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  • expired

Free Digital Audio Course "The Historical Reliability of The Gospels" and "The Discipleship Program" @ Credo Courses


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30 Video Sessions • 13+ Hours of Content

Dr. Craig Blomberg is the author of The Historical Reliability of the Gospels. In this course he addresses and debunks the allegations agains the Canonical Gospels one at a time while affirming the orthodox Christian position.

The Canonical Gospels Attacked and Defended
The Canonical Gospels are constantly under attack. Some claim that they’ve been copied from earlier myths and legends. Others allege they can’t be depended on for historically accurate information. Still others argue that scribed changed the text so that we no longer have what the authors wrote. How should Christians respond to these claims?

Dr. Craig Blomberg is the author of The Historical Reliability of the Gospels. In this Credo Course Dr. Blomberg addresses and debunks the allegations against the Canonical Gospels one at a time while affirming the orthodox Christian position.

This course contains 30 sessions over six DVDs covering all aspects of this topic:

Widely Held Myths About Ancient Sources
The Formation of the Canon and the Choice of the Synoptic Gospels
Books Not Included: The Contents of the Apocryphal and Gnostic Gospels
The Text of the New Testament and Especially of the Gospels
The Translation of the New Testament and Especially of the Gospels
The Authorship and Dating of the Gospels
The Reliability of the Oral Tradition (Part 1)
The Reliability of the Oral Tradition (Part 2)
The Composition of the Synoptic Gospels
The Literary Genre of the Gospels
Archeology for the Gospels
Non-Christian Evidence for Jesus
The Apocryphal and Gnostic Gospels Further Evaluated
The Quests for the Historical Jesus
Why Such Diversity Exists and the Criteria of Authenticity
The Most Authentic Parts of the Synoptic Tradition
The Resulting Identity of Jesus
Problems of Harmonization Among the Synoptics
Problems of Harmonization Between the Synoptics and John
The Reliability of John (Part 1)
The Reliability of John (Part 2)
A Fourth Quest for the Historical Jesus
The Knowledge of the Jesus Tradition in the Early Epistles (Part 1)
The Knowledge of the Jesus Tradition in the Early Epistles (Part 2)
The Unique Problem of Miracles (Part 1)
The Unique Problem of Miracles (Part 2)
The Virginal Conception: Nativity or Naiveté
The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction
The Jesus We Never Knew
Summary and Conclusions

The Discipleship Program…

How do you grow as a disciple of Jesus? How do you develop deep roots to live a Christian life? The Discipleship Program is designed to help set you on a course toward becoming a fully-devoted follower of Christ. This 10-session program focuses on both Orthodoxy (correct thought) and Orthopraxy (correct action). The Discipleship Program is designed to be an ideal study for small groups, Sunday school classes, or individuals who want to grow deep in their walk with God.

Discipleship Topics Addressed

Five Core Beliefs
Session 01: Bible
Session 02: Mankind
Session 03: Trinity
Session 04: Jesus
Session 05: Faith

Five Core Practices
Session 06: Prayer
Session 07: Bible Study
Session 08: The Church
Session 09: Living with Pain and Suffering
Session 10: Living as Lights (Evangelism)

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Credo Courses
Credo Courses

closed Comments

    • +9

      Wow cpr on a dead body after 3 days!

      I will have to try that one. Maybe on a dead human baby fetus (or clump of cells whatever you think it is)

      Also the facebook page didn't list an explanation for intelligent design and creation which is where they should start as Jesus is Creator

      • +1

        Wooshh!!! :-)

      • +2

        in John 11, Jesus actually just called Lazarus out to "wake" him up..
        definitely the CPR theory just doesn't check out.

      • -3
        1. Ever heard of a coma?

        2. The intelligent design and creation comes via 'the light'. Which you can see with your own actual physical eyes. Details on how to see it are linked to on the page.

        3. Don't worry, I don't expect you to read any of it. Either to find the link, or to read the lazarus explanation, so just save some time and don't bother. ;)

        • +3

          i did read some of it, that's why i said the explanations are just plain ridiculous to the point of almost funny.

          First your post mentioned about CPR, which do not make any sense at all, because there was no touching to raise Lazarus.
          Second, you're trying to sell the theory of Lazarus being a comma, which I think does not make any sense either.

          Ppl in comma still breathes - there's still movement, do you put ppl who still breathes into a tomb?
          The ppl in that era is not that stupid to not being able to differentiate between there's still movement, or not?

