• long running

[NSW] Opal Payment by Credit Card or Mobile Device Will Receive The Same Travel Benefits as an Adult Opal Card


From tomorrow (Monday, 29 July) commuters using their credit card or mobile device to ‘tap on and off’ Opal enabled train, light rail, Sydney Metro, and ferry services will receive the same Opal travel benefits as they would using their adult Opal card.

This is an extension to the contactless transport payments trial run by Transport for NSW in partnership with the Commonwealth Bank, Cubic and Mastercard. The trial is also extending to the Sydney bus network in a staged roll-out over the coming months.

Update 24 Sept: Contactless payments are now available on buses as well

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Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW


    • +3

      From the Commbank website:

      Credit card customers with an additional cardholder will be treated individually, allowing the primary and additional cardholders to travel together using each of their cards.

      • Awesome, thanks!

  • Time to earn points

    • +3

      But you'd get more value buying discounted Coles/Woolies GCs with your point-earning CC and paying for top ups with GCs, assuming you have access to supermarkets with top-up function :)

      • Tbh I couldn’t be bothered buying 5% gift cards cards and heading into Woolworths and loading up the card etc, not worth my time

        • +1

          I shop at coles/woolies too sometimes. you know, when I need stuff. Top-up opal at the same time.

  • One day Melbourne can do this… silly myki

    • +1

      Already works for Android users!

  • Does this mean that starting from tomorrow the 30% off-peak discount will apply to credit card payments also? Currently the Opal site still states that "There is no off-peak discount when using an Opal single ticket or contactless payment."

    • +2

      All scheme cards (Mastercard, Visa and AMEX) are accepted, and commuters using contactless payments will now also receive the Opal travel benefits, including:

      • Daily, weekly and Sunday travel caps in line with Opal caps
      • Weekly travel reward (half price after eight trips)
      • The Opal transfer discount
      • Off-peak pricing for train travel
  • +2

    my wife and I both have a bank issued MasterCard which has the same number, same expiry date as well as same cvv code.

    The difference is that she is the supplementary card holder and I'm the primary account holder. Does that count as one card or does that count as two unique cards? My name is printed on my card and her name is printed on her card.

    • Will be very interesting to know what happens in this case

    • That is very odd and should not be (or I've never heard of that being possible/a thing?). How do they split your transactions in your monthly statement??? I would get one of your cards changed to a new card number if I were in your shoes.

      I would assume it would treat as the same card (card number is usually the only thing that they use), unless they are using additional information to differentiate (which I doubt).

      • You'd only get the one statement. This is normal..

        • Yeah I know. But the transactions are listed/grouped per card usually.

          • +1

            @John Kimble: I've never noticed that with my cards before. But yeah it's likely the bank has an issue number for each card to differentiate them.

            • @chriise: It'll get interesting then - if we use that card does that mean if we can technically, build up our Opal trips faster, as long as we don't travel at the same time? :P

      • +1

        IT's a Westpac Altitude Black. I know which transactions are hers and vice versa, but unlike my Amex card which has a different number, it seems to just lump everything together and a third person wouldn't be able to tell whether I incurred the transaction or she incurred it.

        • So weird!

        • I would find that annoying! Especially after paying $400 for the card

        • Bankwest Mastercard has same issue - same number, same expiry date and same cvv code - on my main card and both supps. Statement just lists all transactions together - no separation by person like Amex does.

      • +1

        The card sequence number (plastic number) would be different. This will not be visible on the card but stored in the track2 on the mag-strip/chip.

      • +1

        Westpac and St George give every card on one account (whether primary or supp) the same number, expiry and CVV with all purchases lumped together (probably because of some antiquated system but who knows?), SGB does however have an 'issue number' that is different on each card.

        AMEX and NAB give separate card numbers to each card holder and identify which card was used for which purchase

        • I always thought the CVV was meant to be randomised per individual plastic!

          • @John Kimble: Completely identical, Westpac Group truly has a ghastly system with their additional cardholder cards

    • +1

      My and my wife have this setup too. The last time we used it at Manly it detects the trips separately but charges only one card for the combined prices. So yes they can differentiate the cards at the gate.

      • Crazy. Is it also WBC Altitude Black?

    • From the Commbank website:

      Credit card customers with an additional cardholder will be treated individually, allowing the primary and additional cardholders to travel together using each of their cards.

  • will you get a coles mini if you recharge $30 at coles?

    • +3


    • But you'll sometimes get an ooshi at woolies

    • +1

      You answered your own question..

      • The title literally says no buses as if they’re excluded.

      • Lulz

  • +2

    Official site still says no discount for off-peak tickets

    • The site says same benefits as Adult Opal which then links to a list of benefits including 30% discount for off-peak travel..?

  • +1

    No love yet for those who take a bus and a train in a journey then

  • I see some people tap their wallets. So now they’ll need to be careful?

    • Why?

      • Not the OP but they need to be careful not to activate all the NFC capable cards (credit, debit, Opal) for a charge.

        • +1

          Is there examples of this happening?

          I thought it isn't possible…The reader actually throws an error along the lines of "use only one card".

    • +3

      Tapping your entire wallet has always been bad practice. You may encounter what they call card clash.

