Sony MDR-1000X Headphone - Headband Cracked

I purchased the Sony MDR 1000X a few months back from the Sony Koisk Store in Castle Hill.
And to my horror i realised today that it has cracked headband from R side and the L side is also developing a faint crack.

I had ignored the issues highlighted online (before purchasing) thinking maybe consumer purchased a fake item or may be initial batch problem. But I am the victim as well now.

I will walk into the Sony Store today to get my refund as I believe the WH1000XM2 (updated version) also has the same problem. At least according to this post it does -…

Wanted to know if anyone of you has faced the same issue ?
Will it be easy to claim refund on this headset.

I have the original receipt and its been 6 months since the purchase date.


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  • +2

    There's been no real reports about the XM2 having the cracking issues other than that one person on reddit, who has drawn some criticism around the place for seemingly having a chip on their shoulder and not really being able to back up their claims.

    Unless you can find any additional reports I wouldnt be concerned. Believe me I tried and could not find anything that wasn't just a link back to that single users post as I was looking at these headphones mid to late December and went so far as buying a pair for my wife (for me I grabbed Bose QC35 II).

    Edit: Even looking at the image that person posted, which is thankfully quite high resolution, it appears to be a scratch as some people noted, not a crack.

    • yeah even i saw that report in detail only after posting this thread. Hopefully XM2 are ok.
      Will go n check with Sony this evening

      • +1

        Good luck. My wife loves her XM2's for what its worth and she doesn't necessarily go to pains to treat them gently. Find them about on the floor of her car out of their case etc so they're thrown around a bit without issue.

        • that's encouraging..thanks Smigit

      • Ive had the WH1000 Xm2 for at least 3 weeks and no issues. I do take care in the swivel arms though knowing about the issue with the first version. Should be fine. Warranty anyway for next 12 months THE MDRs are a different model

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