KPT-850 adhesive mount Lost. Need help.

Hi Guys,

I lost my adhesive mount for KPT 850. Couldn't find it online and requested the company for the information where to get it. In Victoria, they are asking $15 for the mount + $15 for postage within victoria which together comes down to 30% of the price I paid for KPT 850.
Does anyone know if the mount is similar to any other model that I can source from Ebay. Even the picture of the actual mount would help. Thanks.


  • 3D print? Then use M3 adhesive.

  • I have an idea… magnets!

  • $30/30% isn't that bad for something that is pretty essential to the operation!

  • Hey OP
    In the future maybe explain what a KPT-850 is… To save others the trouble of googling it -…

    (I’m assuming)

    How much did you pay ? Maybe go to JB , say you lost the mount and ask to open a box of a new one to take some photos of the mount

  • Yeah the postage is the killer with the replacement part, but TBH in terms of price just for the part, whilst it's not cheap I don't reckon it's too bad, often specialty replacement parts really can add up.

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