  • +3

    Seems like the mobile phone will be our future passport, driver licence, bank card, travel pass and national ID card.

    Our whole identity would our mobile phone that would have to be carried with us all the time. Slow and steady transition that no one is realising.

    • +4

      Slow and steady transition that no one is realising.


      • +1


        Damn, you guys are reading between the lines.

    • literally no one!!!!

      I just wish they'd hurry the F up with the transition.

    • Good. My phone can be at least partially secured by cryptography. Can't say the same for cards which can be photocpied in less than a minute, and cause problems for me for life, by someone with minimal technical expertise.

      I'm "realising" the transition is happening - and I'm actively moving away from services and banks which aren't at the forefront of that shift.

  • How to use mobile NFC for Opal?

    • +1

      Use Apple pay (iPhone), Samsung pay or Android Pay (Android phone).

      • what happens if you tap on with your phone, and then the battery runs out during your commute?

        • You’re in big trouble then, aren’t you? Like digital driver licences when they kick in next month, the onus is on you to have your phone charged and be in possession of a valid ticket when travelling on public transport.

  • -1

    Does this mean that guards with Opal card readers can't check if you've paid or not?

    • +1

      ROFL if you carry 20 amex's and they have to scan each kney

    • +2

      I've been on a train with my Google Pay phone and they were able to check.

  • I'm planning to use my iPhone and pay via Apple Pay. I'm just wondering, how will it know that it's linked to my Opal? Can I still use Apple Pay and Opal card simultaneously and they will both add up to my benefits?

  • +3

    why is this a bargain??

    • Exactly !!

  • hopefully they fix this soon on buses. I've been overcharged twice now, so hesitant to try again

  • so do you get off-peak with this credit cards? Or full charge?

    • It depends on when you tap on. Before if you tapped on at off-peak, you'd get slugged peak rates.

  • -1


    In this article it says: “The rollout means the completion of the contactless transport payments trial run by Transport for New South Wales together with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, public transport solutions provider Cubic and Mastercard.”

    So this works with all banks now (MasterCard)?

    Another earlier article on another sight said it is only for CBA customers.

  • This one good news especially for my husband who lost his opal a couple of times!!!

  • Awesome. I wonder if I pay sometimes with apple watch vs apple pay on iphone with the same card if it can tell it is the same… had a bit of trouble at the gates with both apple watch and apple pay; seems hard to get the reader to acknowledge sometimes compared to the opal card.

  • +1

    Love this. It means I can get my 5 ING transactions all done quite quickly.

    • But then you're foregoing Credit Card points?

  • +1

    I have tried this for a week. It works pretty well using apple pay.

    One day I was charged a default fare when I definitely tapped off. I always wait to see "Tap Successful" on the card reader.

    For anyone interested, you can get a brief summary of your charges on your contactless payment here:

    Just login with your card number. Pretty nifty. Doesn't tell you the exact route but able to spot if a default fare has been charged.

    On the downside, contactless you have to fill out paperwork and post it if you want to claim a fare adjustment and wait up to 20 working days; whereas opal card you can just submit a simple online form and wait a couple of days.

    • For anyone interested, you can get a brief summary of your charges on your contactless payment here:

      How are you supposed to find out the card number on Apple Pay or Google Pay? All Google Pay shows you is the last four digits of the virtual card number so you’re still missing the middle digits …

      • +2

        I just tried and you enter the usual 16 digits number from your plastic card to get the details.

      • +1

        You just enter your plastic/metal card number, and it'll show all tokenized transactions made (whether that's Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc).

        Opinions are my own, not those of $employer.

        • Opinions are my own, not those of $employer.

          Lol, that cracked me up. You gave information, not opinion!

    • Got the same issue as well. However, you can try going to feedback and ask them if there's anyway to submit form other than posting. The customer service person will pass it on to the opal fare adjustment team.

  • When you tap On/Off your credit card, does it display your Credit Card balance (like the Opal card does) or "Available Credit"?

    • No, it just says something like Tap Off Successful

  • Hi ALl, Can we use Mobile Payment Mode and card separately. Will both be treated to be same account or separate ?

  • I am confused - we are from Brisbane, and were in Sydney a year or two back, and got Opal cards then, for some minor travel. My wife is heading to Sydney Next week - she has about $5.20 BALANCE left on her Opal. She has Amex Apple Pay on her iphone and apple watch - am I better off topping up her Opal (I thought I saw something about it working with all forms except buses?) or swiping her Apple Watch…

    She also has one of the Westpac paywear things on her watch band. Will having that and the Apple Pay in close proximity to each other and the "reader" cause problems.

    • You could use the Opal card until the balance is close to NIL and then start using your credit card/Apple pay etc. All public transport modes are now compatible with Tap and Pay so Opal is no longer required.

  • Buses are included now

  • Will still need to use Opal card at commuter car parks.
    transportnsw.info: "contactless-enabled cards and devices (e.g. credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay) are not accepted at Transport Park&Ride car parks."

  • I was wondering if 2 people use the same GPay account linked to the same card, accumulate weekly cap faster and get the benefit? Has anyone tried this?

    • Wouldn't the virtual account number be different on each device?

      I would assume that's how they keep track of the the taps

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