Nintendo Switch Thoughts?

Not too sure how to feel about it. Just want everyones opinion.


  • +1

    Own a ps4 since launch with psvr with re7 and dirt rally vr…however, have not touched my ps4 since the switch. Been stuck on zelda which is a near perfect game. Also all the neg videos…wouldn't be surprised if some were staged by competitors to dampen the high sales volume of the switch so far. I have had none of the issues from the videos. The weirdest one was that the dock scratched this one guys screen….the scratches were zigzag and looked more like the guy took to it with a sharp needle. Technically if it would scratch the screen, they would only be straight pressure lines..I call fake on some of the clips…but like every console and 3 of my previous xbox 360s(all of which overheated with short sessions and no longer work), they all have a certain number which have issues.

    • +1

      The guy said he treated his switch like a baby and it still got scratches like that. All I can say is I wouldn't have him baby sit my children.

    • A lot of people are reporting the straight line scratches that are obviously from the dock. Someone on Nintendo Daily had a good theory (and photo) about why its happening to some, but not all, and its because of the way the dock was packaged in the box, very tight with nothing inside it, and some of them have had the plastic side slightly squeezed in instead of both sides being perfectly straight as intended, making the dock slightly narrower at the top than its supposed to be.

  • I ain't switching for that joke of a console with childish games.

    • Lol. Don't switch, but maybe as the poor library grows and the price drops, make it an addition. It's great for mobile gaming if nothing else.

  • I sold my Wii U and my Wii is sitting nowhere collecting dust. I bought the switch on launch day, quite happy with the Zelda game , the console is bit pricy but could be adjusted by cheaper game price, the boom man is 75dollars is too expensive

    It is worhy or not , it depends on how frequent you use it, some of lady friends bought a designer handbag but rarely use once, and that is wasted to me

  • +1

    I'd say hold out for now unless you don't have a Wii U and you want to play Zelda (you do).

    I paid $560 to play Breath of the Wild, and I'd do it again.

    • Guessing you got a pro controller with that price. How is the controller compared to the two joycons attached to the holder?

      • Got a pro. It feels like an xbone controller. Better than the joycons.

      • It feels great, the joystick alignment is correct and far more comfortable. I highly recommend it if it's within your budget.

  • +2

    My opinion - amazing handheld, poor console, and a terrible launch library.

    To elaborate, as a handheld gaming system, this thing is amazing. Leaps and bounds ahead of the 3DS and Vita in terms of graphics and with a much faster operating system and quick loading times, a beautiful big screen and comfortable grips. If your main interest in it is as an upgrade from the 3DS, than Nintendo nailed it.

    However, as a console its not great. Other than the obvious lack of power compared to the other consoles that are now cheaper, its missing many things that are standard on consoles that for the price isnt really excusable. We would not have accepted the PS4 at its pricepoint without a harddrive, without a Blu Ray disc drive and media playing abilities, without a LAN port, without any apps, a terrible social system thats still using friendcodes and with as cheap and uncomfortable a controller as the Switch's is in its gamepad configuration. But we're being asked to accept all that with the Switch. Honestly I cant see myself using it as a console much if ever.

    The launch library speaks for itself. Theres Zelda, which is about 98% identical to the Wii U version, Bomberman which is incredibly barebones and far from what a $90 game should be, 1-2 Switch and a few odds and ends you can get on other systems for a quarter of the price. Surely the worst launch lineup in console history. I bought it because it was inevitable I'd get one for Mario so I thought I might as well get it now and get Zelda on it instead of the Wii but I expect it will gather a lot of dust between now and the end of the year.

    In all, I like the system. I like being able to play a Zelda BotW quality game on a handheld in bed. But its got some pretty big problems. Nintendo REALLY needs to get games happening, if we are in for a repeat of the Wii U era with one major game every six months or so it will be as much as a failure as the Wii U. But if they get their asses into gear and give this thing a good library with frequent releases, I see no reason it shouldnt exceed the 3DS in popularity.

    • If its a handheld only then 3DS XL is better. Switch is meant to switch to console at home right? If its not doing that what is the whole point?