          EVEN if Lazarus was in comma, can you even wake someone up from comma with a single call??
          It's not like Jesus was trying to call Lazarus for 10 times, and hey whaddaya know, Lazarus heard the 10th call and woke up.
          He called ONCE, even before he came he already knew that he's going to be able to revive Lazarus.

          Can anyone do that?
          See someone in a comma, and call his/her name once, and he/she suddenly just wakes up???

          • +2

            @hhbb555: Moreover, cell biology dictates that decay begins after the body stops circulating oxygen. Irreparable damage ensues.

          • +2

            @hhbb555: Slightly off topic, but I always picture Lazarus as more of a semicolon.

        • +1
          1. Which one is more believable - some dude in a coma snapped out of it because some dude born of "virgin" birth called his name or it was a dude playing dead. This kind of scams still happen in villages in India.

          2. The intelligent design and creation comes via 'the light'. Which you can see with your own actual physical eyes. Details on how to see it are linked to on the page. That is just downright laughable.

          3. A medical degree tells me that the Lazarus story wreaks of BS. Of course, a few doctors and many theologist will tell me I'm wrong. I guess all those textbooks and surgical courses didn't cover "shouting out names".

          • @[Deactivated]: I guess without evidence ppl can make up stories anyway they'd like

          • @[Deactivated]: In regards to point 2. Can you prove the contents of your dreams to someone else?


            Yet we all dream in constant flowing images and thoughts, and know it to be true.

            I can see the light with my own eyes. It's a simple technique that allows a person to see the rays. All that is needed is an open mind, and the effort to try.

            You dream because you connect to the light. It is also the exact same light that people report when they have a near death experience.

            Imagine that someone came along, and told you how to see it, without having to have a near death experience.


            Anyway, details are in the pinned post on this page,


    • +2

      that facebook page explanations are just plain ridiculous to the point of almost funny.
      I think the author thinks that he's a bit familiar with all the stories, and without cross-referencing with the rests of the bible or double checking if his memories are correct, he just went on and try to connect the dots himself.

      Lots of things don't check out, like back in those days it's not common for unmarried ppl to sleep together, and about Mary felt something between her legs, there's no backing to that 'theory/story' anywhere in the bible.
      Think it another way, if it was common for unmarried ppl to sleep together, surely there were other virgin girls throughout the history that got pregnant while still being virgin?

      that CPR theory is just plain ridiculous too.
      The guy has been dead for 3 days to begin with, even with these days technology it is not possible to revive someone who has been dead for 3 days, and Jesus intentionally delayed to come to see Lazarus when he first heard the news - that's not something that you'd do if you plan to do CPR?
      and the after that, he didn't even lay a finger on Lazarus to raise him up, he simply just called the guy to wake up.
      Last time I checked, there's no "wireless" CPR technique.

      • -3

        Ever heard of a coma?

        • +2

          ever heard someone on a comma that would snap out of a comma just by calling him out?
          also does someone on a comma has a bad odour, just like dead ppl?

          • -3

            @hhbb555: Actually, if a body is not fed, it will develop a bad odour.

            They didn't have drips back in those days to ensure that doesn't happen.

            The body will feed off of stores within the muscles, then the muscles themselves. During this, the body will also go into ketosis.

            As far as calling him out. If you read the story, you will hear my theory on what happened.

            I'm not saying it's the truth, I'm just saying it's a possibility.

            You shouldn't take the bible as 100% accurate fact. Even stories from different disciples vary in regard to any single event.

            Anyway, wanted to ask a question. Why would Jesus 'magic' a coin into a fishes throat? Just to help a fisherman pay his taxes by some weird method of giving him it. By what purpose and reason would this be?

            Or could Jesus have just used a coin with a hole in it as a fishing sinker, and that's how it got there?

            The thing is, I describe Jesus as the most caring, understanding, loving, thoughtful, and honest person that has ever walked the earth. The logical explanations describe how he may have invented CPR, fishing sinkers, sign language, and crutches.

            He was a legend.

            Yet, you think this view is somehow blasphemy… :/

            • +3

              @metalslaw: mate, i can tell that you have spent a considerable amount of time writing all of your theories, but your theories are not backed by any of the witnesses at least in the bible, unless you can tell me otherwise of the sources that you're using to deduct your theories.
              but for the Lazarus story:
              1. there's no evidence that Lazarus was still breathing in the tomb
              2. there's no evidence that someone checked the pulse and informed Jesus about it
              3. there's no evidence that Jesus went into the tomb and touched/checked Lazarus for life signs

              I didn't think about your theories somehow to be blasphemy, but they're just too many of "assumptions" that have been put there without any backing of evidence that makes the story makes even less sense.

