Buy one McDonald’s quater pounder get one free via MyMaccas app, 6th December only.
Buy One McDonald’s Quarter Pounder Get One Free via MyMaccas App

Last edited 06/12/2017 - 07:35 by 1 other user
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Xxxx that app.I gave up after the second time in a row I was I store and was told I was 271 m away. I think they make this app just to make the people who still liked the franchise a reason to hate them.
Try turning on Wifi next time if you hadn't. Works better when you are indoors.
Oh believe me I tried that. I tried restarting my phone. Tried 3g/4g. Both times. Part of the problem is their sxxtty free wifi. At that particular store, it does connect, but you can't access the internet on it. And of course, rather than using their XXXXing brains and just having the location check for an "are you sure?" sanity check, they take it as their definitive source of truth.
And I contacted them both times. Both times they gave me the same answer of their it will check geolocation of the store.
@Mobe1969: Turn on your wifi without connecting to their free hotspot(or disconnect if your phone does, but leave your wifi connectivity on). Wifi positioning is generally more useful when you are indoors & GPS is poor. It helped when I was ordering something from their underground Melb Central store.
Bad luck it didn't work out for you.Quote from the post you replied to: "Tried 3g/4g. Both times."
When I was on my own mobile data was the only time I was even able to use the app in store. It wouldn't work on their wifi.
I decided to give the app a second chance today. Ordered two quarter pounders and a sundae. According to the drive thru person I ordered two burgers and 20 ketchup packets. Gave up arguing and took the 20 ketchup packets. Got email soon after with invoice for the burgers and sundae tho.
Stack with amex?
off course
Stack with amex?
I prefer beetroot.
One half pound of composite meat comming up!
I was tired as hell and read the title like:
"Buy One McDonald’s Quarter Pounder
and you get
One Free MyMaccas App"McDonald’s Quarter Pounder
When are they going metric?
The McDonald’s 113.4 Gramer doesn't have the same ring to it.
"Royale With Cheese" sounds pretty good, though.
Has someone informed Trump?
He wouldn’t be eligible for the offer. I doubt Hope Hicks or other aides are going to claim an offer….
Not a fillet o fish or Big Mac, Greg Norman should tell him you can get a free glass with a Big Mac
does that include buy a quarter pounder value meal and get a 2nd free quarter pounder ….. want fries and drinks with it …….
seems to target the hungry jacks customer base that takes the 2x whopper coupons …….
No only applies to burger. If you want extras you have to pay normal price.
no but you can bet they designed this deal to get you to buy a drink & fries with it. I will be just getting my burgers & taking them home to enjoy with a drink ;)
Best value for the peeps with the AMEX spend $15 get $5 back rebate at Mickey Dees:
2 x Quarter pounder (BOGOF Burgers only) = $6.10
2 x Small McFeast meal lunch time offer ($5 each) = $10$16.10 - $5 rebate = $11.10 total
My body is not ready for this lol, just pigged out on a box of 9 pieces of chicken for $9.95 at KFC yesterday.
Dont have to spend all at once though. Amex offer is for one or more transactions.
Missed that part, thanks for the heads up
Oh, I didn't know, Thanks!
You saved me from an unnecessary splurging.
Any way to track your spending? I had a few orders over the last few speshs butnot sure when I saved the offer.
Far out, how did you get through the 9 pieces? I died after 6. Felt like I had chugged a bottle of oil and it's actually ruined the original recipe chicken pieces for me.
6? wtf 3-4 is enough for me and im overweight!
I use the '20 minute' rule where you have to cram down as much food as you can within the first 20 minutes before your brain registers that your stomach is "full".
Once you've past that mark, you can reflect on all the poor choices that you've made and wallow in shame as you're unable to move an inch for the next couple of hours.
I can only do 3 pieces in a sitting (4 if they were relatively small) and that is pushing it and I'm also pretty large. The 9 piece deal is good for three solid meals for me. Although it usually stretches out to four as I might have some other food with the KFC.
2 x Small McFeast meal lunch time offer ($5 each) = $10
They still have this?!?
I've got it favourited in my maccas app
Although I still probably would prefer $4.95 Double Tender burger with free can and chips upon survey completion at KFC though, handy for if I don't have a receipt around and/or if I'm with people and don't want to appear scabby :)
That is an insane deal! If this were the weekends I'd totally take this challenge!!!
Sadly, I'm gonna have to pass today :(
I'll still find something stupid to get with the amex deal though.
How do I block all posts from dining and takeaway from appearing on OzBargain?
I have no self control when it comes to good deals but I also need to lose weight!select coke zero or other non sugar drink with the meal and don't eat the skin from the chicken where most fat is ……. there are ways to eat fast food and not gain weight.
surprised maccas and other outlets don't do the no sugar drinks as the default option to get themselves off the obesity radar, it would also lower the kilo joule values of the meals on the menus.
The trick is to steer clear of the chips. And yeah, the non-sugar drinks.
You actually can set which categories you want to see in your deals settings:
Go to My Account > Settings > Deals
Just tick everything but dining and take-away. Handy.
Press Alt+F4 ;)
How much is a quarter pounder?
$5.95 so $3 each.
5c for lettuce, 5c for the bun, 10c for the patty, not much actually.
Bloody hell, I've hit up 4 of the last 6 deals. I was kinda hoping these were over.. hahaha
id rather pay for two than use the app…. or at least try to use the app
It’s not that bad.
It used to be
Pair this with AMEX spend $15 gets $5 back, lunch for the weak is settled.
intentional spelling?
1 quarter pounder is $5.90, they gotta be joking. Even for 2 thats quite expensive.
not sure how you'd expect to pay less than $5.90 for two quarter pounders. they may be crap quality but you gotta have reasonable expectations. this isn't America prices
But 1 quarter pounder for $5.90 is a joke.
Tried to do a pick up on the app, clicked I'm here, selected dine in & then boom, error message.
Went to kfc yesterday and they messed my order in my favor. Ended up with a free 9 pieces of chicken for free. Kfc are a always messing up. I wonder how much they end up accidentally giving away.
I ended up getting an extra piece of wicked wings and another time an extra wrap. Not as good as your freebies but it makes me happy when you get a little something extra you don't pay for :D
Double artery clogger!…go for it!
I just installed the app and I can't see the deal? How do I access it?
Bottom right hand side on the home screen.
Do you need to be registered? I can’t see it but not signed in.
Disclaimer: I am not a regular Maccas diner.
You have to click on the BOGOF image in order to access the offer; if you don't your local Maccas manager might disallow it and engage in a 15 minute discussion.
After much embarrassment, I managed to score a second Quarter Pounder. 2/10 Wouldn't recommend
finally a deal worth getting since they started this promo, the rest have been pretty shit, like free cookies lol
Can you get 2 BOGOF offers, which equates to 4 burgers?
Installed the 60MB app in about 10 seconds
App immediately crashes on first load
Re-open then find nearest restaurant fails after about 20 seconds
Try again, current restaurant found successfully
Log-in with existing account no worries (phew)
Mandatory add CC ehh ok
Successfully order and go home, burgers are ok
Hours later get Device maintenance warning 'Ordering' app is overloading the system (CPU 15%) and needs to be closed.
Close and uninstall app then come here and write this…Android device maintenance is rad, phones probably shouldn't deteriorate as fast as they do, and now maybe we know it's bullshit like this running your phone hot when it should be on standby : )
Now to brave the app tomorrow.