      • How is the 3DS XL better? The Switch is way more powerful, has a much better and bigger screen, is more comfortable and will be capable of much more advanced games. Something like Zelda BotW could never be done on a 3DS. As a handheld the only thing the 3DS has over the Switch is its games library, which you can say about any new console or handheld. The fact that you can plug it into your TV and play it like a console is just another advantage.

  • +1

    You will see reports with every hardware release of failures, Xbox, PS4, etc all had them. Those with issues report it and the people without less so. There are those who it won't appeal to and there are those people who justified not purchasing it and who don't like that justifcation being challenged for any reason. Usually the latter feel the need to convince others of this while those of us that bought it and tend to want to justify the purchase to others. At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is yours. The launch of the Switch so far has been a success but the truth is, it's too early to tell if that trend will continue, so waiting it out could be the smart choice for now. Ask yourself: Will spending this money affect any other area of my life negatively? Do I enjoy Nintendo first party titles or need portability in a console? (The main selling points for the Switch) and do I think I will genuinely use it, or will just gather dust? You did ask for opinions though, just note that I have owned every Nintendo Console since the NES and I commute daily. I haven't enjoyed a console this much since the N64, and i think BoTW is my favourite Nintendo Game in as long as I can remember (possible ever). I haven't touched my PC or PS4 pro since March 3rd, and being able to play a AAA game like BoTW on a portable along with the guarantee of games like MK8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2 make it a pretty easy sell for me.

  • Personally, I'm glad I didn't rush out and get one. It feels rushed. And until I see some decent physical 3rd party games on the shelves I won't touch it. Portables do nothing for me either - and considering Nintendo will most likely quietly upgrade/fix some issues with the dock and joy con - it's better to wait anyway. I feel It's also to expensive for what it is, the jack of all trades and the master of none.

    • Me too, I was contemplating on trading my wii u but luckily I didn't. At the moment, game library is still at its infancy and hoping probably, a Nintendo Switch "S" released in the near future.

  • I love my console and Zelda

    Can't put the game down

    But the rate I'm going, it will be done in a weeks time

    The lack of games is a worry, but the again, with xbone and ps4

    The switch can sit around for a while

  • Docked, it lags almost all the time playing Zelda. Stasis causes huge FPS lags - in forests it drops to 5 fps or so.

    As a portable it is quite amazing. Sure it's only 720p so the screen is pretty bad. Still, it's an amazing leap for Nintendo from the 3DS screen.

    The battery life in portable is TERRIBLE. With a mere 2 hour 10 minutes it dies playing Zelda. It needed a bigger battery, no question about it.

    Regardless, you have to buy it for Zelda. With the amiibo purchases Zelda is by far the most expensive game I have bought. No regrets.

    • Just out of curiousity, does the FPS lag happen even right after you started playing the game?

      Some people were pointing fingers at the higher resolution it needs to deal with whereas some people were commenting how bad the dock is (lump of plastic that's closed so that all that lovely heat stays). Just curious on whether how bad the dock is contributes to FPS drops heavily or not.

      • Its fan is on the top, so the dock doesn't affect the cooling of the unit. It's the higher resolution that causes occasional lag.

        • I was more referring to passive cooling and the fact that the device will generate more heat when it is docked (while the dock doesn't do anything but stops passive cooling), but I see your point.

  • I will let you know how I feel, when there is software for this. I aint into Zelda so I can not comment truthfully at this present moment, until them my PS4 will keep me going,

  • Seems cool! I'm gonna wait until more games get released.

  • hey guys,
    look,its that guy takig one apart

  • Nintendo switch is pretty much the same console with Wii-U in its more updated and slimmer version with new fancy accessories and less games and please I know you paid approximately $450 just for the console and you hate the fact someone is telling you the graphics are pretty much the same and the contrast by default is higher,
    but It would be a great idea and great step up for Nintendo if they had actually (put to sleep) or better killed the DS series by merging the games to the switch console.
    They wanted both hence it's a hype that will die quickly like most of their systems did.
    I can give them that they did a great move to have EXCLUSIVELY Monster Hunter series into the DS-series handhelds and take it from Sony hence it sold so many consoles.
    Back to the Switch the disadvantages and regulations users have been having since day 1 unfortunatelly are more than what this beautiful and promising console can give right now or ever will, but always Nintendo was Smart and Strong with their marketing campaigns and their teaser trailers for their upcoming products and always leave us with promises and what we thought actually this product would be. (they never use words and leaves us work with our imagination).
    This time there was not even a user manual in the box not that we would read it but I love keep them all nicely in the box.
    Thery couldnt go cheapper for this one.