              Although the bible has some differences for the same stories that different eye witnesses wrote, the main points are still valid. If anything it proves the credibility of the bible as the sources were not changed just so that all the stories are 100% the same regardless of who wrote it. I think it is a normal thing for example when there's an accident and there are multiple eyewitnesses interviewed by multiple news reporters, and the stories would vary a bit, although I'd expect the main point of the story still checks out.

              As for the fish and the coin story, i'm not too familiar with it.
              but from what i could see, you're assuming Peter set a net to get (multiple) fishes, while in the bible it says Peter threw a LINE and to get the FIRST fish that he caught.

        • Is that your facebook page?

  • -5

    spoiler alert:

    This is none, and the authors never intended the books as historical fact.
    We can't even be 100% sure that Jesus existed and was not totally made up by St.Paul.
    Though the academic consensus is that a historical Jesus of Nazareth did exist.

    • +1

      manic I am really glad you personally have confirmed the authors intentions

      I don't suppose you have a facebook link?

    • the authors never intended the books as historical fact.

      Luke 1:3 it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.


  • +2

    Did St. Paul Invent Christianity? Agnostic scholar Dr. Bart Ehrman -

    • "St Paul could not have invented Christianity because he persecuted Christians".
      Do we have any evidence for that aside from Paul's own word?

      • Yeah, we have other sources. Even Paul is valid anyway. Since he's writing to other people in the 1st century who can fact check him. Anyway if you don't believe Dr. Bart Ehrman, you won't believe anyone.

      • I don't see what Paul have to do with this post. The Gospel contains many information that Paul never mentioned. So don't know how he can invent many things he never mentioned.

        • +1

          The gospels were written after Paul, and anonymously. (Matthew, Mark etc are not the actual authors)

          Paul is often described as the founder of Christianity. Jesus was a Jewish preacher, but Paul founded a new religion based on Jesus' teachings. As there are no contemporaneous records of Jesus, and very few of the writings after his death were by people who claimed to have met him, the claim is that the character of Jesus could be a composite, largely invented by St Paul.
          The gospels could be based on stories told by Paul, and later embellished.

          I do not actually subscribe to this, but the point is that we have no solid facts about the historical Jesus. Many of the gospel stories, such as the census in Bethlehem (only found in Luke!) are clearly fabrications.

  • Save yourself the time and just listen to this to get the overview-

    • +2

      Fake news link above
      We only take Facebook links and made up opinions here as fact

  • +6

    This or

    $0 Courses - The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced | Unity3D*: Beginner to Advanced @ Udemy

      AKA A Study of the historical veracity of the Python derived Life Of Brian
    • 3D(ivinitys) in Unity

    Decisions, decisions.

  • +3

    or how about we keep the thread on track and stick to the FACT that its a bargain??????

    • It is not a fact but merely an opinion. Everyone is free to have an opinion.

      My opinion is that this is a very long winded brochure. Brochures are meant to be free. Something that's meant to be free being free isn't a bargain.

      • +1

        fact : was 99USD, now free
        opinion : brochure which was meant to be free

        its right there in front of you and you're still trying to argue it?????

        • Fact: giant spaghetti monster is in the sky

          It's written right there in front of you and you're still trying to argue it?????

        • I've got an mp3 of 37 seconds of white noise.

          I normally sell it for 5 Bitcoins, but for OzBargain I could do it for $1… Interested?

    • +3

      No facts here. Just brainwashing, which should be free of charge anyway.

  • -4

    Thanks for the Freebie!

    Are you intolerant of those that believe in God and love and embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior?

    If so, you might be a bigot.

    a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

    Mod edit: Solicitation of votes is not allowed.

    • +13

      There's a difference between bigotry and critiquing bad ideas.

      • -6

        There isn't a single person claiming that they are the same. In fact, it sounds like you're arguing with yourself. Not only is your statement obvious, but it's also completely irrelevant. I will admit though, that your straw man is lit.

        Perhaps you should read what I actually wrote instead of attempting to imply I was saying something else. I would never confuse bigotry with something so subjective as critiquing bad ideas.

    • +1

      Im not sure what do you mean by "intolerant".
      I still love my mother and brother ( if not even more now ) who are worship Buddhist and deity Guan Yu, respectively. That is after my conversion.
      Ironically, is that you are stirring up trouble here. Take the beam out of your eyes man.

      Note: I make no apologized for assuming your gender.

      • The ones stirring up trouble are those who are not here for the "Freebie".

