How does eBay refund gift cards (mix payment)?

Was wondering if anyone had experience in this scenario.

I'm going to purchase 3 items in one go on eBay. Let's say:
item 1 - $50
item 2 - $100
item 3 - $200

An ebay gift card of $50 will be used, along with PayPal for the rest of the money.

If I get a refund of Item 1 after the purchase, where will the refund go?
a) All into the gift card,
b) $16.67 to giftcard and rest in paypal, OR
c) all to Paypal;
and why?

I actually asked eBay support, but they couldn't give me an answer. Maybe the experts here know this?

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia


  • +1

    I had a similar purchase in Dec last year ( part gift card and part paypal)… was given back as ebay credit.

    • I see, thats interesting.

  • +1

    The gift card gets reloaded so you just use it again like normal if it is used as the only payment method, not sure what happens when you use more than one payment method in one transaction

  • +1

    You will need to keep the gift card you use because the amount will be refunded to the gift card to the extent of the refund. In order to use the gift card you may need to rekey in the code or it will appear as a credit on the gift card for future use. I had that issue and the order was gift card, cash (paypal), credit card (paypal). Note if you use a discount code it is not refunded. So if your item is $50 and you had 10% off then the refund will only be $45 to the gift card and not $50.

  • +1

    I had a purchase on multiple gift cards that had to be refunded, and the money got lost somewhere along the way, i think they may have been the gift cards purchased from ebay UK which may explain it. But after contacting support the refund went back onto the gift cards which appeared down the buttom of the checkout page under the promotion code box ready to apply to your next order.

  • +1

    The real question, is why are you planning to do a refund before you even purchase the item?

  • I'm in a similar situation right now and not sure what to do:

    Purchased multiple items using gift card ($500) + paid the rest ($30) using paypal online from a clothes retailer
    One item was sent separately and apparently lost by AusPost.
    They issued a refund for the lost item of $2.31, they calculated it proportionally based on what I spent using PayPal while ignoring my gift card.

    Somehow this doesn't feel right to me, I'm following up with them but so far they are not willing to issue more refund or even providing another item with similar value.

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