What Do You Use for Self-Defence in Your Own House?

Thinking of buying a bat, have golf clubs right now but they're too easy to break.
Are there any other weapons or defences we can use to protect us from home invasions?


    • +1

      I feel like the "$50 in the top drawer" will just attract repeat customers.

  • +44

    I use anti-paranoia pills. Highly effective.

  • Throw them with cash.

  • +7

    Your most effective weapons are making sure your house is secure and a mobile phone to call the cops. Get a doorbell with a camera and a good strong front door.

    • -6

      How can they be the most effective weapons when they aren't even weapons?

      With 50% of Australia living paycheck to paycheck with less than $1000 on hand it's hardly possible for most people to secure their residence. And if the police were there when you needed them then we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we.

        • +11

          This comment is so dumb I don't even know what you're trying to say, jesus shit I hate people who try to bring dumbass politics into everything.

        • @Adonael: digi knows what they're saying - that's all that matters.

        • @Adonael:

          This comment is so dumb I don't even know what you're trying to say

          LOL same here, but I can't stop laughing at him.

        • @Adonael: Keep an eye out for Diji's comments in other threads, apparently all of our problems are caused by voting for 'LibLabs'

      • +2

        Do you offer any useful comments? You’re seriously suggesting people living paycheque to paycheque can do nothing to improve their security? Did you seriously just suggest that police could possibly foresee a crime and should be in attendance immediately upon the happening of an offence? Most basic security costs very little.

        • +1

          If they live paycheck to paycheck in areas where armed robberies are occurring I would say the people are renting, and usually there is very little they can do. Saying that a deadbolt and peep hole are pretty cheap, of course then the offenders just break through glass to get access.

      • What do you think they're doing with the money they earn? Obviously not saving it. It's used on expenses, and some of it can be spent on home security.

        • If they are renting - no.

          Also if they are pensioners then again - no.

          The numbers of renters and pensioners = 50% of pop? I guess higher.

      • Weapon - definition

        "something (such as a skill, idea, or tool) that is used to win a contest or achieve something"

      • How Can They Be Effective Weapons When They Aren't Even Weapons?

        Diji1's posts look better when you imagine them as Jaden Smith tweets.

    • +1

      I was told by several people that door bell could backfire where potential thieves might ring the bell to see if anyone is at home…

      • Isn't this the same as knocking on the door though?

  • +39

    My kids have their lego all over the floor. Damn hurts a lot when you step on them

    • +1

      Do burglars usually burgle barefoot?

      • +56

        Gotta take your shoes off before entering my house otherwise i will beat you with the wrecking bar i have near the door

    • you need marbles rather than lego.

    • +1

      My kids have their lego all over the floor. Damn hurts a lot when you step on them

      Pretty sure that's a violation of the Ottawa Treaty.

    • +17

      I was going to suggest swarming small children overwhelming the intruder, with one 4yr old stunning the burglar with dumb questions like "Why does Daddy call you a smackhead?" and "Why have you got your hoodie pulled up when you're inside our house?" and "I have a goldfish named Goldie. What's your goldfish's name?"

      • +2

        Good against burglars. Bad against kidnappers.

        • Just employ the Zapp Brannigan tactic of sending wave after wave of 'em.

        • Bad until about 10mins into the drive back to their lair… I give them at most an hour before the kids get dropped off again.

    • +1

      Is this hinting to a Home Alone situation where you set traps around every doorway of the house.

  • +47

    Just go fight em naked. No body wants to fight a naked dude.

    • +57

      with a boner….

      • -3


      • -1

        while jerking and maintaining eye contact

    • +8

      Can confirm. True story: when we moved into our last apartment, some builders that were working on the building had somehow got the key to our apartment. We moved in on a weekend, and I mostly sleep naked. Wife was woken at 6 am by the sound of them trying to open the door, wakes me and sends me to investigate, stumble there naked and then get very annoyed at some builder who just opened our front door. Can confirm that people back away very quickly when unexpectedly confronted with angry naked man swearing at them.
      P.s. But no boner. Sorry, would probably have been even more effective.

      • +10

        Well you still could have done a helicopter attack to scare them away.

  • +10

    Home and contents insurance.

    • +2

      Don't think that will stop a fist to the head.

  • Play clasical music.

    • Ride of the Valkyries or Toccata and Fugue in D Minor?

      • No, obviously the part of 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky with the cannons. +5 effectiveness if you have a "killer" bass.

  • +4

    A lack of pants…

    • Pair that with being old and wrinkly

      • And fat and hairy…… ;)

        • And tatts and a Harley.

        • Oh goodness, there's an image.

  • +4


    • +1

      I have an Adler in the garage, but I don't know how you're supposed to use it against an intruder.

  • +5

    Nokia 5110

  • Use what you have at hand (Eneloops)

    Toss them at your attacker(s).

    They will probably end up on the floor laughing.

    • maybe ill let them use my bose too

    • Don't waste Eneloops!

  • +6

    Option - Bikies renting out the spare bedroom.

    • -5

      Bikies joke. Genius? How original.

  • +1


  • +5

    Burglars etc don't really want to run into people who live there and will usually run away. This is not really a problem you need to worry about unless your a drug dealer or something.

    Weapons are a dumb idea if you don't know how to use them and you could wind up in serious legal trouble yourself.

