Feedback on Web Hosting Provider

There seem to be a Plethora of IT people in this forum, so does anyone have any recommendations for web hosting providers.

Short story
I need to change and I need to change quickly before my old provider turns off their server !

Based on whirlpool discussions - I have considered ozhosting, siteground, ventraip.
Cloud based hosting looks like the way to go for reliability.

VentraiP wins on price (with a 30% discount for a max of 3 years in advance - beginner reseller package)
Siteground looks pretty good as well (entry cloud package).

I have multiple websites with a few mysql databases.

Any experiences or other suggestions?


  • +1

    There is also Zuver which is the budget arm of Ventraip. Am using both and find them pretty good for bog standard websites.

    They can also the the transfer of the your sites across, assuming your are using Cpanel/Whm.

    However it all comes down to your website requirements as we don't really know anything about what you currently have or require.

  • +1

    Before hosting myself I used VentraIP and their budget Zuver for many years. Can't fault them as their service was always top notch and I can't recall any downtime. Let's Encrypt being toggled with a simple click is a big bonus too. There are many providers out there that don't support it or require you to set it up all yourself.

  • Thanks - I was a little concerned that Ventra was so cheap, but I might give them a go based on client feedback.

  • +2

    I'm with VentraIP used to be with crazy domains. Quick service, Quick speeds and great user interface. Really is plenty of bang for your buck. Plus they have free ssl certs which is a nice bonus (they are free ones anyway, but they can be added automatically to the sites). Ive never had more then a few minutes of downtime n a weekend.

  • +2

    I use VentraIP and whenever I build websites for people, I sign them up with them too (despite no affiliate program). They are a pretty safe bet.

  • +1

    wp engine if using wordpress… lots of deals around for first year up to 60% off.

    ive had no problems and are very fast.

  • Thanks all - I'll sign up with with VentraIP today and start migrating.

  • I was with VentraIP and moved to Zuver (as the traffic is low); so far so good.

    You can get free SSL (through Let's encrypt) on both providers

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