Are You Going to Delete Facebook?

With the recent revelation of the massive data leak to Cambridge Analytica by Facebook as reported by the New York Times from the whistleblower Christopher Wylie, who's had his Facebook account suspended, and potentially Australians being effected, what's your take on this? Are you going to #DeleteFacebook?

EDIT: Just wanted to point Ed Snowden’s tweet regarding this: “Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as "surveillance companies." Their rebranding as "social media" is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense.”

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    • Lets start a new facebook like part of ozbargain.
      Facebargain ?
      BargainBook ?
      What else could we call it ?

  • I still use mine occasionally to keep in contact with friends I made while travelling overseas (though that's more through FB Messenger) and to say happy birthday, but otherwise it lies neglected.

  • Maybe I should as I have 0 friends on FB :(

  • Who said that my Facebook account reflects my life? if it did, i wouldnt be on OzBargain, would I…

  • +1

    Never had or will have Crackbook.

  • I've removed the app from my phone and never post anything at all.

    Can't delete it entirely as I have a business page and also use messenger to contact friends.

  • Interesting how the term meme has been subverted away from its original meaning in meme theory.
    On facebook ….its nothing we didnt already know about
    Check this vid on psychographics

  • +1

    No I stick to two rules.

    1. don't spend more than 10 minutes on facebook per day
    2. Only share content you would like to share with the entire world
  • I use Facebook just for marketplace. Lots of bargains to be had.

  • When I read the title, I automatically assumed Zuckerberg was alleged (and in this day and age, alleged = found guilty by a court) to have sexually harrassed a staffer.

  • I cant believe how many people are actually suprised by this whole thing!!!
    … and yes i still use farcebook, only for viewing friends and groups and selling stuff, almost never post anything personal

  • I uses FB but with pretty strict rules. Security settings are locked down, tagging is off etc.
    All social beacons are blocked when browsing, I don't use the official app, I have blocked pretty much everything on FB (made a script that nailed based on keywords…)

    I use it on my phone using "Simple pro" and more recently "Friendly" but rarely post photos of myself. Friendly lets you see most recent by default and hide keywords, to which I blocked: "commented on this" (old stuff I've already seen and can't be bothered tap tap tap tap to reveal 30+ comments to gauge the thread on) "sponsored" (ADS) "shared" (stops me scrolling past 300+ junk posts a day) I see probably 100 meaningful or funny posts and spend 10 mins twice a day interacting with it. I'm with some others about reading up, using the time to learn or read a good book rather than staring at re-posts on a terribly built site.

    Same goes for Google though I recently canned my Gmail account because the new interface and login requirements are tedious.

    Adblock is popular not because people minded the oldschool banner ads zooming past every so often but they are tired of the autoplay videos, popunder stuff, tracking and tiles and tiles of flashing ads.

  • Facade-book isn't so bad.. once you block your family and "friends". ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Hehe just kidding deactivated mine last year, been 15 months, life's been good ever since.

  • Considering

  • Haven't logged in Facebook for years.

    Don't really see the point of deleting, as I don't believe the so called "delete" function will actually purge all data in FB's labyrinth of servers, data centres, shared API data to marketers, etc.

    • Don't really see the point of deleting, as I don't believe the so called "delete" function will actually purge all data in FB's labyrinth of servers, data centres, shared API data to marketers, etc.

      They seem better than many in that respect - there's a somewhat clear process that at least implies they permanently delete much of the stuff associated with your account. Most sites are pretty vague about how to delete your account and what that would mean, or have a policy of 'deactivation' only.

  • How does one delete facebook? It exists on the cloud, with numerous backups in multiple countries? Or do you mean your account? I can easily delete heaps, just write a bot that creates and deletes accounts so that i can be delete account masterrrr

  • Sadly, it’s now part of our life. Too late for that.

  • deleted app & messenger

  • I have always wanted to delete it and have tried deactivating but sadly I found a lot of my friends began to lose track of me. Invited to less things and so on, it's like you don't exist if you're not on Facebook, especially messenger.

    • You can have messenger without facebook account.
      I have no facebook, but used messenger for a uni group assignment.

  • i dont care at all… its not my bank details. i dont care if just jeans, samsung or even the turkish government knows my birth date or that my favourite mcfurry is M&M ….

    who the hell thinks they are so damn important that somone is out to get them for their boring s**, vauge nothing info?

    its not a good thing. but every site we use will give up info on everybody if asked…
    even google sold us out to the US government a few years ago. everyone knew about it and nothing happened.

    unless your planning mass murder. the worst thing that will happen to u if u just visited red rooster, u might get send a red rooster ad to your FB….so relax

    • -1

      Your identify can be stolen easily with some of that "boring" data. Your date of birth is often enough authentication to gain access to your bank, phone number (which provides even more authentication power, such as email password resets), etc

      And what happens in the future of for example, you've mentioned being an atheist on Facebook, and we her a crazy $Some_Religion leader in charge who decides that atheists should be killed?

      • ""And what happens in the future of for example, you've mentioned being an atheist on Facebook, and we her a crazy $Some_Religion leader in charge who decides that atheists should be killed?""

        gezus.. ahh, yeah, thats where i checked out….

        and no… u cant get acess to a bank from just knowing a bithday. or i would be rolling in bill gates money right now. join me wont u!?
        28 October 1955 - Gates

        • I've managed to gain access to my Telco account with just dob. With a phone number redirect, there's email access. With email access there's probably pdf utility bills, mygov (tax file number, Medicare card) password resets, possibly scanned drivers licences or passports. For me, there's password reset to equifax which has all my identity history. Next think you know, debt collectors will be knocking at your door.

        • @idonotknowwhy: Use an e-mail dedicated just for Facebook and don't put your mobile phone number in your Facebook.

