Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolorence, Anyone Here?

Does anyone here have Celiac Disease or any other intolerance/allergy?
Staying Gluten Free is so much of a hassle.. I wish I could just eat any foods I wanted. :(
Anyways enough of me ranting on, am I the only one?
Thanks. :)


    • Thanks for the links, dont go on reddit alot but ill check it out

  • +1

    I make my own gluten free bread, find the ones from the supermarkets taste terrible.
    But agree, is really no fun at times.

    • Ive tried making my own I just fail and ive given up, I go to a gluten free bakery once every two three weeks and buy bread and pies and all

      • Have to find right mix and bread machine.
        I use laucke gluten and yeast free white bread, they have excellent advice on their website for each breadmachine.
        Also use an electronic scale.
        Measure breadmix first and then aportion the warm water accordingly.
        Easiest to make sure you use exactly 500g mix and in my case 355ml of warm water.
        I use Breville Breadmaker with short (not glutenfree) setting.
        Works a treat.

  • +1

    Dairy intolerance is just as bad. So much stuff to avoid.

    Thank god for Zymil Milk though!! Just wish more cafe's around here had it as an option instead of soy. #FirstWorldProblems.

    • My parents also have a dairy intolorance and I know how it is, theres milk in every dessert and alot of tasty foods, especially cheese :/

  • Allergy to wheat for me - it's a hassle but oh well.

  • Coeliac for 15 years as well as being a Type 1 diabetic.
    I know you're having a rant but what are your top 3 hassles about avoiding gluten.
    Maybe we can make suggestions to help?

    • I really just eat from home and home only so I cant really give much advice

      • +1

        I was offering to help you with some suggestions if you can say what your main hassles are

  • I'm a fellow glutard and have been since I was a kid. I read somewhere reputable that scientists in Australia have developed a pill of some kind that can protect the gut against leaky gut, thus allowing the ingestion of gluten. I hope this will happen in my lifetime.

    • I still feel like it wouldn't be any time soon tho, maybe another 5 years or so.

      • I remember a renowned doctor telling me that it could happen in his lifetime and definitely in mine, but he died a few years ago. I hope to see it happen before I turn 30.

  • +1

    Ugh. I have had eczema my whole life. Which means I am on a pretty restricted diet. I do Paleomom AIP:


    It helps alot but its pretty hard core. I reckon I do 80/20 but that means my eczema gets pretty yucky once in a while. I'd rather not eat the stuff then have the symptoms and itch myself silly…it helps if you remember why you are doing it.

    • That sounds difficult. Sorry to hear man :/

      • Thanks. It could be worse, just saying.

        Saying that, it took me about a year to get off gluten completely. I'd eat it, flare up and itch like crazy and my skin will bleed, then I'll stop cause it hurts, then I forget and eat it again and repeat for a year.

        Until the pain of eating the stuff outweigh the pleasure of it. Its a journey.

  • It's great that you know. After feeling bad for so many years I am now in control. I also wonder about the long term effects if you don't know about the intolerance. I know my atrial fibrillation is much better, this is benefit enough for me.

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