made fun of my god-like Pharaoh-like chin.

      • I want to see this Pharoah-like chin. 😂

        • Tas made fun of me :( No more gravatar-selfies for this jar jar.

    • After bringing the parcel home, Jar Jar / Boxcutter Binks opened it with his chin. #FunFact #Impressive

      The dog is forced to wear pretty bows in his fur #TheIndignity #:(

      • +2

        Forced to wear? He steals padawanette's hair accessories and tries to get Wiki to put them in his fur. Like sweet Turnip said, he's "cuteness overload" :)

        • Maybe an Eddie Izzard Shih Tzu?

          I think Ewok featured in another thread on OzBargain. Very cute.

        • +1

          @Tas: He probably has.As has my wife, my kids, my cat and my plastic goldfish. And yet, there's some out there who still believe that I'm not a real person. Isn't that funny? :)

        • @Jar Jar Binks: Funny is one word for it.

        • +1

          @Tas: Not the word you would use?

    • +1
  • +1

    Vegemite the big one.

  • +4

    I think we need to shut this thread and Jar Jar Binks and Tas can get a room.

    • +4

      Agreed. It's even creepier when you have a suspicion (as I do) that Jar Jar Binks and Tas are the same person

      • +1

        yup, I had that suspicion too.

      • Here we go again :) you should report us.

      • +1

        To his credit, not even your mutual friend, GameChanger, believes that bit.

        Edit: Oops - may have spoken too soon.. :(

        Either way, have fun with your conspiracy theories, kids. It is a form of entertainment, in some quarters.

    • Exactly, have they not learned something called "private message".

      Or even better they could use Facebook Messenger and they got could verify each other stories.

  • +5

    To Jar Jar and Tas - there's such a thing called MSN Messaging or IM, Skype would be perfect too, you can see each other's faces, what about Facetime? :) :) :)
    Oh and don't forget the good ol email, you know - something something or other at something.com.au

    • .au/later

      • +2

        Or a mirror. So Jar Jar Binks can speak directly to his alter-ego, Tas

    • +2

      With the amount of conversations both of them have done, you would think by now they would be real friends in life.

      Suppose its bit hard when they're the same person as people have suggested?

      • You seem to have a particularly rigid idea about what constitutes a friendship, and certainly the essence of one. Maybe a little odd for someone in the circumstance that I am imagining you to maybe be in, GameChanger. I won't re-link the thread that JJB linked, yesterday.

        I think that you have some things to offer, but you appear to be going about a variety of other things, in various wrong ways.

        You certainly don't go about making friends in the way that you have been, by way of your particular type of private message.

        I will spare you the embarrassment of revealing the last one that you sent to me, one down from me asking you politely to not message me again.


        • +3

          As I will spare Gamechanger the embarrassment of revealing the private messages that he sent to JJB and I before we both had to block him.


          P.s. Hey Tas! + thanks for your MD wishes. Sweet and thoughtful. So sweet and thoughtful, in fact, that I've decided to forgive you for calling me a witch. :)

        • Post what ever you want to, I'm not afraid.

          I just won't accept lies and wrong assumptions, I requested my comment to be removed; interesting how you knew what it said- which only points to you being JJB.

          Edit: Removed the rest as I only wanted you to read that part and not whole Ozbargain.

        • @GameChanger: The fact that you misunderstood so completely, the reason for referring to that thread, speaks volumes.

          I wish you well, GC.

        • @Tas: "Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains"

          You should take the above advice, something that is highly valued in advisory field and hell even a non skilled job like sales.

        • -4

          @GameChanger: I appreciate that English is not your first language, but some things venture significantly beyond that, when it comes to understanding.

          Your English is very good and will improve even further. I hope that the other things catch-up, above and beyond.

        • @Tas: What makes you assume English isn't my first language? Seems both you and JJB assume far too much.

        • +1

          @GameChanger: That's more than enough, matey. I tried.

        • @Tas: sadly, he's a lost cause.


        • @Tas: Yeah you defs got a reaction out of me.

