iPod Touch 5th Gen - Anyone knows about the features?

Anyone know any features for the up and coming 5th gen ipod touch.
I heard that it will feature a 3D display can anyone confirm this?
What will the price be and the amount of Gb they are selling?
ALso list what you would like to see on the 5th Gen Ipod touch


  • I would LOVE to see GPS in it. Makes life easier when using GPS-related apps. Like walking guides etc. Also having a better camera - on par with iPhone (new one should have 5MP or more ) would be nice.

    • +1

      The specs on the touch will always be below the iPhone that way they can push the iPhone and get more sales out of it.
      Most likely an upgraded camera to 3MP back and 1.3MP front
      Inclusion of GPS is possible but not likely
      3D display is likely but depends on if they want to push it on the iPhone first.
      Price decrease
      Better sound chip
      More ram
      A new processor might be thrown in even though the 4th gen already got an update (since more and more games are becoming processor hungry so they can keep aps usable on both iPhone and iTouch)
      That's about it not much more they can do

  • +7

    I have heard that it will run on Android

    • gold

  • +2

    They should at least add USB 3.0 support for it. Having to sync gigabytes of data is a pain with USB 2.0.

    Then again, Macs don't have USB 3.0 but only use thunderbolt and firewire …

  • It seems that no GPS on it.

  • the new touch will have totally new packaging. when you open the boxm it will have a not that says, GET AN IPHONE!

    so you get an iphone. and you open the box. there will be a note that says "Get an android phone!!"

    **Disclaimer. I do have an iphone. I also have an android phone.
    I have 2 phones so that I can call myself for a chat

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