Gym Runners Using outside Footpaths as Running Track!

There is a city gym that is undergound.
Members from that gym use the outside footpaths as running tracks!!!!
Even in the morning when the footpaths are crowded….

Some members even take their hand weights outside!!!!

I reported the issue to council and basically, they say it is not an issue and there is no rule in their DA that this is not permitted!!!

What else to do before someone gets hurt!!!!


  • +2

    Is it just individual members or is it an organised gym class or PT session?

    Probabaly not a breach of a DA, but it could be a breach of regulations about public events or commercial use of community land, especially if it's a group fitness class/session.

    Where I live PTs are not allowed to do classes in the public park without a council permit for commercial use of community land.

    Edit: 10 second Google found this:

    The City of Sydney has limited restrictions on outdoor activities such as personal training…

  • +51

    You are a miserable person. People are trying to better themselves and you're complaining.

    You're type of flopper who moves next to a pub and then complains about the noise. Go feed some pigeons somewhere.

    • +19

      couldn't agree with you more

      another post for and

      • +3

        disappointed these didn't exist when i clicked on them..

        • no yet give it enough time it may catch on

    • +8

      And you are the sort of tosser that bowls over a kid or an old person then abuses them for stopping you getting your best time. Like road rules people should be aware of other users. I’ve run In organised classes before but they were outside peak times and not on major roads.

    • +1

      You are a miserable person. People are trying to better their bank balance through good, honest, hard work and you're complaining.

    • I don't like seeing PT's with a group of people out in public parks. I don't mind seeing people exercise at parks, but private commercial activities using public parks for their own profits is not right.

  • Depends..,
    Sometimes there are about 5-10 of them just running on the footpaths… all coming from that gym
    Other times I have seen 3 of them…
    Haven’t seen a trainer outside but it looks to be part of their CrossFit training…

    • Define running? Are we talking jogging for a distance or full blown 100m sprinting? If it is 100m sprinting I can understand your concern, but if its jogging, your being a bit harsh.

  • +4

    I work in the city, and I used to run on footpaths during lunch. Once, I was racing a friend and this lady stepped out in front of me. I stopped and cursed under my breath… but not because of her, but because I my friend beat me. It was loud enough for this lady to her. I didn't apologise. I should have.

    I felt kind of bad after that and decided not to jog on the footpaths. There's so much weaving in and out. There's traffic you have to deal with. And you feel like a (profanity) when you're waiting for lights to turn and you're just standing there panting like an idiot.

    • +6

      That lady was my sister. She forgives you.

  • +18

    I agree with you that other people should not be using our footpaths.

    Sydney's footpaths are reserved for you only.

    These interlopers are breaking the law and need to be dealt with harshly.

  • +4

    Solution: move to Canberra where there are loads of cycling paths used by cyclists and joggers, and the footpaths (next to roads) are pretty much only used by walkers

    • They aren't cycling paths, they are shared pathways.

      • Well I had to give them some sort of name to distinguish them from regular footpaths.

  • +3

    move to the desert

    no footpaths

    no people

    • +1

      There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing.

    • +7

      Get a horse.

      Don't name it.

  • +7

    Don’t worry, New Years always sees an increase in gym memberships and physical activity as people make resolutions to get in shape
    Will drop off as the days go by

  • +4

    They're obviously not adhering to proper footpath protocol and must be punished!

    Everybody knows that footpaths are only to be used explicitly for walking and nothing else - so no jogging, sauntering, cantering, crab walking, crawling or butt-dragging.

    What is the world coming to these days…

    You're not actually serious are you?

  • +3

    So how's your fitness going?

  • +6

    What else to do before someone gets hurt!!!!

    Use more exclamation marks!!!1!1!

  • +7

    How do I neg a forum post?

    • How many roads must a man walk down…..

      • None. It's about the number of footpaths now. Roads are passe.

        • As opposed to oceans where ships passe in the night.

  • +5

    What else to do before someone gets hurt!!!!

    Prepare your fainting couch?

    • Ring an ambulance for the person who will get bowled over.