          I won't stand for assumptions that are wrong, quite clear you were trolling me.

        • +2

          @Tas: "I appreciate that English is not your first language"… Nice troll. Writing paragraphs of absolute nonsense doesn't make you good at English.

        • -1

          For benefit of context for any late visitors to the thread - GameChanger removed two-thirds from one of his comments, above. If he is clueless enough to reply to this comment, I will quote it, precisely, from the notification that I still have.

        • @Tas: I edited my comment because I realised I had gone to your low level. You sent a personal attack my way and I reacted just like anyone would.

          Adam has called you out so beautifully; looks like you can't handle the truth and trying to blackmail me.

    • -2

      G'day - still just as I start typing this, Momo.

      Be you a steering wheel, or a set of v3 skateboard wheels (?), you seem to be trying to steer JJB, and me, away from maybe, just maybe, entertaining a few people on OzBargain other than ourselves.

      You certainly seem to lack perspective, on my perspective, of rationing 'screentime'. OzBargain always a mixed blessing for me, in being an addition to everything that is good, bad, or indifferent.

      Jar Jar, too old to be one, but still antsy like a 'millennial' to be 'On' screen and other, me to be off everything and outside, pretty much.

      You would also be horrified (as am I), by the number of unresponded-to emails in my inbox. Think of a shocking number, and triple it. Far more likely to respond to an email notification from an OzBargain thread, so things well and truly bad enough, as is.

      Quick, and second #funfact in a single thread, but one just for you -
      I once new a troublesome cat, named Momo, owned by an even more troublesome owner - maybe you are neither a steering wheel or a skateboard wheel, but a chilling combination of those two?
      Dear God, no.

      P.S. Clear for a long time (for longer than you've been on OzBargain) that Scotty's creation, for Jar Jar Binks, is as playfully shaken tinsel is to a cat. Would you really want to lessen for him, in any way, the joy of that?

      Nah. It's kinda cute.

      If movement on the Live Page is the pretty tinsel, then Forums are definitely the catnip that he rolls around in. Even when a bit angsty (a bit of a scratching-post), instead of antsy. Again, kinda cute, and that's even when you're not really a cat person.

      *Just too daunted by options for instagram pics and videos clips to illustrate all of this.*

      Have a good week, Momo.v3.
      OzBargain could be worse.

  • Why do you need beachbums when you have the erm stig!

  • -4

    Done me some research:

    This 'Mauritius' place is just a bloody fricken munchkin Madagascar, but without any lemurs

    You are going to go all that way <—-thataway and all for zero lemurs.

    The people there also probably speak all funny and stuff.

    I feel your pain, even if few others do.

    I will happily, at this point, also share the pain of you asking to have the thread closed, should you so wish, Jar Jar Binks.
    All beyond silly, and not just because of me.

    • -4

      I didn't neg you nor did Wiki (or the J-twins). Personally, I'm happy to let the thread die a natural death.

      • -1

        Other than some interest from Paddington's bluedufflecoat (or his stylist?), thread seems dead. Shield the J-twins from the unexpected lemur carnage…
        OzBargain's many non-members won't even get to see them dancing, when they were alive :(

        OzBargain feeling particularly fraught and not fun at the moment. Also, likely only entertaining ourselves - in this thread and shit knows how many others. Might give the comments a miss for a bit.

        Enjoy whatever packing you still have ahead of you.. Leave as much as you can reasonably get away with - and then some, to the Wiki one…

        • So we let the bullies win?

        • @Jar Jar Binks: Variously deluded 'internet bullies' aren't like real bullies, JJB. If you have the wherewithal, you can sort the real ones out, in one way or t'other. A bit difficult in the charming realm of The Internet. My ambivalence remains, in relation to that, which I think is a good thing. :)


        • @Tas:

          I agree.

          Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game: they almost always turn out to be —or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.

          Bonne nuit,


        • You guys are so verbose(?) I have trouble following the discussion.

  • Let's not use public threads to hold private conversations of any sort, take it to private message or elsewhere (not another thread).

    Comments are closed, thanks.

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