MobileCiti Refusing to Provide Another Replacement for Pixel 2 XL (Because I Got Original Replacement from Google)

I bought a Pixel 2 xl last month, it had display issues so I got a replacement from Google which took about 3 weeks.(Luckily it was during late Dec/early Jan)

Now the replacement device has also developed issues,eg often won't connect to my PC and there is speaker rattling. I can't afford to send it back to Google as it would take roughly 3 weeks (from the support guy) so they advised me to get a replacement from the retailer (Mobileciti) as it would take much less time.

But MobileCiti says they can't replace my device because I already got an replacement from Google thus the IMEI is different.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • -2

    I suspect there is another part of story that OP is not revealing. If OP got faulty phone in first place, why did he/she go to google and not to mobileciti. Now OP received replacement, they why he/she is not trying to go back to google and get replacement.

    • -1

      If you slow down and actually read the post before you comment, you would have realised I mentioned I'm unwilling to send it back to Google cause their RMA process is too long and I dont have a backup phone. I have talked with Google support they suggested me going back to the retailer.

      • +4

        who, even if you still had the original phone, don't have a responsibility to replace the phone instantly, and may just send the phone back to google themselves, actually extending the amount of time for you to get a new phone.

      • +3

        "I'm unwilling to send it back to Google cause their RMA process is too long and I dont have a backup phone" That's your problem…

    • I suspect there is another part of story

      Yes it all started when Defective Pixel 2 XL Display, What Are My Options?

      why did he/she go to google

      People in the other post regarding my initial replacement suggested me to go through directly with Google, to which I did.

      Now OP received replacement, they why he/she is not trying to go back to google and get replacement.


      I can't afford to send it back to Google as it would take roughly 3 weeks

      • I can't afford to send it back to Google as it would take roughly 3 weeks

        That's more of a "don't want to", not really "can't".

        • It is not "more" or "not really" of anything.

          It is a direct quote from OP.

          • +1

            @Baysew: Just because OP says something doesn't mean it's true. He can absolutely wait for 3 weeks, it won't kill him. OP just doesn't want to.

            Though you're right, that's why OP doesn't want to go back to Google.

            • +3

              @HighAndDry: I have tried to answer pyramid's three questions by providing quotes and links to OP's quotes in a neutral manner.

              The OP has also responded to pyramid. Perhaps you may wish to attack discuss the veracity of the comments with them.

              • +1

                @Baysew: Sorry, not attacking your comment, more the veracity of OP's comments, yes.

                • +8

                  @HighAndDry: Sorry are you associated with MobileCiti or something? You are the only one in the entire post who is replying to almost every single comment beside me. First you don't wish to offer any help,then you trying to get into argument with other people's helpful comments saying that they make no sense(in particular to Strathany) now you trying to twist the semantics of my words? Obviously it won't 'kill' me without a phone for 3 weeks, but it would be very inconvenient for me. People like me post these types of threads expecting help, you share your opinion and help if you choose to or move on. Why are you trying to start a debate with everyone? Discussing the 'veracity' of my comments? Really? What is your motive?

                  • +2

                    @darkyjaz95: Take the tinfoil off. My "motive" is that I dislike entitlement. (And I like logic).

                    • +3

                      @HighAndDry: So you go off and trying to twist the semantics of someone else's comments to prove your point? This reminded my of the other thread where the guy got his iphone stolen at a Vodafone phone. He posted to seek help, but a lot people just laughed at him or told him to suck it up, some even suspect the OP was 'in on it', instead of trying to offer advice and help out the poor guy, regardless the original OP was right/wrong.

                      • +1

                        @darkyjaz95: See what I mean by entitlement? You're not entitled to advice from anyone here either.

                        • +3

                          @HighAndDry: Yeah you're right, but why do you act like this though? Is it necessary? Do you get some kind of personal satisfaction by doing so?

                        • @HighAndDry: People post these types of threads hoping to get helped. I find it disturbing when you trying to attack my comments rather than providing something constructive. How would you feel if someone else treats you the same way?

                          • @darkyjaz95: And I buy lotto tickets hoping to win the jackpot. What's "hoping for" got to do with anything?

                            How would you feel if someone else treats you the same way?

                            I'd be ashamed I demonstrated such an entitlement mentality. My comments are constructive - they were just not what you wanted to hear.

                            • @HighAndDry: "Just because OP says something doesn't mean it's true. He can absolutely wait for 3 weeks, it won't kill him."

                              This is constructive by your standards? Trying to twist the semantics of my words? And all those other debates with others? They are constructive?

                              • @darkyjaz95: To the comment I was replying to? Absolutely. Are you saying you literally can't wait 3 weeks?

