This was posted 5 years 7 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Free Trial of eBay Plus for 180 Days @ eBay (New Subscribers)


Unsure if this is Targetted

Terms & conditions

Acceptance. By using or attempting to use the redemption code for this offer, you agree to accept and be bound by these terms and conditions.

Offer Period. The offer applies if you sign up for a free trial of eBay Plus between 8 February 2019 (AEDT) and 5 March 2019 (AEDT) (“180 Day Offer Period”).

By signing up for a free trial of eBay Plus during the 180 day trial Offer Period then you agree to be subject to the eBay Plus Terms and Conditions as amended as follows:

All references to "30-day trial" are replaced with the words '180-day trial" throughout, excluding the second sentence of section 3.2 which is replaced with the following: If you cancel during the first 30 days of the 180 day trial period you will continue to receive all eBay Plus benefits until 30 days after the date you originally joined. If you cancel after the first 30 days of the 180 day trial period you will immediately cease receiving eBay Plus benefits. Once your eBay Plus benefits cease your eBay Plus membership will end.

All other terms in the eBay Plus Terms and Conditions remain unchanged and applicable.
Ebay rights. Without limiting other remedies and in addition to eBay’s rights under the User Agreement, eBay reserves the right to disallow or reverse a discount or prohibit access to this offer in circumstances where eBay believes:
you have provided false information, conspired with others to gain an unfair advantage or have otherwise been involved in any way in manipulating, interfering or tampering with the conduct of this offer;

you have engaged in any other conduct which eBay considers unfair, fraudulent or untoward.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Sign up to 6 months of nothing

  • Imagine if ebay started launching tv shows like amazon prime…

    • +3

      They would raise minimum ad time and reduce maximum content per episode each week.

  • +2

    Cancelled mine. Only bought a memory card in 6 odd months.

  • +3

    This must be the most negged post that hit the front page.

    eBay Plus is not a deal.

  • +5

    Worst subscription service and offering that there has ever been.

    I buy all my stuff on Amazon with Prime now anyway. Best thing ebay did was encourage me to use Prime. Massive backfire on ebays part.

  • eBay should start selling movies subscription too like amazon prime … !!

  • +3

    Why so many negs? Don't you enjoy getting inferior deals to what ebay normally offers?

  • +6

    Amazon Prime is far better than Ebay Plus.

  • +8

    Amazon Prime is worth it. I get free delivery, even on things that are less than $1, they deliver on the weekend, i get Twitch prime games every month, Kindle books, Prime video and Music. The service is simply worth it.

    I'm not expecting that level of service but eBay Plus as a Premium service has given me literally nothing as a buyer and seller, it's a waste of money. Rather that just whinge about it i will offer suggestions. I still don't get why there are still targeted coupons even as a Plus subscriber it's a insult and a slap in the face, i expect all coupons and deals to be available to me. Make the eBay Valet service better with a better percentage on items sold or reduce the seller fee percentage in general. eBay always screws the seller, how about do something for them for once?

    Negging deal and thanks for the reminder OP, i just canceled my subscription.

  • +1

    Here's a tip eBay: either charge more for a service you'll actually provide (like Amazon Prime which is great) or don't provide one at all.
    It was a good idea, started off well but fell flat on its face quickly.

  • +3

    Lol this is going to backfire. Ebay will notice the sudden influx of people cancelling their existing plus memberships in disgust.

    But then again, those clowns still won't get it.

  • Does eBay+ benefit sellers in any way?

    • +1

      If you're a seller that gets granted a plus listing, you may get more sales on that if buyers now find it cheaper than the competition/it would otherwise be.

  • ebay items nowaday are more expensive than buy from aliexpress

  • This page may have moved or is no longer available


    Edit: Pages comes and goes AWOL.

    How do you actually active it? Click 30 days trial? The link only take to terms and conditions. When I click the 30 days trial there is no mention of 180 days.

    • Try using an incognito window

    • It is targeted yes. Confirmed with eBay, it is only available to a small selection of customers. The rep basically told me to go get f**ked and be happy they even accept me as a customer at all. The last bit is made up, but they wouldn't budge on getting the 180 day trial.

  • -1

    Biggest problem I have with eBay plus is that sellers can pick which items are ebay plus and which are not. There are many sellers that have free postage on ebay plus items but then all their items with paid postage are not ebay plus items.

    • +1

      Literally just encountered that. Two items I want from a seller. One is eBay plus (free post), the other isn't. What's the bloody point?

    • +3

      Wrong. Sellers don't pick. Ebay picks using some unknown automated process. It's ludicrous

      • Yeah right, so the majority of items that ebay pick already have free shipping and free returns. Makes you wonder what the point of ebay plus is if normal ebay users get the same benefits anyway.

  • +2

    Do not do it. Even at free it's helping them artificially inflate how many premium subscribers they have. As a subscriber i really struggle to see the on going value.

