Hit by a Bus Leaving a Bus Stop. I Was Overtaking. Who Is at Fault?

Dear all

The bus was stopped.

I was overtaking the bus, but it starting moving (i.e. left the bus stop) when at the same level.

I was trying to turn left, I had my blinker on. The bus hit me at the rear.

The video shows that the bus was stopped and put its blinker just before I was about to pass it.

So am I at fault or not?


Poll Options expired

  • 692
    Car is at fault
  • 20
    Bus is at fault


    • OP has got to be trolling. Noone can possibly be this dumb (let alone pass the driving tests).

      • +1

        I'm waiting for the day someone makes a post here after driving into the Montague St. bridge, asking if it's their fault.

  • +12

    Struggles to park his car too - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/248128

    Just an all round crap driver by the sound of it.

    • Nice find. That is hilarious.

  • +11

    Should make a new poll.

    What is the dumber action?
    1) Trying to overtake a bus that is indicating out, in order to turn left from the middle/right lane?
    2) Having video footage of the incident, reviewing it, and then posting it online

    • +7

      You forgot

      3) Owning a dashcam that points not to the road but to the dashboard.

      • +4

        Uh, it's called a dash cam for a reason

  • +4

    This is why I can't trust other on the road.

    Too many oblivious drivers who cause an accident and then still ask "so who was at fault?"

  • The bus had its blinker on so that you don't cut him off in his own Lane. You are at fault.

  • +5

    You are at fault. Best thing you can do is admit fault and sign up for a driving lessons to improve and refresh your knowledge.

  • +1

    from OP before revision:

    I don't know if should provide it to my insurance.

    Please do and let us know what they say!

  • +11

    And I bet OP voted himself as Godlike on my previous poll ! 😂😂😂

  • +2

    The fact the OP has to ask whether they are at fault is shocking enough.

  • +3

    OP can I share your video on youtube "Australia Dumbest driver 2019"

    • DCOA would have a field day.

  • +3

    Where’s the video?

    Edit. Found it. thanks pegaxs

  • Pretty simple, when a bus indicates to pull out, give way

  • At least I know why the cylons in Battlestar Galactica had such a bad success rate now.

  • rekt.

    • +9

      There is a video, which has since been removed and the post edited by the O.P. It clearly shows that
      [a] The bus was clearly indicating well before the O.P overtook it.
      [b] The O.P. had no lights on
      [c] The O.P attempted to make a left hand turn from the middle lane with no lights on and without indicating directly in front of the bus he had just overtaken and the collision occured in the bus's lane.


    • +4

      You and op need to go back to driving school.

    • +2

      Bus is like a truck. Try to brakes with passengers inside and see how you will end there.

  • +1

    Another one. Learn the rules, then start driving. Only drivers with no clue of the rules post on ozbargain asking for peer support.

    • +1

      Precisely! And the op has provided video evidence that incriminates them. How dumb is that?!

  • +1

    Had the bus pulled into your lane you would have been at fault. Your video suggests that you are not guilty by reason of cognitive impairment, but whoever gave you the keys needs a good talking to.

  • +1

    For your future safety and everyone else's, always give way to buses.

    • -3

      Thats how bus drivers become more reckless. You know they get quite a high pay? and think they are always right

  • +6

    The bus was already joining the traffic while you got angry because you had to reduce speed and decided it was a good idea to speed even more and cut off the bus. As the bus is quite larger than a car, you had to go into the other lane however cars started emerging and you swerved back into your lane where you mounted the front of the bus.
    Mystery solved.
    I honestly hope you get fined and restricted from driving until you learn how to manage your road rage and learn some basic driving skills and rules, until then, you are a major traffic hazard!

  • +1

    pretty sure, at least in melbourne, there's a sign on the back of buses that says give way to to buses

    • +13

      As OP's lights weren't on, he was unable to see that.

  • +2

    another example that if you have a car accident most likely the other driver will lie

    • lol I read that as "the other driver will die."

      • i also read lie as die, and also read your read as read in present tense.

  • +2

    lmao merges in front of a bus and expects not to be at fault.

  • +4

    Sorry, but I couldn't resist it. OP your lack of common sense, just baffles me. You still need to ask who is at fault ?

  • +6


  • +1

    Title should chnage to : Hit by a bus leaving a bus top. I was overtaking. I am at fault.

  • +9

    I applaud your bravery for coming to this roasting session. You done @#$%ed up A-A-RON.

  • -2

    Hate to say it OP but it is 100% your fault

    It is unfortunet because it can happen to anyone

    I hope you got full comp

      • +1

        Please don't ever get behind the wheel of a car in Sydney…

      • what do you mean the bus driver has a % blame?
        The car is obviously in the blind spot.

