Dead Island Riptide Steam key? Cheap/reliable sources for Steam keys?

I'm wondering where people normally buy cheap Steam keys when it comes to specific games they are after? I know there is a major sale held yearly and I've built up most of my collection courtesy of Humble bundles and bargains posted here. I'm normally a console gamer.

I'm specifically after a Dead Island Riptide key and have found some on G2A but there is a warning advising that they are region locked and not compatible with Australian accounts. I've come across but I don't have much I can offer to trade and there are keys on Ebay starting at around $7. Curious to see if there is anywhere else cheaper and where i can buy cheap Steam games in general.

Edit: Managed to get it via the current Humble Bundle which expires on the 31/5/16:


  • Wait.

    Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition has been as low as $3.99 AUD on HB Store, Greenmangaming and D2D and the normal version as low as $2.99 AUD on Steam.

    • I must have been living under a rock when they've gone on sale or just not checked Ozbargains when they've been posted then! I've since added it to my wishlist so that covers Steam but I really need to check those stores more often or at least sign up to their newsletter.

      Thanks for the recommendations.

  • There is a remaster edition of the dead island games coming out at the end of the month.
    I would expect any site still holding keys for the older versions will be dumping them shortly, or shortly after it's release.

    • This is one of the main reasons why I'm hoping to score a cheap key key before they release the Definitive Edition. Anybody who owns the original game can upgrade to these version for $3US but only until 1st June. At least I know I can do that with the first game as I already own it.

      • thanks for the heads up on that!

        • No problems - discovered this by accident and initially thought it was just a pricing error.

          Cheaper doing it this way rather then spending $20US each for the definitive versions upon release.

  • +2

    Humble Bundle has Riptide Complete in the second tier this week along with some other decent games in the package, currently at US$3.51 for second tier

  • I have the Open Beta keys. Got it ages ago. Don't know if its of any use to you, if interested PM me. I can send it to you via steam as gift for free of course.

    • Wish I had seen your post before purchasing the current Humble Bundle this morning.

      Thank you for offering though.

      Do beta keys convert to the full game once it has been released on the market?

      • I actually don't know as I don't play this game. Got it when it was free.

        • Perhaps I'm wrong, but I suspect it wouldn't as it doesn't make any sense financially for any game unless it's behind a ton of paywalls.

          Thank you again.

  • Thanks - spotted this morning in the humble bundle newsletter that I arrived in my email and already purchased. Good timing I guess.

    I've purchased the previous Deep Silver bundle but must have only paid for the first tier and so missed out on Riptide.

    Thanks to all who replied. I'll update the main thread incase anybody else is looking for a cheap copy.

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