457 Visa to be abolished - thoughts?

As the title suggest, government will be abolishing 457 Visa.

First of all, I will wait until it happens. I have seen Turnbull announcing a lot of things only to realise that he can't do it due to political pressure or incompetency. But lets assume that it will happen this time, what do you think of this?


(Edit: Link to the article added)

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  • 92
    A) Best move ever by Turnbull
  • 242
    B) Turnbull is just trying to save his job by doing so
  • 15
    C) Just one of those plans which will not be executed
  • 22
    D) Who cares


    • +2

      If a worker on 457 visa earned an employment which paid him $100k, then there can't be any arguments. He deserves it. Employer isn't stupid who paid him that kinda salary, nor it is ignorant of talent available locally. Sometimes companies are forced to hire people from abroad when some specific skills aren't easily available locally. Everyone understands such situations.

      However, local population is against those who are exploiting the system by hiring workers on 457 visa for the skills which don't have any shortage locally and exploiting them by paying much lower than market wages (at times even in cash). Why would you need a restaurant manager or an accountant or a hotel manager from overseas when you have so many unemployed people available locally who may be suitable for those jobs? I would equally blame employees who take up those position to get 457 sponsorship (and eventually residency) as well but I believe that employers have more responsibilities to respect the system.

  • Dubious migration agents sell 457 visas for around 60, 000 K

    • +8

      so, uh?, 60,000,000 bucks? thats insane

    • should be $60k. That excluding wages, super, workcover and else

  • +4

    To me it sounds like Turnbull is trying to take attention away from the big hot topic of housing affordability. Netiher party has any idea how to fix it or has the balls to do something about it. The timing of the 457 announcement screams desperation of trying to take people's minds of the real problem/s..

  • +2

    I don't know what it's like in the rest of Australia, but here in WA there is an oversupply of general doctors - which is why there are so many new bulk-billing clinics opening up - it's the only way they can make any money. There is a new medical school opening up soon so there will be even more doctors looking for work in a few years time

    There may be a need for specialists though but they supply of them is tightly controlled by the AMA in order to keep demand (and fees) high

  • +5

    No Offence to anyone but the top 10 CEO's in the world are of Indian Origin


    Every single business in Australia is now being bought by Indians - Subways, Nandos, Pizza Huts, Dominos, United Servos, Car Dealerships, Builders Etc etc, Where are all the locals gone probably lining up at Centre link ?

    I have yet to see any Indian with a Homeless board on the street or lining up at centre link , All of them work so hard and their kids are very well behaved too and top every school in studies too .

    Go to any suburb all the biggest houses are now owned by the Indians & the Chinese, Real estate agents just love them while so called the locals are either renting or living in units!

  • Just a reminder to keep the conversation civil and respectful. Personal attacks including those on groups of people will result in bans.

    • +2

      As well as it being like fully illegal.

  • +9

    It surprises me that so many of the OzBargain community feel so vehemently (even borderline racist) towards migrants and those who come here to make a better life for themselves.

    It seems that it's easy to forget that migrants helped build and grow this country into what it is today.

    • +5

      While i agree wih the tone and sentiment of your input Just two points and a tiny rant:

      1) Ozbargain is a cross section of society and for the most part, people harbour a fondness for discrimination (probably a byproduct of evolution which helped you distinguish wuickly friend from foe) it's sad and all but I don't think it'll change anytime soon. Even if we do somehow manage to get over this race thing as a species, there's a million other labels out there.

      2) The fact that migrants helped build this country does not mean the influx of migrants will perpetually be of benefit. All things should (but often arent) be accessed according to their merits rather than being done because of some feeling of 'loyaltly'.

      We should access the need for 457s on a needs basis (is that specific industry inappropriately staffed due to lack of domestic supply) rather than on the back of trumpisms such as ''protecting Australian jobs" or some other catchy phrase that is designed to incite visceral emotions rather than logical thought. However such an approach isnt easily digestable in todays tldr culture where information has to be consumable in bite sized morsels (which is funny considering how much more time we spend consuming news media).

      The novel approach adopted by governments plays on he fact that we all are to some degree xenophobic and bigoted. When turnbull says let's abolish 457s, he gives no specifics, we all create our own narratives, drawing on anecdotes that at times really have no bearing on the actual purpose of 457 visas.
      The following examples have nothing to do with supply and demand mismatch:
      - i/my loved one/friend cant get a job cause there are too many immigrants willing to work for much less/cash in hand: this is an issue with domestic employers breaking minimum wage laws and commitig tax evasion
      - chinese and indians are stealing my job: a white person can just as easily steal it, it's only usually a migrant in the case of 457s because no white people wanna do your job, hence the 457
      - 457s are willing to do anything: Being competitive within the bounds of the law is not illegal, outside of that, it is again an issue of illegality by employers
      -457s are shit at their job: issue wih government screening processes

      However, I do agree that our current 457 program is a typical government outfit, very irresponsive to markert changes, rarely get the numbers right and leave loopholes the size of the moon everywhere. But hey, its the government.

    • +1

      There is nothing wrong with migrants, its just that the migrants should be on the same playing field as Australians.

      For example you might find an Indian Australian Citizen who has worked hard and earns 100k for his job, he should not be replaced by an Indian who has just arrived in Australia and will do it for 50k because of what our currency is worth and how important it is for him to have a job for himself and to send money to his family.

      That Indian who is new to Australia will probably settle in and become a citizen just like anyone else, however the problem is we have a huge stream of people coming in all the time which means there is a huge crowd of people willing to do a job for 50% of an Australians wage.

  • I'm thinking about how i haven't bought anything today.

    • Is that why you're so angry?

  • +1
  • +1


    "India has hinted that the Australian Federal Government's decision to replace the 457 skilled worker visa may affect trade negotiations."

    Are they threatening Australia?

    • +2

      The first point is of course this will be relevant to trade negotiations.
      The second point is, who cares?

      I'm all for multiculturalism, but i'm not all for a high immigration rate which is stressing our cities to breaking point and accelerating massive environmental damage. The corporate interests might be pushing for it with their political donations and lobbying - more customers - but that doesn't mean it's in our long-term interests when all relevant factors are considered.

      I'd be cutting right back on the skilled migration scheme which has been comprehensively rorted for years.

      • Shut up and take my vote! (joke intended for the 1st two words - just in case you got offended)

        • I just said out loud, to myself, while on my own, in a Darth Vader voice, the following: "i find your lack of cheer disturbing".
          That's a vote for you isn't it?

  • Specifically in IT, 457 is highly exploited by big multi national companies who wantedly bring cheap labour from overseas even though there is no skill shortage locally in specific areas.
    There should be stringent rules to prove the legitimacy of those skill shortages. Only then companies will stop exploiting local jobs.

  • too many people. reduce overall population to sustainable\manageable amounts, get rid of all the dole bludgers, make people earn their pay. done.

    saw an article this week about 2 kids (literally in their teens) with 1 baby, and a 2nd on the way, with no plans to work, and just leech off the welfare. this type of scum needs to be eradicated from society, and the planet as a whole.

  • anyone wanna go fruit-picking with me? LOL

    • +1

      ASL ?:)

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