Suggestion for Long term travel and keeping my AU number

So 2-factor authentication is great in the 21st century but is a massive pain in the ass if you are travelling.
I am going to travel without any clear destination but i know its out of Australia, but a lot of my money / accounts online have two-factor authentication. Any suggestions for keeping my number?

What i was going to do was port to Telstra Long-Life and get a $30 recharge every month, and only put the sim card in my phone when 2-factor authentication with my phone number is needed. Its free to receive SMS so this seems like the best option? Unless there is a way to port your number to skype? haha. Any other ideas or do i have the right idea?


  • you do not need to recharge $30 every month to keep a long life plan active. Unless you are planning to use the credit.

  • Why would you need to recharge 30 bucks each month? Isn't the point of long life the fact that the recharges last a long time? As far as I know, 30 bucks recharge on that plan should extend the plan for 6 months, so you would only need to recharge 30 bucks every 6 months

  • Get an Aldi sim, long life 12 months for $15!

    • OP needs to receive SMS while overseas, Aldi doesn't do international roaming.

  • +1

    Amaysim 'As You Go' 365 days…

  • I ported to the Voda 365 days prepaid sim before I left the country,think it was just $30. Just remember to set-up international roaming and online account before you leave. Receiving sms overseas is free and can also easily recharge online or via the app. The Voda app also shows when your credit expires.

    • The only reason i was going with Telstra is because i worked for them briefly so i know the plan structures and fees, i didn't shop around yet.

      Vodaphone looks good if its 365day expiry. I'm looking at PAYG and the 365, they seem extremely similar for rates.
      The 365 option is not available online anymore, im guessing they replaced it with Pay-as-you-go?

      Can anyone chime in on the % of connected countries? E.G If i travel to a pretty distant part of the world without much cellular structure, which network would be more likely to work??

      A good phone app would be useful as well…I have seen telstra prepaid app work in action due to my breif employment there, any comments on vodaphone? I am currently with amaysim and the app seems reasonable but i cannot pay with paypal which is a big deal for me.

      Thanks for all the help and advice!

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