No Matter What Nationality - Why Do All Kids Like Chips?

Bit of an odd question. I went to see my sister but didn’t realize she was having a kid party. So I stayed as i thought I would help a bit.

One thing really interesting is that I have noticed no matter what nationalities, all the kids loves chips. I wonder why is that? Is it the peers? Or is it really the taste? I for one thinks chips is ok but nothing to go crazy about.

Any other food other than chips are loved by all kids no matter what nationalities? I can only think of chocolate and ice cream. But chips gets me a bit


  • +3

    I'd say it's the combination of salt, sugar and fat that stimulate our taste buds and the brain. It's like every chip is a dose of dopamine.

    There is also research that suggests the more crispy they are the more likely we are to like it.

    • White starch.

      • White starch???

        • As found in potatoes, white bread, white rice, etc. - loved by most people.

  • Because potato are the best! haha nah not sure, I heard for sweet foods, back in the day when we used to be foragers foods that were sweet went good, while bitter and sour meant likely poisioneous or not ready and we grew a liking to sweet foods. I wonder if theres something similar to savoury foods because I swear they're the best as well.

  • +3

    I like chips too

    • +1

      mmmm chips.

  • -1


  • The shape, size, and texture of chips make them fun to eat.
    Almost all chips have flavour enhancers, flavour enhancers stimulate nerve cells in the brain.

    • -1

      And kids very young will know all that??? I am not sure

  • Kids like simple flavours, ie sweet, salty, sour… they are simply flavours to understand. It is like good wine, someone who has never had alcohol before cannot tell terrible from good because all they taste is the ethanol.

    Chips are simple. Equal parts salt and crispiness.

    • It is like good wine, someone who has never had alcohol before cannot tell terrible from good because all they taste is the ethanol.

      The problem with that theory is wine drinkers lose the ability to differentiate wine tastes once the bottle, colour and price are hidden. They will taste white wines while drinking reds according to suggestion or random chance and some of them get it right by chance as well. So the non-simple flavours are a product of the brain rather than the taste.

      • They will taste white wines while drinking reds

        You'll need to reference that because reds and whites are so vastly different.

        • I heard this claim on an Adam Ruins Everything episode.

  • +7

    PSA: potatoes do not "give" chips

    • How do you know if someone is a TightBottom?

      Don’t worry about it, they’ll… wait, that’s not right.

    • +2

      Gobbledocks take them. I know that much.

    • I've heard some people chop the potato's eyes out, just so they can grow more potatoes!

  • Well, I suppose not all kids like chocolate..

  • +1

    I went to see my sister but didn’t realize she was having a kid party

    Mad invite

    • i dont mind kids as long as they are not screaming:)

  • Do they just love chips, or do they love the tomato sauce?

  • I've been looking for the Smiths Prawn Cocktail flavour chips in Perth, I think they've sold out.

  • Bring back Kettle brand "herb and spice"

  • As a kid I was never into chips, up to now. I prefer nuts like cashews and pistachios

  • Hot chips or potato crisps? ….or both 😉

  • salt & fat taste yummy :)
    kids should play outside & run around afterwards, or before, or they will get fat if they sit on their butts all day

    • That's what raspberry cordial is for.

      • Good point

        How about putting chips in a blender with raspberry cordial?

  • +1


  • because cheap as

  • Nz kids don't like chips at all.
    They prefer chups

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