    Also the 'premium' customer service is absolute rubbish.

  • Absolutely useless program. Trying to compete with Amazon without offering anything tangible…
    Can't support this.

  • Paid 50% off for first year ($29), have had 3 sellers fail to deliver on time ($10 credit each) so made $1…. but got 3 failed delivery dates, so yeah, probably not a great trade

  • Ebay plus will kill bargains. So far not very value for money.

  • useless

  • you cant close your account while you still an ebay plus member, so becareful

  • Total regret on my eBay plus

  • +1

    Only bought it for the "free" Google Home Mini. No value now, thanks for the reminder to cancel mine.

  • It's not an exaggeration that plus is basically useless. Have had it for like 5 months and the only benefit I've gotten was one small delivery fee waved. Shame really.

  • A complete waste of time and money. A lot of sellers ship for free. eBay is now also full of idiots dropshipping from China while saying that the product is in the country.

    Amazon Prime is the real bargain. Great customer service and great value for money.

  • So basically it is free because it provide nothing?

    • Pretty much. Has few benefits, so has few people signing up (and now more cancellations) so they're trying to give away more benefits/longer to boost uptake.

      Other programs like Amazon and shipster have also offered similar cheaper/free subscriptions to get members.

  • Shipster is a better deal than plus. Prime and plus aren't even in the same league.

    Really makes you wander what eBay are doing…

  • +1

    Used to be good when it was first launched, especially when they did very special pricing for GoPro Hero 5 and Dyson vacs. Since then, never seen any good incentives to stay on. Not going to renew my subscription later this year. Staying with Amazon Prime, top notch shipping service, good bonuses (Prime Video, and etc).

    • Likewise, just upgraded to 12 months prime. I've switched most of my activity over to Amazon now. Much better value to me personally. Not perfect but better.

  • -6

    Last time I checked this is still a deal on the normal pricing so all negs should be removed.. i.e. i think all apple phones are crap and not worth the money so im downvoting the deal because of it..

    • +1

      I didn't neg you (and everyone knows how Anti-Apple I am now but that's a different point) but I'm curious as to what makes you think this is worth $49/year?

      At least with Apple it's a rip off, but you get something for your money.

  • Waste of time.

  • They'll try anything to get signups on the hope some forget to cancel.

    It's becoming so blatant it's getting tacky.

  • +1

    I paid the early bird price for the first year as eBay Plus was introduced. I have certainly not received my moneys worth. eBay Plus is absolutely not worth it, not even for free - don't waste your new accounts on eBay Plus, not worth it, keep them for better deals in the future - I noticed from some comments that creating too many accounts (specifically 17) renders them all suspended permanently. Members did not receive many exclusive deals, the deals that were for members were not even that good. I expected members to get better deals than non-members, but that was not always the case. Sure eBay Plus was worth it at the beginning when sellers decided to transfer part of the product price into the delivery cost which eBay covered, however, eBay caught on and made sure those cheap deals were a thing of the past. The flash deals (cheap gopros, dyson vacuums, switch consoles) at eBay Plus launch was also one of the few good things to come out of an otherwise garbage promotion. Amazon Prime is infinitely better than eBay Plus and by the looks of things, will always be so. The fact that eBay is doing these kind of promotions suggests that their members are reducing at a significantly faster pace than they anticipated and this is just damage control.

  • Needed to comment so that I can neg this…. hardly neg any deals but ebay plus sucks!

  • +2

    Not worth it the pricejacking is just insanity I was a member for quite a while I found I was not actually using it because for every 20% off sale that was exclusive to plus members sellers would jack up their prices by 20 percent I found that just going to Amazon and using cashback rewards saved me so much more over time.

    I built a new PC recently a majority of my parts ended up being from Amazon despite having eBay plus I got a Intel 8700k cheapest on eBay was 590 including a 20 percent discount but Amazon was 380 with cashback rewards.

  • +5

    I’ve just cancelled. Giving bigger discounts to new members rather than current members did it for me. Totally removes any incentive to stay signed up. It’s just common sense. Give the biggest discounts to all eBay plus members. Surely that’s supposed to be the whole point or why even join eBay plus.

  • +2

    I cancelled ebay plus when they ran ebay plus deals only for newer plus members. Already penalising earlier subscribers. What a failed business strategy that is.

  • +1

    You pay eBay plus (+) for the minus(-) service for existing member. The worse membership ever.

    • By that logic, this should be a very "magnetic" deal but it's not lol

  • I cancelled after 4 months as there was nothing to avail out of plus.

  • As a current user of eBay Plus, I don't see a bargain here.

  • +3

    I've boycotted eBay completely because it's just to hard to sort by price. Items that cost $100 can be listed as $1 but then I find out it's just for the cable.