        That's why they put warning sign not to overtake turning bus/truck because you could be in blind spot and they won't know you're beside them.

      • +5

        you have a lot of comments supporting the car driver. Have you actually watched the video? What exactly do you think the driver of the bus did wrong or contributed to this accident in any way? the bus stayed in its own lane, indicated early before departing the stop and was then cut off by a reckless driver that merged in front of him with no lights or indicators that had failed to give way to an indicating bus.

        • Dont feed the noobie troll.

    • +4

      WTF? no this can't happen to anyone, unless they blatantly ignore the road rules. this wasn't an accident it was straight up driver negligence on his part.

  • +1

    LMAO Wut? This is even a question? you're at fault OP.

  • The bus has to give adequate warning before pulling out from the bus stop. Adequate warning is 3 seconds. The bus indicated for far longer than 3 seconds. You are at fault.

    Bus drivers often don't indicate sufficiently and think that they have right of way in all circumstances, this was not one of those instances.

    • Under Rule 48 p3, a driver must indicate for a minimum of 5 seconds before they change direction (also applies from a stationary position).

      • Under Rule 48 p3, a driver must be in South Australia to be subject to that rule.

        • +1

          Ruining the fun with specifics. Goddamnit, zeggie. :-)

        • +1

          a driver must be in South Australia to be subject to that rule.

          Im sorry, Zeggie, but from NSW version of the Australian Road Rules 2014, Rule 48, Subrule (3) says:

          (3) If the driver is about to change direction by moving from a stationary position at the side of the road or in a median strip parking area, the driver must give the change of direction signal for at least 5 seconds before the driver changes direction.

          And Qld
          And Vic
          And WA (it's Rule 37 (2a) here on page 71)
          And Tas
          And ACT (page 33)
          And lastly NT (page 102)

          Sorry I didn't get around to places like Rotnest Island or the Torres Strait Islands or Antartica

          • @pegaxs: …You do realise the bus and bus driver is subject to different Rules and Regs, right?


            Rule 77 (1)

            as referred to in Rule 87 (2)

            Rule 48 (3) does NOT apply subject to the Rules above as long as sufficient warning to other drivers is given. They only have to "indicate". Buses have no time limit or amount of time they must indicate.

            (and before you say it - Note 3 in Rules is simply that, a Note. An example. Example in this case being "indicate". If the time limit was a requirement it would be stipulated in Rule 77 (1)(b) )

            Thanks for making me spoil the thread with legalese.

            • +1


              bus and bus driver is subject to different Rules and Regs

              Wasn't talking about the bus or bus drivers or any of those other rules.

              Under Rule 48 p3 a driver must be in South Australia to be subject to that rule.

              You said that Rule 48 (3) only applied to drivers in South Australia. I just provided links to every other state and territory where rule 48 (3) was active (which, incidentally, is all of them). I wasn't saying if it was the right law or not.

              What you didn't say was "No, that is the incorrect application of Rule 48, what @gadgetguy should have said was…" and then insert all of that about Rule 77.

              And because you speak legalese, can you point out in the current road rules legislation, where bus and bus drivers are exempt from rule 48? Or can you point me to these "different Rules and Regs" that only pertain to bus and bus drivers?

              (and before you say it - Note 3 in Rules is simply that, a Note. An example. Example in this case being "indicate". If the time limit was a requirement it would be stipulated in Rule 77 (1)(b) )

              It is noted, and note is referenced back to 48 (3) and the stipulation in 48, is 5 seconds.

              for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians—see rule 48 (2) and (3).

              And we have come full circle, back to 48 (3) that tell us what is considered "sufficient warning"…

              • @pegaxs:

                You said

                Because of that poster's previous post. Check. It was tongue in cheek.

                can you point out in the current road rules legislation, where bus and bus drivers are exempt from rule 48?

                Already did. Rule 87 (2).

                The hint is when it commences with "However, the driver of a public bus"

                Again, I'll refer to you my comment that a Note is an example. There is no time requirement stipulated in the Rules. If it was intended to specify 5 seconds then it would, trust me. I'll let you spend your own time researching the purpose of a Note further.

                And we have come full circle

                No we haven't. Because this incident doesn't even involve these rules. OP didn't enter the bus lane until in front of the bus and merged directly in front of the moving bus causing the collision the bus couldn't avoid.

                Thanks for taking a tongue in cheek comment into this :)

  • Car driver is toast. Avoid court. Do not challenge.

  • +4

    and there are actually 6 people who believe it's the bus driver's fault? smh

    • +10

      Six people who think this is hilarious and want the OP to keep digging.

      • Oh shit, can I change my vote? I wanna vote bus now so OP challenges the decision.

  • +1

    That video's epic………..don't know why the OP would post it other than to troll the internet.

