Socks for Being on Feet All Day

Looking for some decent pairs of socks for being on my feet all day in leather boots.

Ofcourse a reasonable price would be nice but happy to pay an extra few for quality.


  • +2

    Get wool. Get brand name. David Jones has plenty of good quality brands.

    Best socks!

  • Wool all the way

  • +1

    Holeproof Explorer. Supermarkets will have them for $8 in autumn. They keep your feet very warm but also don't get hot in summer.

    • +2

      don't get hot in summer.

      I have explorers and the sweatiness in summer is unbearable, left them in drawers till winter.

  • I got 5 4 year old sets of Aldi hiking socks, wool and thick (they get worse every year from Aldi) and don't seem like they will wear out any time soon.

    They soften the steel cap to so I don't get that calloused bit on toes.

  • Find some bamboo socks, I have seen them in Kmart

  • Socks from Mountain Designs. Not real cheap, $20-30 but have never got blisters using them hiking all day and night.

  • Bamboo Textiles socks.

  • Crookwell have nice wool socks if you are planning for a road trip.

  • +1 on looking at socks in hiking boot places. The socks are designed to go with someone walking all day. DFO outlet places usually have a number of outdoor shops who could help.

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