Best Dental Insurance in VIC

Hi Guys
I've constant issue with tooth and had undergone few Root Canal , bridging etc in past.
I'm curious which is the best dental insurance I can opt for, which is though costly , doesn't have any nagging in the future for any kind of dental treatment.


Merged: Dental Insurance For Pre Existing Ailments and No Waiting Period

I have an immediate need of a Dental treatment (RCT).
I am looking through various dental insurance option which I can opt for minimizing my spend on the treatment + visiting charges and can cover the pre-existing condition.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


  • Whatever you get you will need to look into the issues of pre-existing conditions. They will, at least, delay you on treatment for 6-12 months. We use NIB, and am reasonably happy with the return from them; limits shown in link, and percentage of bill back.

    NIB also has their own dentists, if you want to use them, so you could ask about costing with them.

    Best of luck with your teeth.

  • They will, at least, delay you on treatment for 6-12 months

    Waiting around with dental problems because insurance won't pay for it, hasn't privatising health worked out well for everyone!

    • -1

      Absolutely. I would rather pay extra tax and get a level playing field and I am one of the people who is paid a decent wage and have savings in the bank so I will probably be worse off than I am now. I believe in fences at the top of cliffs, rather than ambulances at the bottom. Stop the kids becoming delinquents, or people having health problems, rather than cleaning up the mess afterwards.

      • So you suggest that personal responsibility has no place and that people who regularly brush their teeth subsidise those who don't?

        Stop the kids becoming delinquents

        What does this have to do with the OP? It reminds me of the famous line from the Simpsons when at every town-hall meeting sooner or later somebody shouts "Somebody please think of the children!!!".

        • -1

          Personal responsiblity only takes us so far; crap happens and I would rather be covered if it happens to me. In America people have been bankrupted by their health system if they are involved in an accident. Universal Health cover is a much, much better system. Some of the employer health cover in America will not cover people for the Pill; just insanity. The issue I was making about delinquents was an extension of my original point, which was around fences rather than ambulances, however, if you want me to stay within the narrow field of the original post then you have my permission to ignore this; given you didn't take the personal responsibility to.

        • @try2bhelpful:

          crap happens and I would rather be covered if it happens to me

          Which is exactly why you have an option of having private insurance.

          In America people have been bankrupted by their health system if they are involved in an accident.

          At least in America they get high quality health care AND are able to accumulate wealth through hard work - while not perfect, I'd have that system any day over the Cuban / North Korean one that you are proposing.

          And bankruptcy is actually a legal way to write off most of the debt to your creditors - while I'd rather not have to resort to that, it hasn't stopped Donald Trump from bouncing back. And all the downtrodden that you are worried about have nothing to fear from bankruptcy anyway, as they already live off other people's taxes.

        • @elektron: Let's do this by the numbers shall we. I do not want to live in North Korea or Cuba, there are perfectly good Universal health systems here and in the UK. They are not perfect but they are a hell of a lot better than the alternatives in America. Maybe you need to google to have a look at how bad the American system is. If you don't have money you can be bankrupted by an accident or poor health. Our health system is very good, I know I had a melanoma removed under it and the only cost was visiting the health specialist for checkups. I want everyone to have that option if they need it. It wasn't my choice to be sick, it was something that happened to me and I was lucky I was here, rather than there. I pay my fair share of tax because I believe in the system and that society is truly judged on how it treats it most unfortunate.

          Donald Trump is scum that has used his inherited wealth to offload his debts, and poor business decisions, onto other people. He has been involved in 3500 law suits; that is not somebody to be admired. It goes to show how appalling the American business system is when he can not pay tax for the last 20 years because he offloaded his debt onto the American public. The worst tax offenders are people like him, not some poor schumck who can't afford the lawyers to avoid their share of the tax burden. The fact you can't see that says a hell of a lot about you.

        • @try2bhelpful: You say that we already have a "perfectly good" health system and yet you advocate raising taxes in order to have a "level playing field". You say you don't want to live in Cuba or North Korea, but the people who supported these regimes being installed all those decades ago probably had a different vision in mind for their grandchildren than the Cuba and the North Korea of today. They were just idealists, like yourself (it's not a compliment), fighting for the equality, against the likes of Trump, and believing that it would result in a fairer world.