  • -2

    80 upvotes yet not one of those who have upvoted have commented here as to why it’s a good deal? Hmm…

    • -2

      Pretty much this seriously. The reason people are upvoting is because it's free and this just proves you should need a comment to upvote a deal as well. Tell us why its so good because as a seller and a buyer eBay Plus it is a waste of money and doesn't do anything outside a miniscule amount of Flybuys points.

    • +2

      Ironically you negged without explaining why it’s a bad deal.

      As a buyer my membership has paid for itself in costs I have saved on shipping alone, not to mention double flybuys and other vouchers/promos. I have also found it advantageous as a seller whose listings qualify for eBay Plus.

      So yes, if you’re targeted for this offer, it’s a good deal imo. Not sure why people have to whinge so much just because a deal doesn’t suit them personally.

      • -2

        I explained myself. Read the rest of the thread.

        • +1

          My reply was to Flying Ace’s comment, not yours.

  • +1

    Thanks for reminding me I had an account, it's now cancelled.

  • +1

    I am not impressed and will be voicing the same to them. I signed for their free one month offer just three weeks ago, and now they are doing a 6 month deal - I signed for that, in the misguided thought that I would get better care and attention. I bought a 3d Printer over ebay 22 days ago - it got lost by australia post - I have had to do all of the leg work dealing with the vendor and auspost - ebay's specisl team were useless - yesterday, I finally got confirmation from the vendor that they will be shipping a replacement.

  • Thank for the reminder , I just cancelled my eBay plus membership in which payment is due on 10th March 2019 .

  • No benefit in eBay Plus, no deal in it.

  • Works well for things that you are unsure it’ll fit. I bought a foam cannon for my pressure washer, it didn’t fit my pressure washer and eBay made the return process very easy for me.

    To be fair, same item from a different seller which wasn’t eBay plus was couple dollars cheaper.

  • Here's a suggestion ebay. Why not six months free for your existing members for signing up to this crappy service. Cancellations incoming..

  • why tie a KPI to new accts, when ppl spoof accts. dumb dumb dumb

  • +1

    Just last week I used my 90 day trial to get free postage on the 2nd mobile phone I've ordered from eBay in that time. In both cases they were already the cheapest deals on eBay at the time, and with Plus, it made them $9.95 cheaper.

  • eBay Plus - the overpriced subscription service without any perks.

  • +1

    Sorry OP. Have to neg this deal as ebay is treating current eBay plus member like sxxt. Damn you ebay.

  • -2


  • Not happy with my Ebay Plus

  • I signed up for ebay plus under the promise of 3 months free Stan subscription last year around October. To date I haven't received the free Stan. Ebay Plus support said that I wasn't the only one that missed out on Stan and advised me to wait. That was a month ago. I can't say I have benefited from Ebay Plus in the past few months either and I'm looking at cancelling my subscription.

  • +2

    Absolute waste of money, cancelled mine last month and is due to expire soon. Not a single eBay Plus deal that made it worth it.

  • Sigh eBay… RIP 2025

  • useless. Takes advantage of people who post for free regardless.

  • Waste of time. I cancelled my subscription during the free trial.

  • Wow, record negged thread?

  • Totally useless

  • Zero value unfortunately in the current eBay plus model; just a risk of being charged a renewal fee if you forget.

  • Comment to neg, compares to amazon prime, this is a pos

  • This must be one of the most neg post I saw on OZB. Ebay should have realised how bad there plus campaign is.

  • No value in ebay plus so not really a deal

  • +1

    Judging by all the comments on here, I'm one of the three OzBargain members who a) seems to understand the benefits that eBay Plus membership offers, and based on that, b) benefited from it.

    If you're a regular spender on eBay, the double flybuys points alone could make it worth signing up for - I've already made back over three times what I paid for my membership, and I've still got over four months until it's up for renewal. I've scored free shipping on a bunch of items that would otherwise not have been, and haven't had to use the returns feature yet.

    If you regularly buy on eBay, and have this 180 day Plus offer available to you, have a read through what's on offer and the T&Cs, and make up your own mind about signing up - ignore all the "me too" neggers here, as a lot of them don't have a clue judging by their comments.

    • -8

      neg. We know what we're talking about thank you very much :)

      Back OT - whats your role at eBay if you dont mind sharing?

      • How sad that when someone actually takes a few minutes to give a reasoned response, the best you can do is come back with that tired old accusation that I must work for or somehow represent eBay (I don't).

        Whatever happened to originality and critical thought?

  • -1

    Rip ebay plus

  • Does anyone know how to get this to work? New account with no prior trials and it's just showing me 30 day trials everywhere.

  • Has anyone who had a 90 free trial able to cancel and sign up for the 180 day one?

  • made new account, ebay only offer me 30days free trial tho

  • -1

    Ebay plus has no value, unfortunately!

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