Options for Car for Three Months

My parents are coming to Australia in December for three months.

I'm weighing up options for the most cost effective way to get a car for them.
Previous years they have stayed in Sydney and not needed a car. This year they will be staying in the Southern Highlands where public transport is limited.

The options I have thought of are:

Rental car- easiest but quite expensive.

Buy a used car for around $8000 and then sell it privately when they leave. I'm not keen on this option as I know it's a pain buying and selling used cars and very time consuming.

Does anyone know if used car garages will do some kind of buyback option?
Does such a thing exist?

Any other suggestions welcome.

Thanks guys.


  • +2

    There's always Grand Theft Auto…. this is OzBargain afterall

  • +1

    Buy a $1000 car of Gumtree with three months rego left. Sell for $250 to wreckers when you're done.

    • Not a bad option but quite easy to buy a dud for that kind of money.

  • +1

    Check out some Long Term Hires from:

    • Comes in a little cheaper than a hire car. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • lend then your car. Use public transport yourself.

    • Not an option. My wife uses the family car and my work car is loaded with tools and needed for work.

  • https://www.carnextdoor.com.au/search?location=Southern+Highlands,+NSW,+Australia&latitude=-34.5479968&longitude=150.30373229999998&utm_campaign=borrowerjoin&utm_source=google&utm_medium=sem_brand&utm_term=[s[brand[mel[bor-00EXA:-car-next-door&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyPCkqvXa1wIVVyUrCh15-wZaEAAYASAAEgJo2PD_BwE&start_time_iso=2017-11-26T11:00:00&end_time_iso=2017-11-26T14:00:00&transmission[]=automatic&transmission[]=manual&parking_types[]=0&parking_types[]=1&page=1

  • +1

    All good suggestions. Thanks guys.
    I spoke to my parents today. They have decided to buy a car and leave it here at my place. They come to Australia for three months each year so would be well worth while.
    Thanks for all the input.

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