          Guess what? It never does, and it's the most idealistic of intentions that usually result in the most disastrous consequences, as history has shown us time and time again. Unlike you, a sick-of-being-rich chardonnay socialist living in the luckiest country on earth, I have actually spent a half of my life living both under a socialist regime and in the US and can speak from first hand experience with both systems, rather than from ABC / CNN style propaganda.

          I didn't neg you by the way.

        • -1

          @elektron: We are neither socialist nor the USA; so we don't need to have either system. BTW - people throw the words communist or socialist around with no real idea on what they mean; the way these words are used in America is laughable. Trump is ripping the American tax payer off big time, if everyone had his attitude the entire country would grind to a halt because they couldn't support any services and then, with easy access to guns and no policeforce or army to speak of, the whole system would descend into anarchy and bloodshed. You are entirely self centred and Nihilistic and your use of propaganda is even worse than the ABC/CNN - do you have the dial permanently stuck on Fox News because you have bought the right wing propaganda up to the hilt. Society cannot function if everyone works on the principle of "me first". Your description of me is absolutely hilarious, however, given you are most of the way up Trump's colon it doesns't surprise me at all.

    • Do you usually get car insurance only after you get into an accident? If not, it probably hasn't worked out for you either…

  • We use which is reasonably cheap and gives discounts on dental treatment.

    We then combine this with Frank Lots extras as this gives 80% back for a lot of dental treatments, inc 80% off root canals which was one of the best i could find although the return for crowns wasn't fantastic but the saving on the actual root canal was substantial .

    edited to add that occasionally Frank do deals where there are no waiting periods on extras. This was also a big factor for me as i needed a root canal done when i was looking so didn't have to wait 12 months. A good time to purchase is near the end of March when there are some good deals to be had due to the annual price rise in april.

  • +1

    Thanks for the response.
    I'm still taking a look at what I can opt for.
    PS : Guys don't fight over somebody's tooth :P

  • Merged from Dental Insurance For Pre Existing Ailments and No Waiting Period

    I have an immediate need of a Dental treatment (RCT).
    I am looking through various dental insurance option which I can opt for minimizing my spend on the treatment + visiting charges and can cover the pre-existing condition.
    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    • +8

      immediate need of a Dental treatment

      So you want the insurer to make a certain loss and have to raise premiums for everyone else?

      Unfortunately insurance doesn't work that way. It's about the pooling of unknown costs so that the premium is affordable to everyone.

    • I believe Medicare wave some atm, but surgery is likely a 12 month ND isn't waived.

    • Dam wish I thought of that business model. You pay a weeks insurance, I cover all your dental work, you quit.

    • Not technically insurance, but since you're asking for ways to minimise spend - is a subscription service where you pay an annual fee and get a discount on dental treatment at participating providers (of which there appear to be quite a few). No waiting periods apply.

      You'd need to be spending quite a lot on dental to get back the $77 (per year for singles), but it looks like you've got a big item coming up already.

      EDIT: So the way they get around unclesnake's concern is that you can't just pay for a week, you have to pay for a year upfront…

      • I can see what you say, but it would need to be more than 1 year if there was a certainty that the company was going to incur a significant cost up front - otherwise nobody would insure until they actually needed a procedure. Personally I think medical dental should be covered under Medicare as well - not braces and things but fillings, extractions, etc.

    • Do the first stage of the RCT from your own pocket, you will be out of pain. Tooth will be stabilised till after your 6-12m waiting period. Then do the last 2 stages + Cap

    • +2

      Whats the next question - how do arrange for car insurance to cover damage AFTER an accident?

    • Owned.

  • One thing about the NIB is that you will get 2 completely free checkup + cleanups in Melbourne Collins St. NIB.

    If you go with another one, you will end up paying some "difference".

    Thanks to the nanny state introducing the 1% extra tax penalty for not having private health cover, they are all effectively scamming us.

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