Suddenly got signed up to - should I be worried?

Just 3 hours ago I received this email


Thank you signing up on BulkBargain.

Now you can get your hands on some of the best bargains across Australia.

To Get you started please find your login credentials below

To login please visit the following URL:

Your account e-mail: [email protected]
Your account username: [email protected]
Your account password: RANDOMSTRING

I thought: WTH? I have never visited Bulkbargain before and certainly have never ever used this particular email address to sign up for newsletters, nor have I used it to open any sort of accounts.

this email I only particularly use for job hunting and other important business-related things. so I wonder if my security has been lax somewhere?

Has anyone received an email similar to this from It looks like some rubbish bargain website, not unlike OZbargain it doesn't seem to have a community at all.

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  • "Your account e-mail: [email protected]
    Your account username: [email protected]
    Your account password: RANDOMSTRING" was all this accurate to your name/e-mail and password? Otherwise its just scam bait and fine to ignore I'd believe….

    • Forfiet, do you want to know my real email address? I'm not giving it to you, ya know!

      • ….shhh :P They apparently have had a presence here by so maybe have a look over the past deals scrimy :)

        • They look shadier than Tony Abbott wearing Speedos, I don't think I'll want to use the credentials they gave me to login to their 'bargains' site.

          Still, I'm not happy that my email address got sold out, and that even my real name was quoted in the email. I wonder if that information was somehow stolen from a job application form.

        • @scrimshaw: Ya, I wouldn't touch a unknown site with a ten-foot pole…. I hope the 'job app' wasn't the case though….

  • +2

    Do not click any links you recieve in email.

    As a guess what's happened is you entered your email somewhere that's possibly associated with Ozbargain or another bargain website. It may even be the websites themselves but no way to know. Then that somewhere was successfully attacked (or the owners went rogue) and the email list was made available for money or even just for free. Then in a attempt to leverage that find the attackers are now attempting to attack you in some way, even if it is just growing their crappy website.

    But there's a myriad of other possible ways that you ended up reading the spam email.

    Just ignore it and most importantly do not click links.

    • yeap. I know I shouldn't click on anything, even if it's the 'Unsubscribe' link.

  • You should never share your Bulkbargain password with anyone

  • it seems once you sign up for some advertising email, you will soon become inundated with 'spam' and 'junk' email in your inbox after a while, and when you click on 'unsubscribe', there is no escape!

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