                                • -1

                                  @HighAndDry: I already replied and said it would be very inconvenient for me to wait 3 weeks. I literally can't understand why you trying to start a debate with everything? Your lotto example doesn't even make sense. I'm asking why do you behave like this towards others. These are real people mind you. You can share your opinion and be nice about the way you do it, it's not binary you know? Please don't try to start a debate every time cause I'm not interested.

                                  • +1


                                    I literally can't understand why you trying to start a debate with everything?

                                    No I'm sure you can if you tried, though apparently you literally can't understand the difference between literal and figurative speech.

                                    I'm asking why do you behave like this towards others.

                                    I already told you - I dislike entitlement mentality.

                                    Please don't try to start a debate every time cause I'm not interested.

                                    I wasn't even talking to you in this particular comment thread until you interjected.

                                    • @HighAndDry: 'Sorry, not attacking your comment, more the veracity of OP's comments, yes.'
                                      Am I not the OP? You just admitted you're 'attacking' the veracity of my comments. So let me guess do you dislike 'being nice to other people' too?

                                      • +1

                                        @darkyjaz95: No, I'm merely ambivalent on "being nice to other people". Niceness doesn't actually help anyone.

                                        And you've already conceded that your comment of "I can't afford to send it back to Google" was hyperbolic and not actually literally true. My criticism seems to have been accurate.

                                        Anyway I'm getting tired of this exchange - this no longer amuses me. Have a good afternoon, hope the Mobileciti Rep can come through. Otherwise, go talk to Google about getting a replacement.

                  • -1

                    @darkyjaz95: motivation: Professional troll

  • +5

    Go back to Google, and look at getting/borrowing a friend's spare phone.

    As you did not go through mobiciti for the initial replacement, they are no longer involved.

    I can see a lot of dodgy people who buy 2nd hand phone and try to claim it off warranty of their new phone receipt of same model. Without the same IMEI, there's absolutely nothing a store can do to match your return product with their records.

    • I have the original receipt from Google which details the original IMEI and the replacement IMEI.

      • +4

        For the last time - you're absolutely entitled to go back to Google with this. This is a receipt from Google, correct? Not Mobileciti?

        • +3

          This, like you said, your new receipt is with Google.

        • +1

          If I was a business if have to have him (OP) as a customer. I really feel sorry for mobileciti.

    • The OP said when you get a replacement from google they give a receipt with the old and new IMEI number

  • +2

    Hi darkyjaz95

    Sorry to hear the issues, can you PM me your order details, I will try my best to assist or get someone to assist you.

    • I've sent out an email along with the IMEI receipt from google to Jay Feng at Mobileciti. I'm currently waiting for his reply.

      • -1

        Give the Rep a reference number so he can chase up your particular case with Mobileciti. He can't match your OzBargain username to an order.

      • +3

        Hi darkjaz95

        yes, I can see the ticket you are currently communicate with our colleague, if google can't get your replacement faster I think we would have some options for you. Please keep communicate in the ticket or can organise a phone call if requried, I will also monitor the ticket until resolve.


    • +9

      Yay, please provide a solution to OP so we don't have to keep telling him the same thing over and over.

      • hahahaha….

        • +5

          It'd be a win-win. I'm not opposed to OP getting help from Mobileciti, I'm only opposed to OP's view that they're entitled to a solution from Mobileciti.

          • +2

            @HighAndDry: Op bought the phone from mobileciti.

            • +7

              @belongsinforums: OP bought his previous phone from mobileciti. His current phone-with-issues was provided directly from Google.

              • -3

                @HighAndDry: no its still the same phone. google didn't just randomly send him a broken phone.

                • @Savas:

                  Now the replacement device has also developed issues

                  Okay, what do you think happened here? Google sent a full replacement, they didn't repair his existing phone. So according to OP, they did.

                  • -2

                    @HighAndDry: OP can get a replacement from the manufacturer or the shop, this is very clear in ACL.

                    • +1

                      @Savas: Yes, that's true. But if OP gets a replacement from the manufacturer and the replacement has issues, OP has to go back to the manufacturer.

                      • @HighAndDry: why? I don't think that's correct.

                        • @Savas: Because the replacement came directly from the manufacturer, and not the retailer.

                          • @HighAndDry: yeah but the OP should have a receipt from Google with the previous IMEI from mobileciti anyway, so they can't say they don't have anything to do with the phone if you think that's a valid excuse.

                            • @Savas:

                              a receipt from Google with the previous IMEI from mobileciti

                              Right. And which phone is defective now?

                              • @HighAndDry: Even if he got a replacement from mobileciti it would still have a different IMEI so i don't understand your point.