    • I am pretty sure the exclusives are what keeps people coming back.. I for one cannot not buy the next console if monhun/Fire Emblem comes up.

      A few points regarding your post.

      Firstly, I actually thought the push for switch is to slowly phase out 3DS and make switch the new portable console? Obviously they are not going switch off the 3DS department straight away.. there are still developing games on it, wouldn't want to drive away potential buyers right? I don't see how and why Nintendo will continue 3ds development in the future when they have another better portable to work on.. I thought switch is Nintendo's answer for combining home and portable. However this is all speculation…

      Secondly, Monster hunter wasn't snatched by Nintendo.. Capcom made that decision as they believe the 3DS system is a better fit for the series, and also Sony refused to pay for furthering the contract.

      Switch the disadvantages and regulations users have been having since day 1

      Many consoles fail since day 1 until 3 month later. Need to remind people all the time that PS4 and XBONE releases are both very faulty too. Thus why I do not go and get any console at first launch.

      I hope the battery issue (only 2.5 hours play time?) and docking FPS issue can be resolved soon, or at least before I buy it.

      • -1

        Quote> Secondly, >>>>>>Monster hunter wasn't snatched by Nintendo..<<<<<< Capcom made that decision as they believe the 3DS system is a better fit for the series, and also Sony refused to pay for furthering the contract.

        Read what I wrote.

        Quote > Many consoles fail since day 1 until 3 month later. Need to remind people all the time that PS4 and XBONE releases are both very faulty too.

        The two consoles you refered to had from day 1 plethora of titles to choose from.
        they were master race of consoles and still are since day 1 and
        "Seconly they were never a fail or had such big issues.

        Overall I liked your comment
        Thanks for your time

  • Laughing at many naysayers about how many complaint is there when launch. Heck if the we are going by complaints on release on how successful/unsuccessful a console is gonna be, PS4 and XBONE should be ruins by now. Complaint bias is very prevalent and gets people everytime.

    I wont buy it now as theres not really a game to justify the sink of 400+ bucks. I will however get it if there is a Nintendo exclusive that I really want coming out (Fire Emblem/Monster Hunter)

  • I love Nintendo for their commitment to local co-op. Nothing more boring then watching someone else play a console game in single player. I don't regret my purchase at all. Can't wait for lego city, mario kart and splatoon!

  • I want to get one but stopped myself.


    • not much games
    • I want to see how good it is, waiting for someone to show me in person
      on how the game play look like first
    • to be honest, Wii U was not good, so I want to see if this is good.

    Now I have a chance to play with a friend's one, here's my comment:

    1. Zelda - everyone said its beautiful game online - I am used to Xbox One or iPad Games, so beautiful to me is equal or better display output game. But it is not as good in resolution.

    2. Lag - when I play Zelda, when I fight a bigger enemy, or multiple little ones, there are lags on the screen. very little, not huge lag. But it is a new console and new game designed for it. I don't expect to see lag.

    3. playing mobile is heavy - being a mobile console is a big selling point but it is still too heavy to carry it with the joysticks attached. Playing it for 10 mins already made my arm sore. So I ended up using the wireless control mode with the screen on a table/desk. (that lead to 4th point)

    4. Standalone control, when it standalone, the screen is too small to play far away. but if you sit really close it is awkward. I don't like the way it plays and the screen is too reflective. Especially the stand only support 1 angle (like the first gen Surface Pro), making the reflecting like crazy.

    Now I have decided not to buy it anymore, I would rather invest in XBOX One S to play 4K instead of this.

    • I guess it depends how it fits into your life. I have a PS4 Pro but find that I never have time to sit down to play for long sessions (and when I do, it seems I always have to download an update). While the switch is not a PS4/XB1, you can whip it out and play instantly wherever you are. So for me, convenience and local co-op trump the other issues.

