Home Insurance Fire and Emergency Levy NSW

Anyone know what's going on with this?

The NSW government deferred the introduction of the Fire and Emergency Services Levy which was supposed to be charged to council rates instead of adding it to home insurance.

I've just checked with a number of insurance companies and a lot of them aren't charging the levy.

Bought a policy, there's no levy and it's substantially cheaper than last year.

Not that I'm complaining, just want to know what's going on.


  • been indefinitely deferred when their mates saw how much their rates would go up by.

    Was a really stupid idea as the current method goes on risk and value not just property value.

    The best way for the brigade to get more dollars is to take back the monitoring of sites, for some bizzare reason about 10 years ago they took this service away from the brigade and gave it to private companys who charge $1500 pa to install a GPRS dallier and just send the signal to NSW fire and rescue if the FIP goes off, the old system was way cheaper and worked allot better and more efficient with allot less false alarms.

    Its much like the sale of the dept of lands and titles NSW lotteries etc, they only got a few years revenue for these valuable assets, in the case of NSW lotteries the sale price was less then one years revenue. Rant over sorry i actually like the idea of PPE but its all a massive corrupt rip off right now and it means that schools, hospitals and other vital infrastructure miss out so some politician gets a pay day, Baird disassembled ICAC the best anti corruption commission in the world before he left so the next 10 years wont be pretty, i wish someone would leak the findings of the spicer commission before he shut it down. sorry end rant for real this time

  • they taking the levy from home insurance and making everyone pay for it in with council instead
    as everyone is meant to be paying the levy and not everyone buys home insurance, this would seem like a "fair" move

    however…as per usual they stuffed up and didnt really think it thru and take everything into consideration

    the new levy was based on land value so if you live in expensive suburb you just pay more by default and its not just a little more…its WTF are you thinking more

    ergo the deffering of the levy
    now this is said…they want the insurance companies to back track and continue collecting the levy even though many house holds already paid the new premiums without the levy …causing a great kerfuffle in the insurance industry

    so jokes all round by the NSW government

  • What I don't get is if it's deferred then why aren't the insurance companies still charging the levy?

    I just bought a policy from APIA (due to start tomorrow) and it was significantly cheaper than last year because the levy wasn't included.

    If it's deferred I assumed it would be added to insurance.

  • I guess it will take time for them to add the levy back into the system for the insurance companies. They would have to rewrite the policies again?

    • Not really, they would just have to add the levy component like they did before, it doesn't affect the actual policy.

      Anyway, just got my letter from APIA and included was a leaflet stating the levy would now be collected via rates.

      Can't imagine the government losing money by not enforcing the levy, but then again they're flush with money after selling everything off.

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