          From talking to a friend who is an expert in cyber security, Facebook isn't that useful to hackers (it is still somewhat useful). LinkedIn data is probably more useful. But, we are not important at all, it is a waste of time and resources to target us.

          This whole thing is centered around 'that' US election (which honestly, I doubt USA care about you or me). Another main point is that your friend through Facebook (by installing an app) was able to allow the Facebook app developer access to your information (and vice versa). It is the ability to get to you through your friends that is a concern.

          As for financial hacking, honestly, from my recent experience, hackers hack eBay and/or Paypal directly (they are not THAT LOUSY to require Facebook data first) or hack credit cards. Paypal reversed two of my transactions because the people who purchased my items claimed that their eBay & PayPal accounts were hacked (hence fraudulent transactions). PayPal didn't give a damn about me getting the items back. All Paypal cared about is deduct money from my account.

          It was well known for years that Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook all have a good idea on their user's political opinion in the states (whether they are strong republican, strong democrat, or lean towards one party). That's not news. But that information could be obtained so easily was the news.

    • "if we can't then we don't deserve to serve you"

      Sandberg and Zuckerberg (the Bergs) have used the exact phrase in different interviews. All corporate lawyer written bs. None of them is from their own heart personally.

      • "I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best."
        - most girls

  • I start to wonder if ozbargain share shopping data with any third party?

  • +1

    I think it is the common sense here that everything that is "free" is not really free. Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft… they are not different. We (should) know that our details are being used. Most of the time we accepted the terms and agreements without reading, and then we just accept sharing all our life with different companies, including third-party. Sometimes we just don't give any importance.

    If you are deleting Facebook now because of the last "scandal", I think you were just being naive. We have only two options here: 1. Accept that companies will have access to our information and use their products 2. Stop using the products.

    We can also imagine what happens when we use Facebook, TrueCaller, Google Assistant or Siri combined.

    • +1

      I understand this point of view - but I don't believe that even relatively engaged people have a clue what having "access to our information" even means - and the consequences of that. Now Facebook and Google are so monumentally large - even not using their products will not protect much of your personal information from being swept up in to their databases.

      • I agree. And that`s why the governments/agencies should monitor these companies, and intervene when required.

  • -1

    Everyones lives are online be if facebook, gmail, linkedin and whatever other website. Deleting one account wont do anything.

    Who cares, it's there move on. If you didn't want your info online, you wouldn't use the internet.

  • +1

    Never had a Facebook account. And will never open one. Sheer waste of time.

  • Fluff Busting Purity is a start.

  • i already deleted it over a yr ago. cant be happier

  • But if I delete Facebook, how will I get my dopamine hits?

  • Surprised Ozbargain has looked past the cheap Facebook stock. At $160 USD it's below 30 P/E with 20-30% growth ahead for a few years at least and plenty of unmonestised/undermonetised assets like Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger and

    Not advice.

    • That’s a very good way of looking at the current situation. 👀

  • -1

    It's been quite the bait-and-switch. Facebook says 'Come in, express yourself - you may say whatever you like!' where the reality is that anyone not at the left pole is expected to shut-up about how they understand the world.

    If you haven't come across this 'left-pole' concept: just as anything not at the North pole is South, anything not in-line with current left-wing group-think suddenly becomes right-wing.

    If a key aspect of left-wing thought is that human brokenness is due to systems and prejudices that can be fixed (and need to be rooted out), I would argue many at Facebook are starting with two false premises, and should not be trusted. This is a fanciful understanding of human nature and its capacities. If the human heart is the problem, its unlikely that ideologues busy driving out dissent at technology companies will get far fixing secondary causes, because they aren't (and can't) honestly question and debate the reasons for them.

  • +1

    I was convinced by facebook to vote trump but not allowed to vote >.<

  • +1

    Is anyone good with RUBY scripts? I want to execute a script a dude wrote that gives you an overview on the data facebook has on you. I just don't know how to do it.

    Tweet here:
    Script here:…

    • thanks for bringing this up. I have done Python, Perl, Bash scripting but not Ruby scripting. The process should be the same in terms of executing the script.

      If you're on a mac download the .rb script file and place that in the html folder of the facebook zip folder. Fire up your terminal (Cmd + space, type "terminal"). change into that directory, say that the fb zip data file is in your desktop:

      cd Desktop/facebook-data/html # cd'ing into the right directory. change if you have a different path
      chmod 755 facebook-contact-info-summary.rb # gives the script executing right.

      Hopefully this should work. Let me know how you go.

      • Thanks, what if I am on windows? Still use chmod 755?

        • I don't think so, although I can't say for sure. From what I've seen other programmers do, if you run the Command Prompt/Powershell as an administrator, it should work.

  • A classic example of a government funded software enterprise that had a hidden purpose. Love the way they couldn't use the data they had acquired through national security methodology so set up an arms reach business to accumulate more, and then allowed that separate business to leak information to another company, to rig elections all over the world.

    End result people in place to fund and operate bigger and more powerful data collection companies, and the people involved made a helluva lot of money.

    You gave away freedom, and it cannot be recovered.

    Why are people muttering about the Russians when the yanks ran much bigger operations? I mean cmon

  • This former facebook executive says the best! "they’ve achieved their power more through luck than skill"…

  • People who don't know how to stop using something without completely removing it are weak.

    I just customised Facebook so that I don't interact with others and never post information. I use it as a communication tool, not a social feed, because it (profanity) up that ability long ago.

    • You must learn-a disciprine and-a respect

      • Yes I'a learna da discipline.

  • Why would I do that when it's so easy to get Facebook to delete you for "antisemitism"?

    Just having active accounts nowadays is tough, with a 10,000 plus strong workforce dedicated purely to censorship.

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