    • +3

      This is not really a problem you need to worry about

      I agree the chances are low but saying it doesn't exist is just ignoring the many cases of it previously occurring.

      • +1


        Out of all the people you know - how many have been robbed and then how many have been physically attacked in their own home?

        • +3

          I can introduce you to people in Point Cook that had to fight off intruders multiple times, or you can just read the news.

        • +5

          @RiseAndRuin: it's news because it's exceptional, not common.

        • +1

          @thevofa: RACV has a different opinion


          Top 10 riskiest suburb 2017
          Rank Postcode Suburb/Town Burglary Rate: 1 in ___ homes
          1 3851 Airly, Seaspray, Montgomery, Darriman 17
          2 3978 Cardinia, Clyde, Clyde North 20
          3 3200 Frankston North, Pines Forest 20
          4 3335 Plumpton, Rockbank 25
          5 3840 Driffield 27
          6 3809 Officer, Officer South 27
          7 3858 Arbuckle 28
          8 3927 Somers 29
          9 3214 Corio, Norlane, North Shore 29
          10 3047 Broadmeadows, Dallas, Jacana 32

        • +2

          @RiseAndRuin: that's burglary, not physical assault.

        • @thevofa: that is partially correct, but only because in most cases people would not confront intruders, or because the police apparently wouldn't show up at all.


          if it was a 1 in a 1000 probability, I don't think people would put themselves at risk patrolling the streets at night.

        • @RiseAndRuin:

          Thevofa is 100% correct. Robberies in dwellings is around the 1,000 per year. Burglary of cause includes robberies, but unlawful entry is the high stat star weekly seems to be using, at around 100,000 per year.

          http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/DetailsPage/4510.020…

        • @thevofa: The fact that it happens enough to be IN THE NEWS repeatedly is more than reason enough. Can you imagine taking the same approach to other things?

          How many people do you know that had their houses burn down? No need for smoke alarms!

          How many people do you know have drowned at the beach? No need to swim between the flags!


        • @HighAndDry:

          Repeatedly is about once a fortnight, or 26 reports a year. Much more than that and a news paper will stop reporting single events.

          Remember your local paper should report when the crime was committed, when the victim speaks out, when the accused goes to court and when the convicted gets sentenced. This means you only need ~7 violent home invasions to make it look like an epidemic.

    • +4

      That may be the case where you are from, but that's not the case in Melbourne. They prefer that you are home so they can demand the car keys from you and steal your car.

    • Not if you clear up properly afterwards and have a pig farm

  • +7

    When I saw the title I thought, that's strange, bloke wants self-defence tips to use on his family.

    • Have you met his family? lol

  • +14

    This home invasion panic all seems to be coming out of the world's most liveable city- let me take a wild guess- do you live in melbourne?

    • +14

      Prepare to be culturally enriched!

    • +2

      I'm not panicing about it. I try and avoid news for the most part since it leaves it's consumers with a warped view of reality and leads them to making terrible voting decisions.

    • +1

      yep in the west

      • definitly need weapons then.

  • Very silly post :)

    • Rather be thought of silly than be unprepared if something actually happens.

  • +1

    mini baseball bat, mini cro-bar knuckle-busters

  • +4

    I think shorter clubs or batons are much more suitable for using inside than bats or golf clubs.

    A good legal club is a Maglite torch.

  • A dry powder fire extinguisher can temporarily blind someone if you spray it into their eyes. Just keep in mind you'll have a huge mess to clean up after that!

  • i have a pet tarantula

  • +4

    I used to have the Olympic torch under my bed when I was… uhhh… single… but now I have Tim.

    • +5

      Do you light his fire every night?

    • What an awesome idea! My 4'11'' girlfriend could create havoc, as she does :)

    • Bet Tim likes to wack them off from a distance.

      • With his golf clubs!

  • +26

    I live in Australia so I don't really have to worry about home invasion. More risk of a nana killing me in a supermarket carpark when she hits the accelerator instead of the brake. Where do you live? Tijuana? (Life pro tip: stop believing the News Corp fear campaigns.)

    • -6

      You're deluded if you think home invasions aren't happening every day. Because they are. Especially in Melbourne.

      • +6

        It's a city of five million people, of course crime is happening. Aging population, my point stands, nana is the greater threat.

    • +1
    • +3

      And it's these deniers/apologists that perpetuate the problem…

      Meanwhile violent crime in Melb goes through the roof. The news and police have actually been keeping a lid on it it for almost 10 years, although now they're finally covering it after the Moomba riots were just too big to hide.

      One day someone they know will get bashed, invaded, mugged or car jacked - then they might believe it's going on. I personally know of 2x bashings (Prahran + Point Cook) and 1x car jacking (in Malvern). Fortunately no invasions.

      Our communities safety is more important than ones personal desire to appear virtuous to their friends and peers.

    • You can protect yourself from both.

  • +2

    Petrol filled super soaker and lighter.

    • +1

      Whoa whoa. We're only dealing with home invaders here, not bloody spiders!

      • With spiders your best solution is to just vacate the premises and nuke it. No risks / no chances.

  • Tip..if using most types of weapons have a wrist strap so the intruder cannot get hold of it and use it effectively on you.I used to keep a blunt MACHETE beside my lounge it wouldn't cut but would inflict a lot of pain crashing down on an intruders shoulder or even slapped across their face.

    • did you save any coins with your anti-home invasion device?!

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