                                • +1

                                  @Savas: If he got a replacement from Mobileciti, he would have gotten a replacement from Mobileciti. That's precisely the point.

                                  • +1

                                    @HighAndDry: I would be interested if it actually said anywhere that if you claim a remedy from the manufacturer that the store no longer has to help you.

                                    • +4

                                      @Savas: It probably doesn't, just as it's not written anywhere that the sky is blue. The retailer is responsible for goods it supplies. OP has a phone directly from Google, that phone is not something the retailer supplied.

      • +1

        Hi HighAndDry

        Thanks, our team already communicating with OP.

        • +10

          I really feel sorry for you guys for having to put with a customer like this. I hope mobileciti don't get too many customers like him.

      • +1

        love it haha.

  • +1

    What is to help with? Send it back to Google.

  • +4

    Shame, would have loved to see who would be correct if this went to a tribunal just for reference in future cases of similarlity.

    • +9

      I'm amazed this got the amount of debate it did. OP effectively wants Mobileciti to replace or repair a phone he got directly from Google. It's madness.

      • +4

        Not sure why are you being down voted for this, and I feel the same way about the "popularity" of this thread. Madness, indeed. :-)

        Also, kudos to the MobileCiti store rep for actually trying to help the OP, given that they don't have to in this situation.

      • +2

        I agree with you as well. I thought once he opted to deal with Google for a replacement he has to go to them now on with issues with the phone.
        And not still have the option of either going back to his purchased reseller if the future remedies from Google are not to his liking for future issues on his replacement phone from Google.

        Hence I wish we got something official to clarify ACL. Cause this option of going back to point of purchase after remedy from manufacturer and future issues on the remedied product is an interesting option albeit very OP (Over Powered).

      • +2

        A refurb he got from Google you mean lol

    • +8

      I think if Mobileciti choose to help OP by replacing the phone, it will totally be up to their discretion.
      By law, they don't have to do anything. but they may choose to.

  • +8

    Why the F would MobileCiti give you a replacement on a phone that's no longer from them?

    Send it back to Google and wait.

    I can see the rep from MobileCiti above is helping - probably just to be nice and avoid this blowing up, but really they don't owe you anything.

  • +5

    Think about this for a second, you got a phone from mobileciti then gave it to google. Google gave you a phone that is not functioning and now you are trying to give it to mobileciti? Why don't you try to give it to Harvey norman maybe they can help you out.

    • -1

      Google gave the OP a phone to replace the one from mobileciti, that shouldn't change the warranty that came with the device.

      • +4

        So if google took his phone and gave OP a banana does OP still get the warranty and can return the banana to mobileciti?

        On a more serious note, just because it looks like the same phone does not mean it is the same phone. Hence my banana example.

        • -1

          I don't think the seller can't refuse to help.

          • +2

            @Savas: Please don't use triple negatives. Also you used one too many.

          • +3

            @Savas: You have repeatedly said this over and over again but worded it differently. No need to keep saying it.

      • that shouldn't change the warranty that came with the original device.


        • And the original device came from mobileciti? Shouldn't be a difference if OP or mobileciti sends the replacement back to google.

  • +9

    So you had a faulty phone in the first week and instead of going back to mobileciti you paid and sent it back to google to get a refurb lol

    and now you want a refund from mobileciti wow just wow

    • Correction I want a replacement.

  • Apple let you trade in Android phones for iPhones.

    Would have been instant replacement at Apple Store

  • I'm sure HighAndDry will just tell me I am wrong, but personally I would have thought that the consumer guarantees and warranties would have transferred to the new device.

    The fact that it is physically a different phone shouldn't be an issue, they came from the same place.

    If MobileCiti processes the replacement they would have sent one back to google and given Op a new one from stock - which came from Google.

    The fact op did half the leg work seems irrelevant to me.

    So Op can't get a refund now?

    For what it's worth, this entire thing is just poor customer service, they could have still processed a replacement, they just don't want to.

    • +1

      Why should they?

      Hey Harvey Norman I bought a microwave but yeah it broke, and now I've got another microwave from Gumtree (but you don't know that) - replace it under consumer warranty even though the serials don't match!

      Yeah right

      • +2

        False equivalence. Mobileciti would have sent it to Google themselves. Not gumtree jesus

      • +3

        I do have the receipt containing both original and replacement IMEI, so your analogy doesnt make sense.

        • +1

          Agreed the analogy makes no sense.

        • Is it hard to doctor a receipt?. I am not sure if Mibileciti can look up replacement details or have a direct line with Google to verify or what their commercial arrangement is on this type of matters. There are too many fraudsters out there and I would expect businesses to be cautious. Happy that I'm not running a business to deal with customers who jump on to internet forums or social media for every random nonsense and potentially damage the brand.

