Cheap Mobile Broadband Plan for WiFi Pocket Modem

Hello guys, I’ve just purchased the Vodafone WiFi pocket modem. What SIM cards are you all purchasing for this?
I saw many SIM cards going for cheap but only valid for 30 days.
Looking for SIM cards that will last for 1 year, with a total data size of over 50gb.
Can anyone recommend me one?
Also, I assume SIM cards that has included phone calls can also work for these pocket modems? (As pocket modems are only for data).


  • You've got Ovo doing 15GB on Optus at full speed for $99.95, or Aldi doing 24GB on Telstra Wholesale capped to 100mbps for $95. Or you could order new SIMs from Catch Connect or Kogan every three months. You pays your money…

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