Broken Xiaomi Screen Adelaide. Where to Get Fixed & Best Case for Redmi Note 4X

My very first fast phone, a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x (new fave toy) has a smashed screen.
Before I start driving around to every mall in Adelaide looking for a phone fix-it stall.. Does anyone know of a reliable (& of course cheap) mall stall where I can get it fixed? Google doesn't give me much help here, and I'm wondering how many Xiaomis there might even be in Adelaide (are they even sold in b&m shops in Aus?)
Do mall stalls usually keep a stock of screens or order them in? .. Which I could actually do for then if they don't have.

I'm not going to attempt doing it myself (even tho I did watch it done on youtube).

Next best thing is I wait until Feb when I'm in Indonesia and try to find somewhere to get it fixed there (that's a long time with a broken screen) , but haven't investigated that as yet. I don't think Indonesia is the same (super-tech-wise) as Thailand and Malaysia (please tell me if you know anything about getting a screen fixed in Indonesia).

Sooo, I'm thinking I might get this phone a case (I'm a slow learner). There are so many to choose from online, I'm wondering what your fave is. Something with a stand and not too clunky would suit. I don't like the purse-style/flip-over covers with pockets for credit cards etc (a purse is a purse and a phone is… Everything else :)

Any advice you can give me on the above would be great.

Thanks in advance (written from my very fast, fave phone with a broken screen)


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    Not sure it's even worth doing…
    Having done 2 screen replacements myself, one on a Nexus 2012 and another on an Oppo Find 7, I've decided future smashed screens are somebody else's problem.
    Even for someone with the right tools and experience, the job is labour intensive.
    I'll just buy a new device, especially when you can pick up a new Redmi Note 4x (probably even 5) for $200 or the Le Eco Le 2 for $140 .

    • +1

      Haven't done a screen since my s3, but I wouldn't call it labour intensive, or difficult. The tools, a guitar pick, a hairdryer, and screwdriver aren't here to come by.

      Not sure on the phone mentioned by op, but the mi Max looked simple and straight forward.

      • +3

        After disassembling the device, allow 30 minutes for a beginner
        On a smashed screen You've got to pick out all the tiny shards of glass, and then clean off the frame so there's no residual double sided tape - allow another 30 minutes minimum no matter your experience.
        then you've got to apply fiddly double sided tape, fit the screen and re-assemble the device, allow another 30 minutes for a beginner.
        I call that labour intensive.

        even for an experienced person, there's close enough to 60 minutes labour plus ~$50 parts (roughly what my parts cost from AliExpress - no markup).
        Might be worth it if you're only paying $50 in labour, but not much more than that.

        • It sounds easy, but I'm not confident to try. If I knew my way around the inside of gadgets, Id give it a try. Im wary of losing all functionality in the X4 because of some newbi slip-up that I might do… Akin trying out brain surgery without being trained (well, kind of)

      • Oiling my sewing machine and topping up brake fluid is pretty much as mechanical as I get…and Im still 400% more tech savvy than my peers (its hard to tell gender and age on Ozb, I know) but I havent ventured into the world of replacing screens, rooting and flashing…yet - a long time ago that had a whole different meaning. Cant believe I can type it and not bat an eye)
        Changing a screen looked ok when I was watching it on youtube, but its just not something I want to play with on my new fast phone.

        • +1

          Oh yeah, that hot replacing screen action before the word meant something else.

          Seriously though, it's just heating some glue to make it unstick the screen, prong it off with anything sharp, then plugging a plug back in

    • Thank you scubacoles - my phone is used for everything when I travel so I need additional memory (SD) which Le Eco doesnt have. I was looking at it yesterday.. The Le Eco would be a good spare..maybe if the 4X keeps working with broken screen I could get the Le Eco and hope that I can get the 4X screen fixed in Asia down the track.
      I dont buy a new phone very often. Im usually happy with them for a long time…which is why I am so thrilled with the 4X - its soooo much faster (its a 4/64gb) than my last phone (that I was also happy with, ignorantly).
      Its tempting to get another 4X and Im also curious about trying out a Motorola (when the price comes down) and see the difference. I still like Huawei a lot, so this is a big shift for me.
      I appreciate your comment and the link

  • +1

    Couldn't find a place that would touch my mi Max when I broke the screen, all those repair places seem to not do Xiaomi. Top non eBay result in Google had a site with dirt cheap screens ($30, which for mi Max seemed ridiculous), but I was never able to confirm if anyone had actually used the site, and it's never heard of them.

    Anyway, good luck finding a place. Might be easiest to do it yourself. Of course this happened a while ago, and things might have changed.

    • yeah - google didnt give me much either. I might check a couple of mall stalls and see what they say. If they cant or wont, I might need to take my chances in Asia to get it fixed I think.
      Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated. Are you liking the Mi Max? Ive been tempted…to wait until the price drops..

      • +1

        Have the Max 2 now. Best phone I've ever had. Would recommend of you can deal with the size. Only one pair of pants I own that it doesn't fit in the pocket.

  • +2
    • Thanks for the links once more.
      Thats the exact 4X I have from GearBest. It does have a few quirks which Ive been ironing out (needed a volume booster app, had to delve into its layers of additional settings to set it up and lost my notifications pull down screen somewhere along the way, cant disable their Mi bloat - havent found an app that works properly to do that as yet. Forums have been good. It wasnt as intuitive user-friendly as when I first picked up a Huawei, but Im used to it already. Its stuttering a bit with my bluetooth speaker so havent figured that out as yet..120 apps with all that space on it - Im having an app party at present! I keep force closing them to see if that helps - not sure why its stuttering…maybe when I dropped it..
      Its a fine phone for the price. Maybe it ought to be my backup after all….

    • +1

      If you're comfortable ordering from GearBest $139 is about as cheap as you'll ever get for Redmi Note 4x 3/16GB

      The cheapest ever was $135 from Shopmonk and that was only up a couple hours before selling out.

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    Xiaomi phones are cheap, suppose you gotta see if asking someone to fix the screen is worth over buying another of the same phone pricewise- like others have already mentioned.

    I know it's not helpful to you OP, but my first rule when buying a phone- always get a case and/or screen protector along with it.

    Good luck

    • Thanks Polde -thats pretty much the way that Im currently thinking, and yeah, Im kicking myself about not having a case.

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    You never know till you try, but I’d say you have zero chance of finding anyone in Australia let alone Adelaide of having a screen in stock.

    Even if you did find someone I’d guess you’d be paying at least $100 (probably a lot more) to get it done.

    I’ve fixed 3 phone screens (and made 1 big stuff up) – its fiddly but satisfying when you do it right. I contemplated repairing a Redmi Note 3 which is mostly the same structure as 4x – it looks a fairly big job, the battery is glued in and the main board has to come off before you can attempt to replace the screen. I didn’t proceed.

    Ironically (because the initial purchase price is so high) about the only phones that you can easily and economically get the screens repaired in Australia are iPhones

    • Thanks Nith. I appreciate your comments. Good to know that Xiaomi screens are not common in Aus. I dislike searching far and wide with zero results.

    • +1

      Reparied my Note 4G (yes getting old).

      New screen cost $28 from ebay, delivered.
      Use decent glue. Mine cam unstuck and I have had a loose screen for a year or so now.

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