    • It's a completely different phone, how dumb do you have to be to not understand this?

      You have no idea how MobileCiti internally processes and manages their stock. How are they meant to account for an IMEI / SN they do not have in their system. The warranties do transfer to the new phone, it's just that he has to go through the retailer that he received the phone from.

  • +1

    What if mobileciti just turn around and send the phone back to google and it takes 3 weeks to get a replacement phone (plus the additional time of not dealing directly with the manufacturer)?

    They would be acting reasonably as they aren't going to try to repair the phone themselves, and I don't think there's a law saying they need to give a loan phone out.

    • +2

      I really hope mobileciti do this lol

    • +2

      Why shouldn't they do that?
      Even that would be going above and beyond.

  • -1

    At the end of the day, if the original phone wasn't faulty then this wouldn't even be a thread. The fact of the matter is that it was indeed faulty. Who cares that OP went directly to Google instead of Mobileciti… If the phone wasn't faulty in the first place that wouldn't have happened! This should be between Google and Mobileciti to sort out, not the OP.

  • No warranty on replacement as far as I know

    • im pretty sure there is. When i got my S7 fixed before the 2yr warranty expired, they gave me 3mths warranty on the replacement. Also I'm pretty sure that OP's phone is still in the 2yr warranty period.

    • +3

      You need to get yourself up to speed with the ACL.

  • You have an issue with a device that was not provided to you by mobileciti…MC will likely not be able to return it to google due to imei discrepancies…

    • +1

      If OP asked mobileciti to get a replacement from google, would they still not be responsible since Google technically provided your phone? And if OP wants a refund does that mean Google has to be out of pocket? And why would Google tell OP to go to the retailer if they need an immediate replacement? I don't follow the logic.

      • If OP asked mobileciti to get a replacement from google, would they still not be responsible since Google technically provided your phone?

        I don't think so.

        And if OP wants a refund does that mean Google has to be out of pocket?

        Under 'normal' circumstances the manufacturer has no responsibility to provide a refund. In this case Google has become the retailer… or have they?

        And why would Google tell OP to go to the retailer if they need an immediate replacement?

        Again, under 'normal' circumstances the manufacturer is entitled to refer the customer to their retailer.

  • +2

    lol wasting my time, go back to google, you already trade your original device with google

  • +9

    Gather round, Gather true,
    I have a little conundrum for you,
    I have a phone it does not work,
    All this dramas got me berserk,
    I have a receipt that they can see,
    But accept it not does Mobileciti,
    "Go back to Google" that's what they said,
    I bought it from you, cant you exchange it instead?
    It's the same phone just a different IMEI,
    Everyone's saying "Go back to Google", why oh but why?
    It doesn't make sense all that much to me,
    Perhaps a poem will explain it clearly.
    Could someone please write me a limerick or two,
    Or even a little ditty, something in Haiku.

    • +2

      OP will read this but still wont understand.

  • +1

    This is just stupid, send it back to google. get the warranty done. you don't have a choice at this point.

  • +2

    Yep should've just deal with mobileciti, I've learnt this recently with my Surface Pro just deal direct with the shop you purchased from and if they don't play ball then consumer affairs can try to help you. I went straight to Microsoft thinking they'd be decent to deal with, but in reality they weren't really.

  • +2

    no sympathy for this one.

  • +3

    Even if you send it back to Mobileciti I don't think they are under any obligation to replace it immediately for you, only to send it back to Google on your behalf, so if anything it's just going to make the process take longer.

    I think the solution here is to suck it up, send it back to Google and spend your time organising something to use in the meantime.

  • +4

    Original Device - Mobicity
    Original Device faulty - Skip Mobicity and go direct to manufacturer.
    Original Device - Now with manufacturer, Mobicity have no knowledge of replacement, they did not sell this device, they do not have any warranty claim for this device. Their warranty claim stopped when OP sent original device direct to manufacturer. A new warranty relationship was formed, between OP and Google.
    Replacement Device - Has new warranty on it - With Google.
    Replacement Device faulty - OP wants to skip back to original deal and work with retailer who did not sell the device. If OP went through retailer for replacement, then yes would be able to but as OP went DIRECT TO MANUFACTURER SKIPPING RETAILER OP needs to deal with Manufacturer (or who he got his new receipt from).

    This is like buying a fridge from Harvey Norman, it breaks so you call the manufacturer who replace the fridge. Then it fails again so you go to Harvey Norman with a different fridge! Im sorry OP but you gave up your warranty connection to Mobicity when you deal directly with Google.

    If you need a phone and can;t go without, just go to Woolies and buy a $50 phone and use it whilst your phone is being RMAd or something.

    Good luck.

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