  • +1

    Most drivers have this problem… They know what they want to do in a few moments time and still do it no matter what the situation. Which causes crashes, queues, road rage etcetc

    Ie. You want to turn left after the bus, but even though you could see the bus indicating and setting off as you pass, you still did it without reading the situation and thinking of the consequences.

    Eg2… I want to turn right, but I'm not waiting in the queue to turn right, so I'm gonna drive past the queue in the straight on lane and push in… Ooops… That car in the right turn lane is going faster than expected… Still continue with my plan… Crash… Try to blame the other driver for not letting me cut him up

  • Camry or corolla?

  • The Wheels on the bus go round and round… until you crash into the bus.

  • +10

    For your future safety and everyone else's, always just take a bus and stop driving.

  • +1

    Imagine being that wrong, OP.

  • +4

    The other vehicle being a bus isn't even the main point here. OP merged into another lane without right of way. OP would have been at fault regardless of what kind of vehicle the other vehicle was.

  • mspaint drawing please.

    Then destroy said drawing as it will incriminate yourself

  • +1

    hand in your license please. Someone had to say it~~

  • -5

    Not that it changes who’s at fault, but I don’t think the bus is indicating, in the video if you look in the top left as OP turns the corner and straightens up, the left indicator is also flashing, which I think is the buses “flashing lights” sequence to alert people to take care and generally give way as there will be pedestrians around etc.

    • +1

      Not sure what video you're looking at, but the FRONT RIGHT indicator is clearly visible in the reflection of the OPs bonut. This is not part of any "flashing lights" sequence except for the flashing light sequence of indicating.

      • I’m not saying the front right indicator isn’t flashing.. I’m suggesting that ALL the buses indicators are flashing, as they would if you hit the “hazards” button and not just to indicate his intention to pull out

        • Actually no, you can see the bus was indicating right only to commence driving if you zoom into the reflection in the bonnet… the "hazards" / left indicator are not flashing

  • +1

    That was one of those defining posts requiring you to immediately YEET IT and start afresh.

    You cannot go back to using that account now.


  • +1

    Not sure if it is a troll post but you could face charges given the massive negligence of your driving. Your oblivious nature to the offense further demonstrates that you should face a year long suspension from driving.

  • +1

    OP is a bad driver.

  • +3

    If I was the OP I would be going to court and suing Will Keith Kellogg for coming up with the idea of putting driver licences in his breakfast cereal products.
    With the millions, you will win spend a few dollars getting the dashcam professionally installed.

    I fail to see how you can even remotely think the accident was anyone else's fault.

  • +1

    You are extremely ignorant of road rules and are a threat to yourself and to other road users. Please do our society a favour and stop driving immediately.

  • +1

    If you have to ask who's at fault then maybe you shouldn't be driving…

  • -1
    • Nah not the same story

      • Wonder what made him even think it was?

  • +1

    This sets a new standard for a blatant lie or stupidity.

    When others ask similar questions, example, and they are so resistant when everyone else tells them they are at fault, one must wonder if they truly believe their lies or are simply stat oblivious to their stupidity.

    I wonder how many other lives have you put in danger because you thought you saw x y z..? How many peds did you fail to see when crossing the road? How many red lights did you run and thought otherwise?

  • -1

    Bus driver saw you being trying to pull a swifty and thought F it I'll floor it and ram him. You're at fault but… unlucky.

    • +1

      I wouldn't blame the bus driver because I'm sure this person was the 37th one to cut off the bus on that fateful day, and the bus driver will tolerate no more than 36 arseholes per day. He just won't!

      • -3

        You know they get quite a high pay? should they think they are always right

        • +4

          for dealing with fk wits that ride the bus and people like op who think they have right of way, pay is probably proportional.

        • If you really thought they were getting "quite a high pay", you would be driving a bus as well. Let me know when it's high enough for you to quit your job to go drive a bus, and I'll be all ears.

        • +2

          Did a bus driver take your partner? Second time you’ve made that comment.

      • Haha once you hit the cut off limit…. goodnight.

  • "just before" = several seconds before
    How many pedestrians have you hit because they hadn't started crossing yet?

  • For everyone saying the lights arent on, they definitely are, or at least parkers. BUt I reckon they are and they hit the high beams.

    • +6

      Not convinced. High beams are usually more focused and narrower beam to penetrate into the distance. When these lights went on, they flooded the ground just in front of the car with light. This is what low beams do. They are a low level flooding light.

      As the car moves past the back of the bus, there is little to no reflection off the back of the bus, even with the reflective markers on them. High beams would have lit up the back of the bus like a christmas tree.

      Travelling down the side of the bus, there is almost no light shed onto the side of the bus or onto the road in front of OP's vehicle.

      At best, OP had parker lamps on only and turned the lights on fully after they were hit.

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