I Use to Work at JB Hi-Fi - AMA unfiltered

I’ve worked in about 10 different stores in my time at the company, been in every department from apart from whitegoods and carsound.
You could say I’ve been around the block a few times lol…..
If there’s something’s you are curious about, fire away.

Edit - Hey guys, I did leave a few years ago, I wouldnt be the best for asking buying advice on what to buy.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • -1

    What does the JB stand for?

      • Why would a jb hifi ama need to filter anything?

    • +52

      justin bieber

    • +4


      Every corporations "Motto".

    • +5

      Japanese Bikies.

      • +2

        Just Better

      • Just Buy.

    • +26

      You'll have to ask Mr. John Barbuto about that one…..

      • +3

        I thought it was James Brayshaw

      • +10

        It appears that he has passed away is there anyone else I could ask

      • +2

        Never realized that, interesting read. So JB sold his company a decade after founding it (probably for a tiny profit). Brand eventually becomes 7th largest consumer electronics and home appliance retailer in the world. Had he retained just 1% ownership, it would be worth $33 million in 2019.

    • +36

      Bond, James Bond.

      • +3

        I m surprised people didn't think of it earlier

    • Juggy Brodleteen

    • +2

      commitment, audacity, courage

    • Justin Bimberlake

    • -1

      Jim Beam

    • Job Blown. Sorry I can only say it the opposite way.

  • -4

    What's the weather like where you are today?

    • +3

      Winter is here and my balls have frozen over.

      • +2

        In QLD? It doesn't get that cold there.

        • +7

          In Qld, 24°c is considered "freezing".

          • @pegaxs: it was 3 degrees this morning where I am.

      • i GUESS you didnt get a fair deal then

  • +74

    Do you hide when a customer walks into the store like the rest of the staff?

    • +48

      That's not true. They just ignore you if they're busy talking amongst themselves.

    • +60

      Just walk to the TV section, stand in front of a 75"-85" 8K res TV and say out loud "hmmm yeah this is the one I want".

      Staff will come flocking.

      • +61

        “Yeah mate, I’ll be with you in a min” and then they go home for the day.

    • +22

      5 hours later and still no response from OP. Looks like they're hiding.

      • +11

        I was napping! I started this thread because I've been sick all night. :(

    • +48

      I'll say this, if there's one thing our managers did is hound us to hound you customers every time you walk in,
      but as the case with humans is, we can only expend so much energy in a day trying to be super amicable.

      The honest answer is I never did this with any customer who didn't give me a reason to.
      Every new customer I was trained to serve as an opportunity to make a stranger laugh or learn some thing about them.
      This was always the staple of JB hi-fi top-gun sales training. Make your customer laugh, feel comfortable, learn something about them and maybe share something.

      There was the occasional customer who you would serve and you knew their life story, you knew how lonely they were, you knew how he was in a near fatal car crash, you knew about how badly his family was treating him, how he nearly committed suicide(up to this I actually know a customer and I still keep in touch with him on FB) or some horrible kind of Shakespearean tragedy and in those moments you decide whether you've been emotionally drained by the last 5 strangers who chose to be assholes to you and give him his 45 min therapy session that he needs. I'd usually end up choosing to stay and talk with them.

      Then there are those regular shitbags who would come in, waste your time and leave without buying anything, go somewhere else buy the same thing for $5 cheaper and come back to me to set it up. These are the moments I would have to choose flight or fight and that was my experience honestly.

      I'm not going to lie there will be shitty sales people who will only come up to you when you're standing next to the Sony Samsung OLED iMac 90001 LG Remote Control , you'll find them at every store. If you do find a gaggle of sales people doing nothing and not serving you it's because of territory, managers dont like sales territories because staff dont serve customers, but among the sales staff you find some of them making certain areas their stomping ground and not allowing others to serve in their department. This especially happens between newer and older staff.

      If you are looking for someone to help you, walk up to literally any staff and ask them, if you know what you want and you want a price match take it to the front counter the lovely people up there have magic numbers. If you need a bundle of items leave a list of items you want with the counter, ask for a good price and let them know you'll come back.

      I believe this has gotten a lot better in the last 2 years with some restructuring and training given to the staff.

      I hope this answers the questions behind your question.

      I've been up sick all night sorry if there are any typoos or grammar mistakes. I am dead.

      • +32

        Then there are those regular shitbags who would come in, waste your time and leave without buying anything, go somewhere else buy the same thing for $5 cheaper and come back to me to set it up

        Cop that OzBargain!

        • +5

          loloololollo These are usually people not smart enough to use OzBargain and I'm pretty sure everyone here's tech savy enough to do their own config/setups.

      • +9

        If you are looking for someone to help you, walk up to literally any staff and ask them, if you know what you want and you want a price match take it to the front counter the lovely people up there have magic numbers. If you need a bundle of items leave a list of items you want with the counter, ask for a good price and let them know you'll come back.

        This seems like really good 'nuts and bolts' advice.

        As ordinary consumers it is difficult to know what store policy is about things like this from company to company.

