How to Execute a Discounted Deal with an eBay Seller, Ensuring PayPal's Buyer Protection?

Hi all,

I had bought twice from an eBay seller, both mid-premium mobile phones.
Now, considering buying another from the same seller.

I might be able to get the seller to agree on a discount on this third deal.

Earlier, another seller, in a similar situation, had emailed me an invoice at the discounted price and I had transferred money to his bank, post which he shipped me the item. So, the deal was conducted out of eBay/PayPal and thus, effectively, without buyer protection.

So, how to execute such a deal with buyer protection?

All advise appreciated.

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  • You agree with eBay messages, you purchase item at its listed price, you "request total", seller puts in a discount on the invoice, you then pay the new invoice amount. All done.

  • Thanks AdosHouse

    you "request total"

    Can you briefly elaborate that bit? How is that actually done?

    • They send you an invoice which lists the gross total, postage and then discount amount. Which allows you to pay the net total.

    • +1

      You email the seller via eBay and negotiate the discount. The seller can then issue you with an invoice for the discounted amount. You pay the amount on the invoice. It's pretty simple, but arrange it before you click on the "Buy" button.

  • Outside of ebay/PayPal and paid via bank transfer…
    You have zero recourse via 'buyer protection' if anything goes wrong

    • You have zero recourse via 'buyer protection' if anything goes wrong

      Not entirely correct. Op will have "buyer protection" in the form if acl as long as the seller is an Australian registered business.

      • Not without a gigantic amount of energy and possibly court

  • I trawled through the user buyers agreement last night and recalled it mentioned you are covered if you don't do it as a gift/family transfer something along those lines.

  • Thanks AdosHouse, altomic, pjetson, SBOB and charzy

    Although still can't understand how I get to pay the new (invoiced) price via the "Buy" button (will the discounted price be showing once the seller has agreed?), I have initiated negotiations.

    Will see how it goes; surely the seller will help, when/if s/he agrees.

    Will post here how it goes…

    Have a great day; all…

  • So… the seller has now declined my request for a discount…
    Will be buying at the listed price then.

  • Something I have done before is ask the seller to do the transaction through PayPal but not eBay (discounting the price by any selling fees that may be applied). That ensures you as the buyer still have protection - but as noted above, must not be sent as a gift within PayPal for it to have the appropriate coverage.

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