Deta Smart Plates & Switches

Hi there,

There's always discussions on those Smart Switches, whether they are Australian certified. I have just randomly came across the Deta ones on Bunnings site. I am not sure when did they released these smart switches but they should meet the Australian standard. Has anyone tried them before?…


  • It would be illegal for Bunnings to sell them if they didn't meet Australian Electrical Safety Standards. Their website specifically mentions the standards and I'm sure someone around here could probably dig up a specific certificate.

  • I personally hate that style of switch. Nothing worse than fumbling around in the dark for a flat switch and trying to work out how to turn it on.

    My in-laws have them and they are painful IMO.

  • I like that idea because that's the way to go with Smart House. If you change your light bulb to a smart bulb, you need to keep your switch turned on.

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