        Like many Australians (although perhaps a lower percentage of OzB denizens) I find it can be intimidating awkward uncomfortable engaging in the haggling process, when we are so accustomed to ticketed prices.

        So your suggestion there is of real value; time and face saving. Thanks.

        • Happy that I helped Roman!

          Most staff are pretty helpful, there will be the odd over-ripened avocado in the bunch but most of us genuinely love to help people.

          • +1

            @tobi: how long should a list be to start haggling? i dont like looking like the cheapo i really am

            • +5

              @juki: Honestly it doesn’t matter, just go in with a list of what primary items you need and ask what add ons they recommend. Ask for a bundled price, then ask them if there’s anything they can weed out and make cheaper. Then just choose what add ons to take, one, none or all.

              If you really want just ask the sales people to show you anything interesting/new in store. Even just having a chat like that will improve your odds of getting a better deal.

              You don’t have to buy anything You don’t want to. You can have a list of two or 10 items they will look out for you and I can assure you that if you’re speaking to the right person they’ll think of things you may need to go with your primary.

    • +2

      I logged in just to +1 that.

      • +2

        Thank you Troyrobbo :)

  • +69

    How many piercings and tattoos do you have? Do you have a set rotation of AC/DC and/or Metallica like shirts?

    • +3

      How many piercings and tattoos do you have? Do you have a set rotation of AC/DC and/or Metallica like shirts?

      Do you claim a tax deduction for the cost of buying and cleaning occupation-specific clothing, protective clothing and unique, distinctive uniforms?

      • +21

        Unfortunately not, the ATO dont let us claim that, however if you work in the DVD's/Games section you can claim all those purchases as it's part of your work to review and keep up to date with what's trendy, good and bad.

        • +10


        • +4

          That seems questionable given you can't make the same argument for buying clothes from the clothing store you work in despite being required to wear those clothes… though I guess if you said you have to review and understand the clothes it might be okay?

          • +1

            @sssx: Well I did check with my accountant and he said I couldn’t for the clothes lol.

            You can ask some games coordinators if you’re ever in store.

  • +1

    Why some time stuff price matched very important site and some don't? It is based on the price of the item?

    If there is Australia seller say OW sell below cost, can you still match?

    • +5

      Follow up question. What's a a very important site?

    • +6

      I'll explain what I can without hurting the fun for many who know how JB works.
      The honest answer is, it comes down to the individual Managers call, they can either choose to do it or not.
      I know an occasion where I price matched 2 cameras and both 200$ each below cost. I was a bit aghast with my manager saying yes to it.
      It was a considerably big sale though so it was what probably pushed him over to saying yes.

      This comes down to where the store is on it's weekly/monthly financial goals. If the store is doing great they will sometimes let thing slip, if not they wont. Every below the cost sales gets manually raised on HQ's back end and managers have to sometimes justify why it sold at that price.

      If you want to improve your chances, make the sale worthwhile to the sales person and they will help you out. :)
      I've had many sales where my commission was in the negative but the figures still helped me in other ways like $ value, ips, cps etc

      • +1

        ips , cps?

        is there a time or date making the price match accepted? or just keep trying?

        A busy store or a quiet store has a high chance?

        Thank you your reply

        • +5

          ips - items per sail
          cps - customers per sale

          Your best bet of being served without worry is monday~wednesdays/morning till about 2pm typically. differs between stores really. Look for the person who's been in that store the longest.
          I'd suggest looking on google to see how busy it is with the cool graph feature, calling in advance to see if the person who might know the item your looking at will be in the store, also helps.

          I'll say this, selling 30x$10 SD cards can give more commission than selling a $300 laptop.
          I'm not saying buy 30 memory cards but feel free to ask the sales people how make the sale worthwhile.

          • @tobi: Got it.

            Thank you very much.

            • +1

              @SnoozeAndLose: cph*** - customers per hour

              sorry my brains still waking up

          • @tobi: So True on SD cards i used sell lots of usb stick and headphone to school commission on them was lots. cable to army power changers

      • Were the buyers two shitbags that wasted staff time in another store and then come to you to save money?

  • +1

    How do you know when staff gives you the best price possible?

    • +7

      This is a hard one, the only way to know for sure is by knowing if you've made the sale worthwhile to them, doing some shopping around and come back with a counter offer. Bring anything back as in a comparable device/price and

      If they dont take the counter offer they're probably at the point of giving you the best deal already.

      I might come back and answer this later.

      • Thanks for the insight. Hope you do

    • +2

      They have a PDA that should indicate cost price. If they go under that value it would appear in red. So if they sell $1 above cost should be a good deal :)

  • +53

    Why do they only hire heavily tattooed, overly heavily make up wearing, purple haired militant feminists to work at the payment desk?

    • +190

      Because heavily tattooed, overly heavily make up wearing, purple haired militant feminists are a lot more nice to work with than Jerry from accounting who's had the same haircut for 40 years or Darren who likes doing burnouts in the middle of the intersections with his illegally modded Holden.

