Data Sim for 10 Days in Japan

As per title, I need a data sim with about 1-2 GB of data allowance for 10 days in Japan.

I know of Yokoso sim but I'm leaving on Friday so too late to get it delivered from their ebay store. So I'm after something cheap, easy to set up and convenient to purchase in Japan. I have heard some reports that picking one up in 7-Eleven is a good option.

Any other recommendations? Thanks.

Edit: Maybe there is a good sim option I can still purchase in Australia before I leave?


  • Bic Camera has the best variety of prepaid data sim.

  • +2

    I have always bought online and got it delivered to reception at the hotel, also any Japan airports will have kiosk you can buy from, depending on the usage and speed you want this is pretty easy to get.

  • I'm on a bus leaving Osaka at the moment. I bought a 15day data sim (200Mb a day on 3G/4G) at Narita airport for ¥4000. Terminal 1 downstairs in the basement at the bottom of the escalators, the middle booth. On y0ur way to the trains. Others offered 1Gb for 15 days but I was concerned if suddenly my phone backed itself up somehow to the cloud and all the data goes in one go. 200Mb has been great.

    Plus 15*200mb = 3gb

  • Any Bic or Yodabashi camera will have plenty of traveller's sim cards. Larger international airports as well as altomic says, but I think the deals are better at bic/yodobashi.

  • Just came back from there. There's sim card vending machines at the airport over there. I didn't check the rates though.

    If you're on iOS you probably need to delete some network settings and download new ones (make sure to use the stock browser).

  • Last time I got a u-mobile sim (200mb/day, was enough for me) from a vending machine at Narita airport:

  • Everything you need to know is here:

    The b-mobile sim looks to be a good option. 5gb of data for 3,480 yen. Buy from Yodobashi or Bic camera.

    • I used this card just last month. Delivered straight to the house I was staying on arrival.

      • Is there any per day limit? Or in theory you could use all 5gb in one day? How was the speed? I will also be in Japan later in the year and am considering grabbing a couple of these.

        • No daily limit as far as I noticed. We had an averaged budget usage of about 260mg a day and was well under it. I streamed a few AFL full games, wife was streaming music (via youtube) daily.
          Speed was fine, didnt do any tests but everything was quick and snappy, better then here.
          I used an old phone for the card and just made a wifi hotspot and left it in my bag, we could both use it when in range. The only problem we had was the hot-spot phone wouldnt last the full day, so we just turned the phone on and off as we required it, when we were home we just left it on charge and on.

        • @danield: OK awesome, sounds like the right sim card for me. Thanks

  • Consider personal wifi if there's more than one of you.

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