Skramit » user profile

Member Since 02/01/2014
Last Seen Online Now
Badges 41 9
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

Great scenes with Di Nero and Pacino. Love this film.
20/07/2024 - 10:24
Moisture detection - humidty sensor or whatever. once the moisture ceases coming from the clothes it assumes dry. it's pretty good tbh. The…
19/07/2024 - 07:20
Tbh I wouldn’t buy these drives I will get cheaper ones. Just thought I’d ask the general question.
17/07/2024 - 07:33
Any good budget friendly ways to buy a couple of these and turn them into a SFF NAS?
16/07/2024 - 18:27
I’ll have to pass on this one with only a $100k maximum limit.
15/07/2024 - 22:07
We need a Trump like figure here in Aus politics more then ever. Would get my vote.
08/07/2024 - 19:26
Your common sense has no place in these comments.... ;)
08/07/2024 - 16:43
Spot on. Wayyyy to much lefty outrage in here. It's just for lols..... and it's delivering.
08/07/2024 - 14:24
Any publicity is good publicity for small business.
08/07/2024 - 14:17
Marketing strategy spot on. Well played.10/10
08/07/2024 - 14:00
Taking the wife and kids to KFC for date night.
03/07/2024 - 08:43
Can people under 45 just buy or need a doctor referral?
30/06/2024 - 19:39
Waiting patiently for next deal on other blends. :)
27/06/2024 - 19:05
If you need to upload content in 4K, this is a good deal.
26/06/2024 - 12:01
I can make anything run in SLI with gorilla glue.
22/06/2024 - 13:30
Thanks OP. Ordered 2 to run in SLI.
22/06/2024 - 11:30
Best way to roast these? Just bang it in the oven? Butter? Oil?
17/06/2024 - 15:10
If our household income is over 210k do we still qualify for STC rebates, but not the vic gov solar rebate?
15/06/2024 - 11:38
Dont do it people, WoW is worse than crack. Before you know it, you'll be having meet ups with guildies to share recipies on Horde cupcakes.
13/06/2024 - 10:24
Anyone else getting an error trying to sign up? Imagine if the error was more helpful.... "Only retail members may opt in/out of receiving…
08/06/2024 - 09:31
Adding it to my calendor to order next week!!
31/05/2024 - 14:50
Is this deal on for the next week? I will need a bag in about a weeks time.
31/05/2024 - 14:23
I joined SpinTel in March not realising they charge extra to remove CGNAT. Not a static IP but just opt out of CGNAT so I can use basic IP…
29/05/2024 - 19:34
Agree. Just that a poor website always makes me wonder what other corners have been cut.
28/05/2024 - 09:35
I know this is a gen older but can this still run Youtube okay at 4K?
16/05/2024 - 15:00
The fact that the website is not maintained says it all. App only approach is a turnoff for me personally. E.G. Click the "Westpac" link on…
14/05/2024 - 07:57