      • +14

        This is my favourite AMA response EVER. Amusing and true. Thanks OP.

        • Anytime :D

      • +1

        Poor Jerry, he didn’t deserve this. Accountants can also be extroverts but business norms dictate otherwise. Not fair!

        Seriously, though, the fact that they don’t have “heavily tattooed, overly heavily make up wearing, purple haired militant masculists” manning the payment desk indicates obvious gambit. Everything is intentional and has been crafted to maximise sales and minimise contention.

        My question: I’ve not seen saleswomen on the floor - do they exist?

        • +4

          Let's be honest, if we got Karl from the back dock onto the counter service, we'd end up with customers getting choke slammed, suplexed, coathangered and flipped out of the store.

          ** (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡( \o°o)\ **

          But you are right I'd say, if someone who's a people person is hired they go to the floor, if they're not people persons they go to the back dock or other lower contact positions.

          Everyone ends up serving customers though, there's no escaping it.

          They definitely do exist! They're in every department from carsound to Hi-Fi to games! I do admit there's not an even spread but theyre definitely there!

    • +15

      They also like baking and bring snacks to work.

        • +42

          If a certain group of people seem to always give you a hard time there's 2 things to consider, either their a Gemini or maybe you're the problem.

          You have to realise the counter staff take the full hilt of abuse from customers, they're the first point of most of it at least and then they have to redirect that shit to where it needs to go, the exit or the manager. If you're going to come to the counter people with a stank attitude they will give you all the stank attitude you deserve.

          If you're polite and patient and good to them, they will often give you discounts even though they're not supposed to or help you out in ways you wouldn't think.

          • +17

            @tobi: I've always found JB checkouts to act as though ringing my sale up is a big inconvenience that they can barely be bothered doing. All the while, keeping a conversation going with their colleagues and giving me the most minimal acknowledgement. I honestly thought it was a company culture thing - choose the meanest people and put them on the front so no one wants to ask them for help.

            • +4

              @freakatronic: I can definitely see that happening and see it as being perceived as rude, I'm sorry if you felt like some of the aggression was directed towards you though. It would have definitely been misdirected.

              If they're annoyed at having to call someone down to serve you it's because they've already probably called the same sales person up before and that sales person is probably stuck in the back dock trying to find the mystery Fridge for the customer they're already serving. As a result the counter staff has likely had to deal with a rude customer already.

              So it is naturally easier to serve you as much as they presently can and then have a whinge to the person working next to them who they probably have more banter/rapport with.

              Now this earlier interaction hasn't anything to do with you but it's a bit like they would rather serve you as much as they can and keep the communication to the minimum as they're just people behind the counter and they only have so much empathy/energy to dispense over a 10 hour day.

              I know some counter staff who regularly do open/closes even on long days with a smile and I then saw the same people go home nearly in tears if they didn't already had a cry out in the back.

              Serving people at the counter isn't just scanning your items and all the mechanical stuff, putting on that face for hours a day takes a hell of a lot of empathy and affects you mentally and emotionally.

              My point is that people at the counter are probably just super guarded because customers come in very hostile and lash out at them regularly. Sorry for the ramble.

              • +4

                @tobi: That completely makes sense.

                However some people are simply jerks ;)

                I had a counter staff person get the huffs when I had to return a laptop and replace it with another. Now I am ALWAYS smiley Sally with staff (unless they’re extraordinarily rude) and super polite. The stink eye/vibe this person gave me was phenomenal and could’ve been picked up by Stevie Wonder in a coma. I looked at the receipt for the exchange when I got home and noticed the area where it said Reason For Return she had typed “CusTOMeR NOt LykE KeyBOarD”

                I had to pay it for the funny and meme reference (one of my personal faves), but damn I was still pissed at her attitude.

                • +2

                  @ChocolateTown: lmao that's pretty funny

                  I feel you though. If you still have the receipt I'd recommend voicing how you felt to the store.

                  • +2

                    @tobi: Not worth it, plus I don’t know her name and other staff are always really good there :) she’s just one sour grapes.

              • +24

                @enzso: Her poor customer service does not justify stealing.

              • +11

                @enzso: So you're a thief then. You must be very proud of yourself.

              • -5

                @enzso: Will get negged by all those who think that customers should do the work of staff getting PAID.

                Good on you for scoring free paint. I do the same if Supermarkets cannot provide decent scanners at self checkout - it's not my job to maintain and/or clean them so they scan each item the first time correctly.

                Considering that Wesfarmers lost at least one billion (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-05-25/wesfarmers-to-sell-uk…) in their stupid UK expansion plan what is $300 worth of paint?

                • @IMUSTMAKEMOREMONEY: You're taking something that does not belong to you.

                  This is theft. You are a bad person.

                  • -3

                    @ngengerous: This is the problem with modern times. The customer is not responsible for doing the checkout operators job.

                    All these people preaching about stealing are probably the same people happy to take advantage of a deal on here when some employee has accidentally entered the wrong price on their website. Such hypocrites!

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