The Best Price You Got When Buying Your Corolla?

Hi everyone

When buying a new car the one bit of information that is hard to find is how much other people have paid for the same model. With that in mind and as I may be buying a corolla sedan soon, I'd like to start a thread where everyone who has negotiated a new 2019 Corolla sedan or hatch price recently (not including tradeins) posts their price here so everyone can see how far down it is potentially possible to go with a new Corolla. Please specify the model if above base model and also any extras that got thrown in to the deal.

Thanks Peter


  • +1

    Have a look at Whirlpool

    • Have a look at Whirlpool

      Or search the threads already on this website.

  • +1

    Whirlpool is the perfect place for "Bigger/better/cheaper than yours" type of posts.

  • +2

    I will ask my grandma and report back

  • +1

    Good idea, but hard to do in practice.

    You really want only sales that involve no trade-in and no finance.

    (You can’t just subtract them from the equation because the dealer is evaluating the overall deal, and they don’t care if you think it’s a 30k car with 5k trade in and 5% finance or a 28k car with 4K trade in and 6% finance.)

    • Yup and no demos

  • If you're looking at the current (outgoing) sedan, it's on run-out with a new model due at the end of the year. Current model has very little margin in it, price for the new one is unknown.

    Hatch is more expensive because it's the all new model.

    If you want the $22,990 sedan, don't delay because they're running out (we have 1 left). New model will be more expensive, like the new hatch, but does offer hybrid

  • Just a heads up, the head unit/navigation in these are absolute crap. They force you to use the Toyota link app which is buggy and user unfriendly. Include in your budget to rip out the system and replace it.

    Maybe the new model will be better but I sometimes drive the current model at work and it is probably one of the most user unfriendly cars I have ever driven.

    • Nope, you don't need to download Toyota Link. Gps doesn't need it, nor does Bluetooth etc

  • +2

    I got my corolla for $1400.

  • I have looked. It varies from state to state and store to store…there is no really Lowest price. But I recommend the corolla hybrid accent sport. I love it,

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