Require Example for Working with Xiaomi Sensor in Home Assistant


Can someone paste me an example from the automations.yaml file of reacting to a motion / door / button sensor in home assistant. I am trying to get it to trigger a Broadlink power outlet wait 5 mins then switch off but can't seem to work it out.

I have all the devices setup so Im just stuck on the automation part, if someone can paste an example I think I should be golden.

Much appreciated!


  • Worked it out with the example here:…

    Is it better to use home assistant or the Xiaomi app to enable my automations? This one I had to use home assistant as the power outlet is broadlink.

  • I'd love if someone who has done a lot of stuff with the Xiaomi gear and home assistant could share there automations.yaml. Trying to work out how to get a yeelight to turn on for 10 minutes after I open a door. I can't use the same motion sensor not detected method as I may close the door immediately so I want if the door opens turn on the yeelight for 10 mins regardless of what the door does next, thanks!

  • Come discuss in this thread

  • Hi All,

    How can you set an automation rule to occur If a door is left open for X number of minutes using the Mihome App.
    1 Minute door left open option is there.

    Thanks for the help

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