      • xbox one S cant play games in native 4k

    • +2

      to be honest, Wii U was not good, so I want to see if this is good.

      That's not being honest, that's in your opinion (and… based on the sales market, but still, even that's a fact and not honesty). There was nothing wrong with the wii-u; except that Nintendo stopped caring for it after they realized it wasn't selling and was never going to take off.

      A few Wii-U exclusive games are still easily the best games of their genres current generation (if not the ONLY ones, considering genre variety has dried up since 2013), namely Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Smash Brothers and Mario 3D World. The only thing missing from Wii-U was third party support.

      Some people believe that unique games are better than pretty games. The problem with Nintendo and the Switch is not that Nintendo doesn't want to appeal to people who fetishize high pixel counts, it's that even Nintendo's core userbase doesn't want what Nintendo thinks they want (Metroid Prime Federation Force and Paper Mario Sticky Anything, to name some examples.) That's why there are so many Nintendo fans in this thread struggling to justify purchasing a Switch. If you're an Xbox user and you want to play CoD, FIFA, Assassin's Creed (and their many clones and spinoffs), then considering buying a Nintendo console is a wholly fruitless excercise.

      TL;DR: If you think an Xbox is right for you then it probably is. If you want a Nintendo for graphics then you should probably reassess your life lol.

      • That's not being honest, that's in your opinion

        That's right, its my honest opinions and that's what I am writing, I didn't say it is majority of opinions.

        There was nothing wrong with the wii-u; except that Nintendo stopped caring for it after they realized it wasn't selling and was never going to take off.

        Nintendo stopped caring for it <- you've said it, this is no good. If I paid for it, I expect the company who made the device fully support it.

        TL;DR: If you think an Xbox is right for you then it probably is. If you want a Nintendo for graphics then you should probably reassess your life lol.

        personal attack for disagreeing someone's comment? may be you should also reassess your life. lol

        anyway, not that I am going to change my mind, Nintendo won't get my money.

        But you know what, we shall see in the next 6 months if they are as successful as Xbox or PS4. I bet you they won't be with Switch.

        • Well I'm not buying a Switch either; Zelda is on Wii-U and it's pretty much the only legitimate reason any reasonable is buying Switch right now. But, having said that, I also have a PS4, and those two consoles are just so… painfully generic, comfortable in their 'just passable' exclusives and cross platform titles that I'm totally bored with my PS4 and, now that I've played Uncharted 4, can nearly guarantee it's going to get a very, very deep layer of dust on it until I use it once again, because I don't care about the game-a-years or annual sport titles, which the majority of those consoles cater towards.

          When you really think about it, if you don't count the annual sport titles and racershootahz, the PS4 and Xbone are both pretty barren, and they both had exceptionally laughable releases as well (It was Forza on one, Killzone/Infamous on the other, and they survived on last gen remakes for 2 years, in case you've forgotten). Unfortunately, thus is the nature of casual gaming. With that in mind, it's a little early to judge the Switch as a total market failure, because with titles like Arms and totally reimagined Zelda, at least they're trying to be unique with their software.

          The point is not whether or not they'll be more successful than the casual graphicsboxes, but rather whether or not they are going to try to contribute to the videogame industry as much as they did a decade, two decades ago. My money is, sadly, on no :(

  • I'd just like to point out that the Zelda game has kookaburra noises!! As an American Australian, I'll have to say that the yanks probably think it's monkeys laughing.

  • I find it a bit odd that no one has mentioned Fast RMX, absolute gem of a game, very good racer with a polarity shift aspect to it, looks gorgeous both in hand held and docking, hell I took my switch to work the other week and three people have since bought the console based off the experience they had playing Fast RMX (Of course they played Zelda on it too)

    I haven't noticed any of the lag people are mentioning or had any other problem or issue either, guess I'm just lucky 😉

  • For me, it seems promising but I'll wait for the 2nd generation. My rule of thumb is to avoid buying the 1st generation of a brand new product unless it has something I really want.

