How Many Mechanics Does It Take to Fix a Petrol Cap?

We had an issue with our petrol cap where it wouldn't go back in properly. Partner took the car to the car service centre. First mechanic looked at partner like what do you mean you cant get the cap back in. Like she was a total dumb female. Yeah well he tried to put it back in, and it wouldn't go in would it. Then he calls his colleague. The colleague looks at both of them and thinks they are both hopeless. 3 mechanics later. Someone manages to fix it for now.


  • How did they fix it?

    • We don't know. The cap looked like part of it was out of alignment or something. Wife was amused. She got a coffee out of it while she was waiting. The 3 mechanics should be give an award.

      • Was any part of the cap broken?

        • No.No replacement.

  • -1

    Like she was a total dumb female

    That would be my first thought too lol.

  • +2

    Sounds like a Seinfeld episode.

    • Wish I was a fly on the wall. You could just see the guys face that he must of thought another useless female who has no idea about cars.

      • +3

        I think it's a welding issue misalinging the cap. Just need a blowtorch…

        • That's a bit of an overkill, wouldn't the warmth from a lit match do the job much more easily and efficiently?

  • 3rd mechanic was spot on with his observation

    • I think it actually took the 3 of them to fix it.

  • Is it actually fixed? or is it going to not work again when she is out of fuel, at a servo, at 11pm, 100km from you?

  • +3

    I'm waiting for our resident mechanic / locksmith / card dealer to reply. This will be right up his alley.

    • Í would love to name the dealership. Lets just say they are European and have a propeller for their logo. The dealership has just opened their new mega million dollar flag ship showroom work shop.

      • +1

        WMB in the mirror

        • +1

          Hold my beer, fam… I got this…

  • The cap wouldnt re-fit into the inlet correctly. There is like a flap further inside the inlet. We managed to get the cap sitting in the inlet and then closed the fuel door lid. Mechanic advised if it happens again they will replace it. Time will tell if its fixed.

    My car doesnt have a fuel cap. So dont need to worry about it.

    • +2

      plot twist: mechanics didn't see what the problem was and discovered the 'female' parter just wasn't lining it up inside correctly but just wanted to blame the 'male' mechanics for not fixing the non-existent problem.

      • I did try the cap before I sent her to the workshop. The bar of the cap seemed to have been stuck at tbe incorrect position to allow it to engage with the inlet.

  • +6

    Stop fuming (pardon the pun), it happens to men as well. We just don’t take it personally. Guess the dumbest thing for an ozbargainer is to waste money on a European car, that pretends to be a star…

  • +7

    i find this thread denigrating men and unfairly promoting the stereotype that men are inferior mechanics to women. it has misandry written all over it.

  • +1

    If I was there, I'd be thinking everyone is hopeless too. You/your wife for buying a euro car, and the guys at the dealership for not expecting that a euro car would have this issue.

    This is 100% a typical euro car problem, just stuff not working quite right.

  • +1

    I was waiting for a Dad joke with a corny punchline, disappointed.

    Anyway, what has changed since you last put the cap in? Are you sure there isn't an obstruction on the cap itself stopping the cap from mating correctly?

    A picture (photo or ms paint) would help immensely.

  • +1

    Like she was a total dumb female.

    “Female” had nothing to do with it. She sounds like she wanted something to be offended at. Trust me, dealing with “people” and their cars, a lot of men are just as clueless as women. Having a penis doesn’t make you instantly good at fixing cars. It was more like the fact that it was an unusual thing to come across. It’s not something you have to fix on a daily basis. And using phrases like “you know, the fuel thingy” doesn’t help.

    “You know, the thing that goes into the other thing. The thing with the stuff around it that makes a noise?? It’s like plastic or something.”
    *confused look from mechanic*


    The reason it may have had people scratching their heads is that fuel caps usually have a very large, very coarse thread pitch and thread in quite easy. They don’t really have much of a problem. So, when one does have an issue, people tend to over analyse these things. They go looking for things that aren’t there based on the fact that it “should work” but it doesn’t. When mechanics find weird shit, they will often share the experience with colleagues because it is interesting and different and is a chance to learn something from fixing it…

    Or they are just (fropanity) morons… :D

    • +2

      careful you don't want to mansplain her now, she might start a #metoo movement against you

      • +2

        Yeah, sorry, I am on the train manspreading so this woman won’t take up 3 seats with her bag.

    • +1

      And from your card dealing days what are the odds of this happening again?

      • Fuel cap won’t fit? Pays 100:1 for being something out of the ordinary

        Woman being offended at something that didn’t really happen, well, that only pays 5:4 on account of it happening alllllll the time. :D

    • I'm still trying to figure out why cars still have fuel caps. Everytime I go to the fuel up its like a pit stop. Open fuel cover door and start pumping. Pay at pump and gone. Fuel caps though shouldnt be faulty I agree. Was probably just one of those things.

  • Dealership service mechanics? That could explain a lot.

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