        If this does not apply to you, then I wasn't talking to you.

      • They have the option to hide it from their feed. But we have a few who don't want others to post it. The websites have rules. They don't want to accept the rules of the website, they don't want to hide it. And they want to control what others can post. But that's a few people. The vast majority of ozbargainers are cool. But the vast majority does not comment. In the comment section, it's mostly the anti-theist or anti-Christianity complaining. But I don't care anymore what they say. I find it beneficial now, as I have an excuse to post youtube videos or articles addressing their objections. Maybe it can benefit someone who is open-minded, not those who already made up their mind.

        • It became clear, rather quickly, that most commenters are in here for no other reason than to disrespect the beliefs of others. We could have a rational discussion with so many if we could agree that we have differing opinions. That would be an honest starting point. At least being told by some that there is no God lets me know that person clearly does not want to hear the message. It's too bad they have to come in here and clobber us over the head with their omniscience.

    • Tbh most bigots I’ve met have been Christians.

      • +3

        Tbh, Christianity doesn't make anyone a bigot. The fact is anyone can be a bigot.

        On the other hand… being Austria, you would meet most Christian bigots since Austria is a Christian country 👌.

        • Maybe bigots are just naturally attracted to Christianity or something. But come time to vote on whether gays are second class citizens or not, it was strangely only the Christian bigots who devoted themselves to that cause.

          • +1

            @AustriaBargain: I know atheists who hates gays, and bash one of my friends. He is actually my friend I would never do that to him. But atheist bash him for no reason other than he is gay. My friend all he was doing is walking down the street. Since he is no violent, he did not hit back. Only end up in a hospital.

            • @gto21: Maybe he should join he Salvation Army, that's a church that would accomodate his views towards gay people. Lost count of the number of SA volunteers who knocked on my door in the lead up to the vote to warn me about teh gays.

              • @AustriaBargain: You should call the cops if the Salvation Army bash the gays like those atheists. Bring me solid evidence, as a Christians, I will call to get them arrested. If you won't do it.

                • -1

                  @gto21: I wouldn't be surprised if those atheist gay bashers had christian parents or grandparents who held negative views of gay people on religious grounds.

                  • @AustriaBargain: That an assumption with no evidence.

                    • -1

                      @gto21: Could be true though. Would be an easy thing to measure, I might see if any keywords bring up an existing study in Google Scholar.

                      • @AustriaBargain: Good luck proving, without doubt, the system belief of their parents. To be fair, you wrote, "could be". Do some research and let me know when it's not a "could be" but 100%. Let me know when you reach 100%. And I'll reply to you. Thanks

                        • -1

                          @gto21: You don't need a shadow of a doubt, you just need statistical confidence. You don't need to survey everyone either, once you survey a certain number of randomly selected people then the results stay the same no matter how much bigger the group of people you survey gets. Science can say with confidence whether or not having Christian parents or grandparents tends to accompany increase ones level of homophobia.

                          • @AustriaBargain: You realise you just prove 'bargainparker' point? You just admit you won't be sure 100%. But yet you keep trying to target one group. Althought we have other religion like Judaism and Islam who believes homosexuality is a sin. Even atheist with no religious ground, you will try to find a way to blame it on Christians. Does not matter who does it you will blame it on Christians. Thank you for proving his case. If a Christian do something wrong I won't blame their atheist, muslims or jews parents. It's here for everyone to see. You commenting was a blessing.

                            • @gto21: Judaism and Islam make up a tiny percentage of people in Australia. It’s not picking on Christianity, if there were no Christians in Australia you can bet that no one would care about the effect Christians are having on their lives.

                              • @AustriaBargain: Who said the incident happened in Australia? That why I found your 'could be' very intersting since you know very little of the case. An example of why your percentage argument fails. For instance the vast majority of grooming gangs in England are done by a tiny community. Yet the percentage of Christians exceed that tiny community.

                                • @gto21: According to your system of belief, wouldn't the burden of proof be on you to proove that it couldn't be as AustriaBargain has already made a claim it could be?

      • +1

        Tbh, almost all Christians I have met personally have been lovely people. The problem as I see it is that we have literally billions of people wasting their lives confusing this childish, bronze-age, wicked nonsense with truth.

  • +10

    I pray every day that we don't get any more religious audio courses but God never listens. It's like he's not even there.

    • +6

      Or he is just answering no

    • People pray to stop cancer, millions of children starving, and natural disasters.
      Don't feel bad that he does not listen to your request.
      If he did, that would be some odd priorities, eh?