  • Can't you just walk around them and continue with your life*?

    *whatever that life might be or look like.

    • +1

      Have you tried to walk around a bunch of guys charging down a crowded footpath trying to outdo one another? If you are lucky you can step out of their way and if you are unlucky you can get clipped by one of them. Interesting you are taking the side of the people who are not considerate of the people around them rather than the OP who is concerned they might hit some innocent bystander, then think it is "cool" to insult him on the way through. I think that says a fair amound about you.

      • +1

        Have you tried to walk around a bunch of guys charging down a crowded footpath trying to outdo one another?

        I have actually! It's almost a daily occurrence on my way to work.

        I just step aside and stand there for the whole half a second that it takes for them to run by. I stand still there so they can predict my movements and simply run around.

        I often have to dodge slow walkers, prams, skateboards, people walking towards me and everything else that is allowed on the PUBLIC footpath too.

        Should we have someone holding a flag in front of you to clear the footpath while you walk along?

        We share public spaces. It's a fact of life. Get over it!

        • Funnily enough I just expect some common curtesy from my fellow footpath users, including not bowling over children and elderly people. Don't need a flag for that, just the people involved to walk to a less crowded area and then start the run. Common courtesy is obviously too much trouble for the entitled.

        • @try2bhelpful:

          All insults aside, I know exactly what you're saying. It's just common courtesy all around.

          Unfortunately, common courtesy isn't so common and sometimes we just need to accept that there's rude and obnoxious people out there. Letting that bother you isn't going to do anyone any good.

        • @bobbified: It is not hard for runners to go to less busy streets, or parks, before starting a run. Again, I have done this myself on many occassions. If there were crowds of people I would slow right down and then start up again once I had cleared them. Even when running with groups we would find areas that aren't full of people. It is too easy to get caught up in the moment and concentrate on beating someone rather than the person who steps into your path.

  • +3

    My recommendation is to make yourself a bubble wrap suit for protection.
    Example 1
    Example 2

    • -1

      Maybe an orange jumpsuit for the negligent would be a better idea.

  • "What else to do before someone gets hurt!!!!"

    Ummm, mind your own business?

    If you are not one allegedly being the 'danger' (lols) then there's nothing for you to do. If two people going through life somehow bump into each other then that's between them. This country has enough busy-body snitches these days as it is. Instead of causing trouble for others where your intervention is not asked for nor needed (probably) focus instead on making the world a better place somehow.

    You also state 'before' someone gets hurt which implies that nobody HAS actually gotten hurt and neither is it a regular occurrence. So in reality you are asking "What should I do about nothing"?

    • So you are happy for people to ignore potentially dangerous situations because it is not affecting them personally. I'm sure there are people who have been hurt in these situations. Personally I would be chatting to the Gym and tell them you will be talking to the council if they don't do something about this. Not sure if the council would do anything about it, however, I'm sure the gym doesn't want any trouble.

      • So you want the gym owner to indulge your imagination of potential accidents by threatening to cause trouble by snitching them out to the government. How neighbourly of you. Now if people were being hurt then you might have a point, but even then you would man up and sort it out with the gym owner and only go crying to big bother as a last resort. But then I'm pretty reasonable like that and would hate for some jerk to cause trouble for me if I hadn't actually done anything wrong.

        • As opposed to the people who are being neighbourly by running through crowds of people instead of finding somewhere less crowded to run. The people who are being selfish here are the runners, there are much more appropriate places for them to do this form of exercise. My first recourse is to the Gym manager rather than the authorities. What a very quaint use of the term snitch - cobber.

        • @try2bhelpful: Well you're entitles to your opinion but unfortunately the world is full of other people who are trying to go about their lives and improve their lot in the way they think is best. As long as their intention is not to harm anyone else, accidently or otherwise then I'm happy to let them go for it. If one of them bumps into me then I'm sure we can sort it out with a handshake. I have no patience these days for busybodies. :)

          Anyway, I have nothing else to add here, have a nice weekend. :)

        • @EightImmortals: If it was an old person then it might be a broken hip, but hey, it is probably a few years before you are old. Enjoy the weekend and I hope you don't get run into by some bastard speeding down the road that someone else decided not to report to the police. Have a nice weekend yourself.

