Someone Keeps Filling Our Rubbish Bins

Hi Everyone,

I am after some advice.

Our rubbish collection is every Friday, and so on a Thursday night we put our rubbish bins out on the street. Lately on Friday afternoons when i go to collect them, they are full again!
The first two times it happened i thought that the garbage collectors weren't emptying my bins so i called the council and they came and re did it. now i have been paying attention, and they are definitely not my rubbish bags. So someone is filling our bins, AFTER the garbage collectors have come, but before i bring them back in. They even have put things in our recycling bins that shouldn't be recycled.

This is getting really annoying, and leave us with little room to fill our bins with our rubbish.

What can i do to stop this!? the only thing i can think of doing is getting a camera to find out who it is (but then i would have to buy a camera) or taping a fake spider or something to the bin to deter them.

Any ideas??


  • +7

    Have you tried wheeling the bin in and having a look to see what's in the bin?
    There could be letters or paperwork in the bin that can help identify who it might be.
    Or if it's things like tree trimmings or lawn clippings, have a look around and see if of your neighbours have just trimmed their trees or mowed their lawn.

    If you don't care who it is, then you could ask your neighbour for help in wheeling your bin in after the truck comes by to empty the bins.

    • Good stuff

    • i could go through their rubbish to see who it is, that is a good idea.
      I know it isn't my direct neighbours because we are all very close and good friends. I don't want to have to ask them to come and bring in the bins. the problem is lately the garbage collectors have been coming at various hours in the day. They used to come at around 6.30am, so i had a chance to bring them in before work. now i hear that they haven't been coming until midday some days.

      • +2

        It's likely going to be someone within close walking distance.

    • +2

      you can deposit their rubbish back in their letterbox! I love that idea

  • Above idea is good.

    I think whoever's doing it must be a bit clueless and in need of advice.
    Do they even have their own bin?
    There has to be a reason for this.

    • i can't figure it out either. it is the back street for us, not the main street. there are a lot of apartments, so possibly someone doesn't want to fill up their bins. the other thought is that a local business is driving and putting their rubbish in the bins. maybe they think that the garbage collectors haven't come yet!?
      How do they even have so much rubbish on bin collecting day!

      • We had our rubbish bin go missing one week. I rang to tell the council & they brought a replacement the next day. The following rubbish day, the bin returned! I never found out who did it….

        • Same but our bin never returned :(. Oh well at least now we have a new and shiny bin. :)

        • The same thing happened to us when we first bought our house, the 3 bins that were there at the inspection were missing when we moved in; called the council and got new replacements. Later discovered that while the house next door was being renovated, the dodgy builders had been filling up our old bins as well as their own property bins with building refuse, and a few others, with street numbers taped over; all so they didn't have to cough up for renting a skip. They got the council to remove their building waste (foam/bricks/plaster/paint/etc) as recycled/rubbish/garden waste.

  • -1


    • +2

      Responsible bikies I'm guessing. I thought they'd just throw their rubbish out on the street or dump it in the bush. At least now they are putting it in a bin.

      • Why would bikies throw rubbish in the street or bush. More likely car drivers or irresponsible teenagers do this.

        • Because they are outlaws and have no respect for the environment!

  • +5

    find out who it is, once you do, lay out all the rubbish they put in your bin onto their yard

  • IP Camera's aren't that expensive these days and if you can see your bin from your house you have a power supply, and you can use it for general security after its serviced its purpose :-)

    Otherwise there are some good battery powered devices you'd be able to hide somewhere.

    • unfortunately the bins aren't visible from our house. i do have a sports camera, but only has 2 hours worth of battery. I do want to know who it is, but i fear that knowing who they are won't help me in stopping them. i still won't know where they live

  • Connect a siren device so when the lid is lifted, it makes a noise so you or your neighbours catch the perp. Also, how does this person get his rubbish to your bin - by car or walk by ?

    • I don't know why you got negged I think this is a good idea, but I would replace siren with a recording me me saying "USE YOUR OWN BIN, WANK3R!!!"

      • or "FREEZE, POVO!"

  • +6

    Put a sign on the bin that this bin is being secretly recorded, hopefully that stops it, if not actually start recording.

  • Well if you're living near the city, people walking pass by may throw rubbish into it. So even you identify the person, it's hard to chase them down especially if they're not living or working in the area.

    • +5

      But not a whole bins worth though

  • +1

    Maybe they are dumping body parts in your bin!

    • oh god! don't plant that thought in my head!!!

  • +1

    If you've got an old smart phone lying around you can turn it into a security camera. Just google 'phone as a security camera' heaps of instruction videos around.

  • +3

    Do you have any sick days or RDOs/holidays coming up? If so stay home on the garbage pickup day, armed with phone with camera and catch the buggers filling your bin,(video) if they are using a car to bring the rubbish photo the number plates don't confront call cops all good

  • +1

    Interesting they keep coming to only your bin instead of spreading the love.

    I'd go with a prominent "smile, you're on candid camera" sign.

    And hope they don't own a rubber Donald Trump mask.

  • +1

    if you can hide it, buy a dash cam and a power bank, 10k mah should last 7-8 hours.

    When you are done you can fit it to your car and use the power bank as a back up

    Cheapest half decent dash cam is about $30 USD and $15 USD for a mi power bank

    you can go as far as getting a motion activated one but it will cost more then $30 us

  • +4

    Try not putting your bin out one week, and ask your neighbours of they got the dump instead. If not, it may be targeted, and thus someone who knows you?

  • +2

    I went through the bags dumped in mine, found the name and address off a letter, and wrote a please don't ever do that again to anyone letter to them. Also took photos to give to the council, but didn't have to as it stopped.

    • How far away did that person live?

      • +2

        A few streets away. Assume my street was a short cut on way to work - if their bin was full, they'd dump the overflow into ours. True dirt bag.

        • +1

          who the hell dumps rubbish a few streets away!? across the road, or neighbouring houses yes.. but a few streets?? that's some pre-meditated rubbish dumping

        • +1

          @supasaiyan: I know. I only spotted it at first when they did it after the rubbish had been collected. Didn't find anything the first time I did a search, but found the letters on the second time. Just put the rubber gloves on and slowly sorted through it - as a parent I've done much worse things, and it didn't take long.

          In our street we're pretty friendly and are happy to do a bit of rubbish redistribution if someone's had a party etc, just like we'll check mail/put out the bins when people are away. Makes me think that their neighbours hate their guts, and if they do things like this then that may be an indication why!

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