    Usually the 2nd generation is what the 1st generation should have been.

    • +1

      That's also my rule of thumb… until a game I really want comes out and that mindset goes out the window instantly.

      Basically change from "I want this" to "I NID DIS NOW!" (note the deterioration of the brain activity)

  • I haven't owned a console since original xbox & im literally doing everything in my power to avoid the switch. I keep thinking of reasons why I should buy it like the portability as I have an hour lunch break and could easily play it then. Although the problem with the switch are the expensive games for eg. Everytime a game is released its at full RRP and it cant play wii u games?. I played smash bros wii u at target for the first time & I wasnt impressed. I also have recently purchased a 4k Tv, so i'll be waiting for the scorpio.

    • I'm worried about how much dev time is going to be spent on making games look prettier with more 4K TV's in the consumerbase. The scorpio is a great concept, and I understand it's going to be powerful for more reasons than just videogames. But I get worried about what videogames are going to become when 4k becomes not only commonplace, but expected, and when seeing a texture pop or texture seam, or a PERSON WITHOUT THEIR WHOLE FACE becomes a far more serious issue with so many sexy, sexy pixels to deal with. That's why I'm totally okay with the style-over-pixelcount that Zelda is touting.

      Also, Smash bros on Wii-U was great tho' ;_;

      • I'll save my money for the scorpio & get the most for my money

      • My understanding is that devs smash out a game not caring about performance, as long as it runs on their huge rigs, then cut features/graphics to make it run on consoles. Seemingly supporting this are the PS4/xbone remasters, graphic bumps (AssCreedPirates on PS4), and PS4pro-optimised games coming out quickly.

        It's also why PC releases are often as mess, cos they get lazy and just release their unoptimised dev mess because PC has shitload more power potential.

        • As evidence to your theory, The Last Of Us remake comes to mind. I heard that the game was made for super, duper high end rendering development PC's, downscaled for PS3, and then restored back to the better state for the PS4 re-release. However, that being said, TLOU on PS3 is probably the best optimized videogame in existance.

          The reason they're able to do stuff like that on console is because they're developing for only one standard, two if they're going multiplatform. Creating a multiplatform game that releases on PC as well has to first of all work correctly with both mainstream graphics cards (AMD and Nvidia) and also account for the near infinite number of random settings/performance/hardware combinations that people run in their builds. That's why developing for them is so difficult, or at least, why the optimization is sometimes a bit of a mess.

  • -2

    I don't even know what a 'Nintendo switch' is.
    Which begs the question, wtf am i doing here??

  • -3

    I'm disappointed. I don't own one but can read the bad news: lag spikes, poor fps, single-game library, console/controller covering peeling off with decals, bricked units, uncomfortable controllers, etc.

    Everything has been ready for Nintendo for years. Take an NVIDIA Shield, you've got a bazillion good controller designs to choose from, and add a dock that contains extra GPU so it can push native 1080p. This is what people wanted - a home console.

  • +2

    I have a busy full time job, wife who works full time, and three kids. I haven't bought a console or hand-held since ps2 and the Nintendo DS. Hate mobile tablet games due to pay to play model and lack of real buttons etc.

    I've put 60 hours into BotW since launch. Anytime I'm waiting, instead of mucking around on phone, I play on the switch instead. If it was AAA game on a ps4 or a PC, I wouldn't have touched it. It's amazing particularly for someone with a busy lifestyle.

    Approximately 90 percent of playing time has been hand held and when I dock it to the TV, I'm amazed at how fast at switching it is. Turns on from sleep quickly. Screen is great, good size for me, and battery life is 3hrs in aeroplane mode on handheld, which is amazing considering you have a full real game with you. Usb C and microsd. I haven't had any joycon issues, scratches etc. For me, the price is spot on.

    Mario kart 8, snipperclips, arms, splatoon 2,and mario odyssey, with hopefully overcooked and stardew valley, will be a great first year. Until then, more BotW and I'm totally fine with that. I understand not everyone will feel that way.

    Hope this helps make your decision.

  • The Zelda game itself is worth the whole purchase price and is the reason why i'm after this.

  • Best Nintendo I've ever owned.

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