Ultrasonic Rodent repellent..yeah or nay?

Hi all, with winter settling in, some damn mice decided to shelter in my roof. I tried poison and traps, but they seem just coming back for more. So sick of catching dead mice.

I came across one of those electronice ultrasonic pest repellents like https://www.bunnings.com.au/the-big-cheese-pest-repellent-ul…

I have a feeling it might be "snake oil" thingy. Does it really work in your experience? Do I need place in the roof, or in the house? (none seen in the house though)



  • I put one of these in my kitchen… I have since packed up all food into plastic tubs basically don't use the kitchen to prepare food. They're a waste of time and money. I use the sticky traps myself, but it gets old quickly when you're catching a few of them a day.

  • +2

    Snake oil.

    They don't work, just like the insect and snake repellents don't work either.

    Try and find a demo of one working, the sellers can't even be bothered trying to fake it.

  • +1

    Unlikely they are coming from the dam, they generally live in fields and barns. Best to do a clean up around the house.

    • +1

      FYI my house is newly built less than 6 months old, in new estate…so you go figure

    • +2

      They are the smaller cousins of water rats.

      OP it's 'damn', when used in a "What in tarnation" context.

      • +1

        Do i seriously need to edit that…common sense people..

        • +1

          No need. I was explaining it as it seemed in your blindspot. It's not my lack of common sense, but nice projection.

  • Nah I use the legacy model

  • +1

    I am amazed that you can so boldly advertise a fraudulent product. Aren't there laws against that? Apparently not. Either that or nobody can be bothered enforcing them.

    • +1

      See also fuel magnets, turbo vortexes, HHO systems, fuel pills, house power savers, bird scares, balance bracelets, mobile phone anti-radiation stickers, etc etc.

      The problem is confirming they don't work costs time and money, and no-one wants to fund it. Besides as soon as one gets hammered down another pops right back up.

      Doesn't help there are millions of idiots who will swear blind that these things work.

      The only repellent I've ever seen work was for getting possums out of your roof. You simply put enough lights up there so there are no dark places for the possum to take a nap, and they'll bugger off after a few days.

    • We have a multi billion dollar supplements industry that has no oversight and sells it's snake oil in the same place you pick up actual medicines.

      Industry writes it's own legislation in this country.

  • OK guys, sticking to poison and baits…guess I will need to make one of those "roller in a bucket" trap..

  • -1

    Get a (profanity) I mean cat?

    (profanity) is a profanity but cock is not. People have been ruined for lesser crimes!

  • "So sick of catching dead mice"………….dam zombie mice!!……..move quick or get one of these!!-


  • +1

    What are dam mice? Water based mice?

    • +1

      some common sense people?

      • +1


      • Common sense is not that common.

        I thought the title was uncommon. Yeah or nah. Yay or nay. Not mixing them up.

  • To be fair, I think that there is probably some merit to these devices but they just aren't effective enough to actually repel a rat or mouse in a real life scenario.

    Think of it like more along the lines of a deterrent that maybe you'd use in a laboratory testing scenario. For instance, you set up two boxes and they both contain a small pack of peanut butter and the rat has equal access to both boxes, one has the sonic thingo and the other doesn't. The rat won't go into the box with the sonic thingo because it doesn't like the sound.

    But, if you take the real world example where the rat has a choice between a nice cosy warm roof space and the cold, dank and wet street the sonic thingo just isn't enough to ward off Pesky McRatson and his family of furry friends.

    Rats are actually quite useful animals, they're brilliantly smart (considering their size and reputation) and when kept as pets are often sociable and affectionate. It's just a shame that there isn't some other kind of co-habitation alternative because although I do use poison I really hate using it because it's such a menacing method of controlling them.

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