      • If you find the presence of joggers on a footpath which is a perfectly legitimate place for a jogger to be, a bit too dangerous for you, then its really your problem, not theirs, and not ours. You should get off the oh so dangerous footpath to save yourself from all the horrible danger because you are the most precious little snowflake.

        Why should it matter if they're from a gym? How do you know that they aren't being careful not to bump into anyone? Perhaps the other people on the footpath are capable of using some common sense and giving a little room to the people who are running in a legitimate place for them to run…..

        This is the most bizarre thread…..

        I live in Southbank in Brisbane, which is full of lovely parks and a very popular spot for people to be picnicing out with their kids, playing in the park, walking/jogging/cycling around. Gyms come out and do exercise programs in the area to get a bit of nice air and sunshine. Not once has it even occurred to me that some precious snowflake would ever come along and see this delightful scene and go OMG WHAT IF SOMEONE GETS BUMPED INTO!

        Yes if an old lady gets knocked over and breaks her hip that is terrible. But that could happen anywhere for any reason that there are people around. Everyone should just be careful not to harm others, and everyone should take some care and responsibility for their own safety and use some bloody common sense.

        I've crashed my bike due to people walking on the cycle paths, which hurts and sucks. But I don't go online and start demanding that pedestrians get out of my park because they might bump into me.

  • +4

    someone call the butthurt police

    • +1

      i called the whambulance. they should have called for backup if needed

  • +5

    ’Won’t someone please think of the children?’

    • Well, obviously, we don't need to consider your children.

      • Everyone is someone’s child, so everyone should be thought of, except you!

        • I'm not the one who said "Won’t someone please think of the children?" Obviously you don't care about any one else's children.

        • @try2bhelpful:
          Didn’t say MY children, the word “the” implies all or a majority of, not singular or only familiar to me.

        • @Test Tickles: that expression is usually used in an "ironic" sense. If you actually meant this, then I apologise.

  • Throw down a few strategically placed banana peels.

  • +1

    I was walking along a shared footpath once when, out a nowhere, a jogger ran past me. Disrespectfully, they weren't wearing lycra and the fabric from their shorts clipped me on my side as they ran past. Months later, after an ambulance bill, medical bills and many sessions of counselling, I'm slowly making a recovery but it has taught me a thing or two about what's important in life and what's not.

  • Speak to the Gym
    Speak to the Police

  • I don't really see the issue. People are allowed to run on footpaths….. In fact in general, in a city, when one goes out for a run, its on a footpath. Yes people could get knocked over so they should be careful not to knock anyone over.


  • +1

    They're taking their hand weights outside? Like, in public? Oh. The humanity.

    • Yeah a bit of a bizarre complaint. I think that the far more dangerous people out jogging are the girls in groups with headphones in. They take up the entire foot path, spill into the cycle lanes, and with the tunes blasting are oblivious to their surroundings. Ban the lot of them so I don't have to take any responsibility for my self and step around them.

  • To some extent i agree with the op, however i believe their wording and insufficient details have worked against them

    If its just a person or two running every now and then, then i see no problem. space is a premium in a city and everyone that lives and works in one knows that. people sometimes have no choice but to run\cycle outside. If this was in the suburbs with a giant park right across the street and they still chose to run on the footpath, thats a different story.

    However if we have large groups of 10 + individuals completely taking up the entire footpath on their run, especially during cbd peak hour times, this is obviously an issue

    Then there is the mentality of the runner. Some think they own the path and will hard charge through anyone in front of them, while others will try and work with the flow.

  • I think it's great. People getting fit, saving Medicare money! Perhaps you could join the throngs of people who like to shout vile insults at people who exercise in public too. Couple of wolf-whistles and "show us your tits!" should sort em out.

    • does the last shout out apply if they all happen to be men

      • Bonus points if man to man, I'm sure that'll go down a treat.

  • Does the gym not have treadmills?

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