  • -2

    Suffering and Evil: The Logical Problem:
    Suffering and Evil: The Probability Version:

  • Creeds pre-date Paul, also pre-date James and Peter!

  • Who wrote the gospel?

  • -2

    Will this religious crap on OzBargains never end?

    • +5

      Why? I am religiously following Ozbargain.

    • Not today and I hope never. It's good we allow anything that is perceived as a bargain be posted, and then we can remove them for spaminess or get downvoted because it is a bad deal.

      If you don't think this is an actual deal, do your part, leave a comment with a valid reason and neg the deal.

      • +2

        OzBargain doesn’t allow sex toys, but they’re more fulfilling and less harmful than religion. Seems like a double standard to me.

        • That's what happens when we start banning things hence why even though this deal is distasteful to me, I would rather see it exist than banned.

          • @[Deactivated]: Then allow everything. Otherwise it’s a double-standard.

            • @[Deactivated]: We should allow everything. I am not in support of the historical banning.

  • -2

    The Census of 'Luke' (supposed biblical error)

  • Thanks - I'm going to order this on behalf of my atheist friend for my other atheist friend!

  • +1

    Spoiler alert
    .. it was Judas.

  • -4

    No deal…in cambodia and other third world country they paying big local $$$ just to listen this crap and corrupt their innocent soul. What does ozbargain community gets for their time??

  • -1

    Free brochure, however long it is, is not a deal.

    If you aren't interested in Credo Courses deals you can simply hide that store from your deal feed.

    Don't like the neg, don't post the spam.

    • Where did I write hide the deals so as not to negs?

      • +1

        Where did I write you wrote to hide the deals and not neg?

        • -1

          You're the one making the assumption - the link is provided because I don't like negs. Can you support your assumption with evidence?

          • @gto21: You're the one assuming I'm making assumptions. What did I assume?

            • @[Deactivated]: "Don't like the neg, don't post the spam."

              • @gto21: And by extension, like neg, post spam. So what's the assumption?

                • @[Deactivated]: Nice try diverting, that what happens when people make claims with zero evidence.

                  • @gto21: Only one diverting is you by claiming I'm diverting. Maybe that's just an assumption, I don't know.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Let me know when you have the evidence for your first claim. 5 message still zero evidence. I'll reply when you can finally bring it.

                      • @gto21: What claim?

                        You claim I made a claim and you want me to provide evidence of said claim. Sounds like claiming there is a God and asking disbelievers to prove otherwise.

  • +2

    Justification for neg, this information is already freely available online. Plus there's also a wikipedia articles on the subject…

    Be warned with wikipedia though, you'll often notice with sentences like "theological scholars widely agree on x", if you check each and every one of those citations, the people who wrote those books and papers, they are often all Christian pastors themselves, so they may be a little biased on whether or not Jesus actually existed as described in the bible, because if they believe he didn't then they wouldn't be Christian in the first place.

    It's like polling botox salesman on whether or not botox is safe to use, you'll find pretty wide agreement if you publicly polled them.

    • +1

      not that im in favour of any of this fighting. but this seems a tad ridiculous. you could say that all of the "udemy" courses are online. Clearly some bias happening here :|

      • Udemy courses may provide you with information or skills.

        Credo provides useless opinion and indoctrination into a franchise that "encourages" monetary commitments.

        Udemy deals are like free tasters.

        Credo courses are like brochures.

      • -1

        I did both Credo Course and Udemy. And the Udemy one was terrible. I never tried Udemy again. But maybe they have good courses as well. But the level Udemy have, I won't find that kind of poor scholarship on Credo. The anti-theist doesn't complain when Udemy has a religious course. Since they benefit from other courses. Or if a moderator posts a deal on religion. Just a group of hypocrites. If I think something is wrong, I will do the same thing on a moderator post and I won't care about the consequences. In summary, the hypocrites only complain depending who post the deal and from what company.

        • Udemy is just a marketplace, they don't make the videos.

          • @abb: No all the videos are made by Credo Courses. What's your point?

            • @gto21: My mistake, I thought Credo made them, or at least performed some kind of curation role. If it's an open market it's kinda weird that they only ever have Christian apologetics courses posted here!

              • @abb: A few videos are made by Credo Courses. But not all of them. They get some from other theologians and apologists. It's not an open market as they won't accept courses from just any teacher. Some of the teachers are considered as world leading expert on certain topics. You can find courses on Atheism and other theistic worldviews. I would describe it as a Christian website. :).

  • +4

    Just an FYI: if you rearrange the letters in 'CREDO COURSES' you get 'ERODES UR COCS'

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